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Penalty for LEAVER in Ranked PVP


<t>Should those leaver get a punishment?</t>  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. <t>Should those leaver get a punishment?</t>

    • NO JUST NO

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Well as Shane state in this post https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=42604 we wont get any PVP coins if the opponent disconnecting.


the ones from winning a battle ingame can take awhile to update. says that in the change log. and will show up anyway if you relog.. So there isnt a problem.

you dont get coins from someone disconnecting, because that is not a win. although I have plans to make AI take over if that happens, so you can win still.

The main problem is some people disconnect purposely when they only have 1 or 2 pokes left and have no chance to win, so their opponent wont get any PVP coin. This is very disgusting, I won 44 Matches and only get 29 coins. Don't you think its kinda lame?


Then i come to an idea that will punish those leaver, please take it as suggestion.

Make those leaver lose 1 coin when they leave a match, because making AI will take more time i believe. The winner wont get coin YES since its not a win like Shane stated before, but the leaver will get their punishment for leaving a match. There is a punishment for a leaver in most competitive game like DOTA, and i think PRO need one now.




EDIT #1:

Summary by 'Coop33'

248211 Imao, Wall of text. xd Whoops, sry. :P


Well, to make it clear and sum it up:


As it is in the moment: U get no Coins for winning, if your opponent DC´s for whatever reason. This results in a bad feeling for the winner. So the only one who gets punished here is the winner of the battle. Thats just not ok and unhealty for the environment of battling. U shouldnt have a won battle ended with a bad feeling.


Solution 1:


Then u could add a surrender-button (prevents u from going into queue again, if there even is one. Otherwise you are just 5 secs faster than simply relogging after DC). So here the winner always gets a coin. Could ofc be abused by simply coin farming if u have a friend to go with in queue at same time. One time u win, one time your friend wins and so on. 20 matches a day, easy mount. If u dont have friends who gonna do this some ppl might do it with their 2nd account. Not allowed ofc and will most likely end in a perma-ban but ppl always take those risks for whatever reason. PPl already could do that 2nd account thingy for rating in former seasons. Here is the question how many staff is available and has time to look into this often enough to prevent ppl from abusing this. Cant tell, tho. Also depends on the community.

Thats a bad thing too, but it doesnt result into an unhealty pvp-environment. If u go into pvp as a casual player and u beat them in a casual way u get your points and coin. No bad feeling for the winner. Better than as it is at the moment in my opinion.


Solution 2:


Then there is the possiblity of punishment for the leaver. Also better than a punishment for the winner in my opinion. U are forced to play the battle to an end or you lose points and a coin. Now it gets a bit more complicated:

- The winner always gets the coin. Tho less ppl would disconnet, if they lose the coin + coin farming isnt abusable as mentioned in the first solution.

- The winner doesnt get the coin as it is at the moment. Still less ppl would disconnect, which results in more coins-earning for the winner! But no one wins in the end in case of unintentional DC, bad feeling for both. Some ppl also might think (future): I already have enough coins and what i wanted, idc if i lose a coin, mainly i want that my opponent doesnt get a coin so i just dc/surrender on him!" Sad, but the truth.^^


Then there is another way of penalty. U could add a time-penalty. So in case of DC u are not allowed to enter queue again in the next 10-30mins. Which time would be the best? I dont know. Hard to say. It mainly results into the same results as with the coin-penalty. Since u dont lose a coin, abusing the system with a friend 2nd account is a bit harder but still possible. I really dont know if thats better than a coin-loss.


So in case of an unintentional DC its a bad feeling for u too. I dont know how many ppl have the problem but letz say:

U play 10 games a day, u disconnect once. So u get 1 coin less. Thats a pity but hey, u just lost 1 Coin. Overall u can win enough in the end.

U play 10 games a day and u disconnect in 50% of the games. I mean if your internet is that unstable, why even go into PvP? In earlier seasons u had also 0 Chance on a rating into top 25, even if u are the best player in the world.

But tbh if the majority of players have that bad internet connection, pvp would die completly. xd I dont know if thats case but if yes a DC penalty is a bad idea overall.^^


Solution 3:


U add an AI, which finishes the game for your opponent. As already mentioned, i dont know how hard it is to code that and how much time it takes to implement. Cause i have no Idea of Skripting/Coding. Winner always gets the coin. Un-/intentioanal DC/Surrender doesnt result into a Coin-Loss/Time-Penalty. No bad feeling at all!

Well letz say an AI like the AI of bosses gets added. U already might have seen a few pokes of your opponent so u know what u have to await. So it most likely results into a fast finish for you with winning a coin. Most likely u were far ahead anyway since your opponent just DCd with no hope for a win.


How long does it need to end the game vs an AI who doesnt switch or smth? 2-3 mins maybe?

So this solution is also abusable with friends/2nd Accs. U or your friend/2nd account just have to play 2 or 3 mins longer. Its still not as excessive as insta queuing up and DC.

In my eyes this is literally the same as just giving the winner his Coin. So the question is, is it really worth to implement this instead of giving a coin to the winner directly? How long might it take and how long does "winner" still have to suffer under DCs?


I might have missed smth but thats how it looks for me. ;)



Well as already mentioned each of these solutions is better than it is at the moment.


EDIT #2:

258882 I have a suggestion that let the winner get 2 coins loser get 1 coin , DC also no coin, and increase the price of mount about 2000 to 3000 coin

this is a good idea, maybe with better rate like 3 : 1 and raise the item price 3 times. This might reduce the amount of intentional leaver.

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Well i put my opinion in other thread already. But here again:


Tbh i tried to think about a solution for this problem, too. And i had no idea how to handle it. xd

Cause i dont like if ppl can abuse the system by simply disconnecting and give opponents a "free coin".

On the other side i don like if ppl deny u the "earned coin" by simply disconnecting on the last poke...

I have to admit that i hate it more if ppl deny u the coin by dc on last 1-2pokes...If they would dc at begin or after 1min u wouldnt had wasted your time tho.


Tha AI idea is great, but as futz mentioned, idk how hard to implement it is or how many time it takes until we get that AI.

But i like the idea of -1 coin if u disconnect. I dont know how hard it is to implement this but from my "i have no idea of coding"-point of view it sounds like a great idea.


+1 for this suggestion. :Light:

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Even though I don't PVP, I understand how annoying this can be and since it can be abused your suggestion is a way to prevent that.


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Penalty isnt the right choice if you think about people with bad internet connection.


If they get a penalty everytime their wifi gets shutdown or something like this, it wouldnt be fair for them.

And since you cant forfeit a match, and youll get pvp POINTS for an opponent who disconnects, + 1 win, we should think about the possibility to count a disconnect as win concerning pvp COINS. I think this is a better alternative.

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To be honest, sometimes i play from phone for pvp, sometimes my phone is unstable then i got kicked.. This happened more than 5 times on last season and this season I just battled 3 times but already got 1 kicked.. =.=


I agree with Barney about this:

245558 And since you cant forfeit a match, and youll get pvp POINTS for an opponent who disconnects, + 1 win, we should think about the possibility to count a disconnect as win concerning pvp COINS. I think this is a better alternative.

No punishment but free win and coin because we dont know whether they do this purposely or not, right?


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