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Mandatory introduction post... :D

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Hello, Pokemon Revolution.


My name is Paid! That's my in-game name too, of course. I'm not new to Pokemon, but I am to this multiplayer idea. I love it, though. Nothing is better than sharing Pokemon with your friends. (That is if I can actually get them to play.) I've already bought the membership to show my support for this awesome game and am nearly done with Kanto. I plan on completing the Pokedex (excluding uncapturable/unseeable Pokes.) I also want to make a team for every tier. Anyways, if you actually read this, thanks for reading! :Grin:

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Welcome to the PRO community Paid! Personally the first thing i bought was a mount then a membership after completing Kanto's E4, you will really see the use of membership, once you reach about level 75, you'll see other people and they may as well still have level 45's :) Enjoy!

IGN: Karry48

Server: Red

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time with the community and game!


(I've seen you in the Discord btw :3)


Thanks to Shak404 for this amazing signature!

[glow=red]Come join the Pokemon Revolution Online IRC![/glow] https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.atomicedge.org/pro,pro-support


The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-Albert Einstein

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Welcome to PRO. Enjoy your stay :Grin:

[CENTER][I]"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."[/I][/CENTER]
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