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Parting from staff, but not a goodbye!

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Hey peeps!


Just want to keep everyone in the know that I'm leaving resigning as a staff member.


It's not for any bad reason, but because as a young player who graduated, I'm currently taking my first steps as an adult by snagging a job.


I want to thank my peers in the staff for making my four months as apprentice who became a full fledged Trade Moderator great and give them my up-most thanks for letting me be apart of a greater project for Pokemon fans everywhere. I also do want to thank our ex-staff members who got me into the staff in the first place. Without them, I wouldn't be making this goodbye in the first place for the many months I have been here.


Though like the topic name, I won't be gone forever and I still be playing this game as a player.


Thank you everyone for making my experience as a staff member, a player, and a Pokemon fan the best it can be.





P.S. Good luck to all our future workshop users/staff and our current staff. Try to strive for the best to keep the Revolution name going.

#Team Revolution

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Will miss you :( Hope to see you again soon! :boot:



Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Congratulations and best of luck in your new job Piine!

As I said earlier, I'm happy you're moving on but sad too. You will be missed.. and those terrible jokes, kinda. Hue hue.

Take care!


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