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This post will help players can adding more idea about PC box without make several topic in suggestion.


Sources and reference:

1.For the better storage! XD Soojin


214701 Hi,

About the new storage, actually im expecting to have lock or favorite feature.

Can we have this feature?

People already talk about folder for pokemons in storage, but i think to have lock or favorite feature is more simple.

Lock/fav pokemons can be at first box, top priority.

Pokemons can be more safe, so we wont have an accident for deleting great poke.

We can choose for poke that we want to keep for later or no, by making them locked or faved.

For now, im a bit confused to have random placing for poke in storage, thats why im suggesting this feature, lock or favorite.


The new feature is good, but it only applied to 1 box/page.

Its better to have this type if we only have 1 page for storage.


Thank you, and sorry for any mistake in this topic i made.


2.Button release in pc box Mushrambo


205845 I was thinking if they upgrade the pc box system, if its possible to replace the "release button " by "send pokemon to prof. Oak ".

Its would make the same than release, but only chance the text, for example :


Button release : are you sure that you want to release this pokemon ?

Button send : are you sure that you want to send this pokemon to prof. Oak ?


The motive to this is by dont feel bad when i release "abandoned " a pokemon, with this way all will think that we give to prof. Oak for their collection


3.PC Box Revamp [A change to the new] Zatash


213703 I know you guys warned not suggest about things that are being worked on. Well I just saw that post and with the new Box I have to ask for a change. The new box is awesome but for people that play on low resolutions or Window Mode(My case) the release button is to close to your party so probably there are gonna be some accidents.


My suggestion is just to change positions from left side to right side. Either way great job on this change and looking forward for more :Grin:


PS.: I know we can change the box position just dragging it away but the default position is bad, and sometimes we can't waste time moving it arround :Smile:


4.Box Storage and Hellooo! cloudsquall


213737 First of all, this is my first post, and i'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making a dream come true. This game is pokemon how it should be.

About the new storage system: I was wondering why there is a need to use boxes at all? I mean, maybe it is for being more true to the original expierience, but my suggestion would be to get rid of boxes altogether. Maybe that way a better search function could be more easily implemented.

Maybe we could just have a long scrollable list, with different searches, which i know are being implemented in the near future, like pokedex number, when it was caught etc.

Another suggestion i would add is folders. Named folders in which you could organize your pokemon as you'd like.

What do you say?



One to be suggestion about PC box revamp? Follow this step:

1. Read careful about this topic How to improve your suggestion and thinking the validity and reliability before suggestion. It means your idea can be good, but is it impossible to code? is that complex? Is that really important?

2. Write suggestion in this topic, beware it only for purpose to summary for saving time to looking it. It not mean anything you write in here will 100% sure to implement. Any picture to illustration your idea can be good support too. Enjoy!

3. Feel free to feedback and criticism to any idea in this topic. But keep it PG.

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If he wants to make it perfect:


1. Add compartments for your own categories. Like somewhere to divide out your syncs, epics, level 100s, etc. (already confirmed under construction)

2.I think right click options would be a cleaner option:

  • Move to party

Nevermind android incapable of right clicks

3. Sort degree bubbles a) by current box b) by all boxes

(image wont upload rip)

4. Insert pokemon into box without swapping (between two pokemon)


5. Sort by pokedex number. (low priority and probably a lot of work)

6. Actions reset afk timer. (low priority)

PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


Pearl's Guitar SHop- My Trade Thread (Blue server)


[glow=red]It can't get Eddie Vedder than this.[/glow]

I think the pc could show also the gender of the pokemon, i was thinking of that just now because I was checking my combee...

Maybe above the type.


--Windy edit for suitable word--

About the fourth suggestion.. Its a good idea but also a bad one.As for me I like to keep it in different boxes and problably some people like to do it too.

I use box1 for pokes i used on story and 2º box for my shinies and 3 4 5 for my lvl 100... and I like to keep them organized in different places. I see how your suggestion is good but if the PRO team works for that, my suggestion is to add a tab system where you can have like 3 or 4 different things like:

Tab1: Newly Caught(All your recent caught pokes appear here)

Tab2: Favorite Pokemons(Taking suggestion 1 has example)

Tab3.. 4 ..: Trade or other stuff... that we could choose.


That probably would give them a lot of work, and the PC is good as it is for as long as they want to give it a great overhall

There is also a lot of other things they can try out. The showing the type on the PC is cool but not necessary as when you caught a pokemon you probably know is type already. But its usefull none the less cause helps you find your poke faster cause of the different colors.

The gender suggestion is something I never realized as I normally always click to check stats either way but Its a good suggestion too.


This is my personal opinion on the topic and I think they should place the PC stuff on a low priority since they change it recently.

Keep with the good work PRO Team :Grin:

I think currently what we need the most is this:


1. Add compartments for your own categories. Like somewhere to divide out your syncs, epics, level 100s, etc.




The ability to sort the entire PC based on pokedex number would be nice too, especially for those offering dex service or want to start offering dex service.

To me the main thing missing is that we can't sort ourselves pokemon, that is in the original pokemon series and this is what the pro pc miss the most to me...

Also, sorting is kinda useless if it just sorts pokemon in each box instead of globally in the pc but it's not what i want most.

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

pokemon storage box


<t>so i've been trying the new box system, it looks great, but i'm missing some features that might be handy :)<br/>

for one, i think a lot of people could benefit from a sort on pokemon dex number since this will mean the pokemon will be sorted also on region which will make it easyer to see what you have from each region, handy for mew, celebi and jirachi quest. also personally it would mean finding pokemon much faster as i kinda know the dex by heart :D also some people said to me, when i was asking about my idea in the chat, that they would like a multi selection for releasing pokemon.<br/>


the game is awesome and thank you for all the time you guys spend to keep us so happy<br/>

much love <br/>


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