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Things i don't like in PRO



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41618 All those asking for the game to be harder, more grindy are the ones that are afraid of competition. Dont say its all about pvp if you want it to be grindy. If you want pvp, give easy access to everything and bring it on! What you want is seal clubbing where the you and anyone with lots of time can get a bad REMOVED team and wreck anyone else who isnt a nolifer. If you want to be a nolifer, go on, be one, but dont force it upon others.

its not all about pvp, a intresting story is also nice , more harder the story better it becomes, game diffciculty is seriously very low, i hope in hoenn the lvl of e4 are like lvl 80+


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41620its not all about pvp, a intresting story is also nice , more harder the story better it becomes, game diffciculty is seriously very low, i hope in hoenn the lvl of e4 are like lvl 80+


That would be fine, but I am at Kanto E4 and allready have 60h gameplay. Johto will take a similar time I guess, thats allready 120h of gameplay and not even near pvp yet, only beating the game so I can get access to every area and start farming poke for pvp. After that comes EV training. I would say it takes around at least 200h to get to pvp which is a LOT! Most players give up before that and then there isnt many players that can put a good fight in pvp. I dont want that... nether should you.


And yes, story is nice and any pve content would be warmly welcomed since not everyone is crazy about pvp. But harder =/= better, thats only true if the reward is realy exceptional, maybe a legendary that only apears once every month and one has to go trough hell and come back to get it would be nice, on the other hand it would mess up pvp.

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40706 The game is pretty good so it's pretty hard to find things that i don't enjoy buy i'll try :


-The lack of fast transportation ( even for a price ), with the disappearance of fly traveling in the game has become really bothersome... Training your Pokemon, meeting with a friend, learning techniques, catching anywthing...Everything has become a hassle and you have to really think your travel to optimize time. I don't feel like it was what pokemon was designed for.

And while i do appreciate that this makes the server more lively ( since you see people running everywhere now, its pretty neat ) i still believe we need some kind of transportation.


-Elite 4 timer.

While i agree this is a good idea i wish it was something like 12 hours.


-Rewardless PVP

Give us somethiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ! Encourage people to battle the shit out of each others !


That's pretty much it, and i know that transportation and animation are most probably a work in progress.


Yeah and sturdy is bullshit.


we already have transport facility aka subway system

and i agree with e4 timer when i 1st tried it found abt 24 hour timer it was annoying.

who cares abt serious pvp tbh with lack of every move,ability , battle glithces,no spectate mode,gen 5 and gen 6 mixup etc

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we need to stay in a poke center to trade -- WTF??

we dont have a pop up to show our pokes cacthed with our team are full - (lol)?

npcs reset.. i'm with all team lvl 100 and i'm forced to battle with a bug trainer with 6 cartepie lvl 6, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!


sorry for my english.

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41675 we need to stay in a poke center to trake -- WTF??

we dont have a pop up to show our pokes cacthed with our team are full - (lol)?

npcs reset.. i'm with all team lvl 100 and i'm forced to battle with a bug trainer with 6 cartepie lvl 6, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!


sorry for my english.

I renamed your account. Your alias, I am finding it offensive towards some.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Well. I really like this game.


Only thing that I don't like that Nikola doesn't want to battle me :Angry:


Total playing time 200h and still having fun in it :p Started on a comp team. Waiting on Hoenn and Orange Islands now :Smile:


You guys are doing an awesome job, btw. Pls look at Rock Tunnel 1 / 2. Some tiles are off there (I think, purple square in a cave :confused: )


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41675 we need to stay in a poke center to trake -- WTF??

we dont have a pop up to show our pokes cacthed with our team are full - (lol)?

npcs reset.. i'm with all team lvl 100 and i'm forced to battle with a bug trainer with 6 cartepie lvl 6, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!


sorry for my english.

I renamed your account. Your alias, I am finding it offensive towards some.


OMG my name is soooo offensive!! i'm just soo offended looking at it... >.> Red?



Also i really like when Cerulean City had a stadium I was hoping that all the cities would have their own stadium where trainers would conduct PVP and hold tournaments. Disappointing.

If each city had a stadium or each major city it would feel like a pokemon universe where trainers can use said stadiums and battle plus the look was really cool.

"You can Jail a revolutionary, but you can't jail the revolution" Fred Hamption Jr


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