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Things i don't like in PRO



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-SO my question now is, what is the problem?

1) there is no problem but there is something that i think it will make the game too easy:

let's have a look on the availibility of TMs: why should be an npc selling them instead of looking for them in killing pokemon instead (a drop)?

I just dont like getting things easily! it is an adventure game after all.

And the same thing goes on Items which you have just to walk to get them!however there are many alternative ways to get them:

1)killing some rare poke.

2)defeating a specific npc

3)finishing a quest

4) looking for a well-hidden treasure.

5) selling them in auction


And you sid that i think it is easy because i was a tester! but i'm no longer a tester and i have a team of 80s and 90s and i have a full-bag too!

btw! it took me 24h to defeat e4 with flying color! do you still think that this is the way the game should be?

I know that the game is under-developement and could be far better! and i will keep suggestions things to improve it more and more.

anyway! i know that most of the players won't agree with me.

i appreciate that beside the DEVs' busyness,they can find time to relpy on our posts!!! gl staff


Thats pretty much what I feel better too...Game should not be that easy...as this is a MMO. PVP is one of the main thing here. and thiese changes can make a huge diffrence.

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Okay, i've read enough of this thread to realize how this is going to be, so I guess i'll have to say what i dislike about the game so far.


1. Member only pokemon. I don't like the idea of this game going towards p2w. Yeah it helps with costs, but i'm sure there's something else you guys can offer than that. I understand the mounts, and the exp gain. But pokemon idk.


2. I think i saw shane talk about the ev system which if the pokemon you're training is a lot higher than the poke, the ev gain might be less. If you want to train ev wise with a high level poke, i don't think you should suffer like that.


Honestly i have no problem with the stat enhancing items. We all can get it and with ingame money(I hope). The only problem i see with this is source of ingame income. So far the only option to getting pokedollars is selling pokes, or through the storyline. Depending on the payout, it might not be worth it. So there will be a division of people that would rather save to do it on their own, or buy it if impatient. New players are at an disadvantage anyway due to leveling, so evs shouldn't matter until storyline. It's not such a big gap.


1. You actually suggest that we don't say a thanks to a donator and remove those spawns out of game? That being said, we don't force anyone to donate. Other low end games have their Pokemon being sold directly through the store, effortlessly, I am pretty sure this is not damaging in any way. Above all, we aren't giving anything to members that normal players can't obtain. They are able to get some stuff sooner however. And again you have rates and effort needed to get something. Keep in mind that I introduced the coins being obtainable by a non donators as well. I am sure you forgot about that one. With enough number of coins you can buy membership or something else. However, in order to get coins, you will need to put effort.


2. So far I havent noticed issues with ev system. Only thing I know about is lack of super training, but that was done on purpose due to this being an MMO.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Guest UnknownUser11

Um.. 1. This is not going towards pay to play at all, you can trade members anyhow. So it makes not much difference. Its not like only they can obtain them.

Most of these members pokemon are obtainable to free to play. just rarer anyway. There is no pay to win in this game..

Everything purchasable will be clothes and things, and the MS benifits dont impact fairness at all..


We do need to stay online you need to realise..



The EV system, i think you need to brush up on your Pokemon.. Because that is exactly how the EV system works in the hand held..

Ill paste the formula here, and you see exactly how it works.. it is lower at lower levels.. so please before you post.. have some backup knowledge to back your claims


HP Stat = ((IV + 2 * Base + (EV/4)) * Level/100) + 10 + Level

Other Stats = [((IV + 2 * Base + (EV/4)) * Level/100) + 5] * Nature


You can see EVs are divided by 4 clearly, and times by the level on a scale of 0 to 1..

So you can see per 4 IVs you get 1 stat at level 100..





Personally, i think you are complaining for the sake of complaining, all your claims really have no backing or reasoning..

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We do need to stay online you need to realise..



The EV system, i think you need to brush up on your Pokemon.. Because that is exactly how the EV system works in the hand held..

Ill paste the formula here, and you see exactly how it works.. it is lower at lower levels.. so please before you post.. have some backup knowledge to back your claims


HP Stat = ((IV + 2 * Base + (EV/4)) * Level/100) + 10 + Level

Other Stats = [((IV + 2 * Base + (EV/4)) * Level/100) + 5] * Nature


You can see EVs are divided by 4 clearly, and times by the level on a scale of 0 to 1..

So you can see per 4 IVs you get 1 stat at level 100..





Personally, i think you are complaining for the sake of complaining, all your claims really have no backing or reasoning..


Didn't really answer anything. I believe you said EV gain was lower at HIGHER levels. As in if you caught a poke at level 50, and ev trained against a poke in the teens, ev gain would be less than normal. I don't think this response was necessarily needed. And in other games it's not like that, unless it already had evs from training it by levels.



As for the needing to stay online, i already said what i needed to say. You're just repeating what i said about you guys staying online. Yeah I understood you need to stay online, so idk why you added that part in. Like i said earlier, you guys don't really need to put pokemon in that condition for only members to obtain. Yeah you can obtain member only pokemon through trading with a member, but in a mmo environment all i see is someone selling them overpriced in ingame money. If they're not your friend that is.


You are failing to explain to me why do you say as if non members are able to catch same pokes?

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Guest UnknownUser11

I doubt you will find a MMO that doesnt have members only features.. I believe thats the point to pay.

Gotta make money somehow, and its not even a game changer. You dont need those pokes to win.


As for the EVs, I highly doubt i said that. I built them to handheld specs. And would of explained this.

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Guys u gotta remember while yes, members get access to pokemon non members dont right now. The key word is RIGHT NOW. Most pokemon will be available to catch in their own region maps. We're currently mapping the last bits of johto and about half way through hoenn. And a couple of sinnoh maps have been done too.


POKEMON WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL. I cant stress that enough.


However if people feel the need to complain about how the MS benefits are structured moan at me. I was the one who decided what we should give as MS bonuses, based on experiences of several of these other so called good pokemon MMOs (which while i did play PWO for 6 years, it wasnt even remotely good, juwt the people who played kept me there, and ive played PCO and pokeMMO). We ultimately decided not to sell pokemon in the donation stores, because i mean who the hell would want to pay $10 a pokemon, its a damn ripoff. We are all pokemon gamers wanting to make a game for people to enjoy, from people who know about pokemon and how it should really he.


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Like i said earlier, you guys don't really need to put pokemon in that condition for only members to obtain. Yeah you can obtain member only pokemon through trading with a member, but in a mmo environment all i see is someone selling them overpriced in ingame money. If they're not your friend that is.

Member pokemons are not exclusive to members only. Members can obtain certain pokemons before other players or get a better encounter rate than non-members but few member spawns are not so easy to find either. Non-members will have the chance to catch all pokemons later when they do progress in game.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Guest DevXDroid

A tiny thing - movesets. While the game employs gen 6 typings and some pokemon have their 6th gen movesets, a large majority don't. I realize that you guys also have bigger needs to address, but updated Gen 6 movesets for all pokemon would help make an already brilliant battle system even more fun. Just my two cents.

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A tiny thing - movesets. While the game employs gen 6 typings and some pokemon have their 6th gen movesets, a large majority don't. I realize that you guys also have bigger needs to address, but updated Gen 6 movesets for all pokemon would help make an already brilliant battle system even more fun. Just my two cents.

This is the plan; update TMs, Moves, Learnset, etc to Gen VI. It may take a bit of time to do so though.


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Guest Coby

About getting level up:


PCO was really hard, as you said, 1 month to get lv 80... max 90 in 1 pokemon... that admin idea was really bad!

Because, not all players are No Life. So, when these players get tired of difficulty, many of them will try to use some program to get benefit or given up of the game.

Like happened in PCO, and this ruined the game.

A easier game (to lvl up) will allow more people get a strong team, and this may reflect a more difficult and better "guild war".


Even though the game get harder, one day, even if it takes years, everyone will have a team level 100, so, why retard it for years?


Just a opnion, see ya.

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