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Prepare for the Dragons Shrine!


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skrelp + lapras is two pokemon. How would it be any different from being able to hunt jolly / ada sandile / trapinch in route 111 desert? One takes MS.

If skrelp was added to water with ms, i don't see what the big deal would be. 2 is not 10. please stop exaggerating our suggestions.


"more dragons" isn't 10 extremely rare pokemon automatically.


Edit: oh, I read a few of the previous comments i had missed, and yeah that would be a little much. I just want skrelp in water, that's all lol. :Angel:

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adding non-MS Skrelp in water and non-MS Deino on the land, would be nice, and just enough.


Only problem is, Lance also has Skrelp as reward xD


Maybe replace the Skrelp reward with Druddigon/Noibat/Goomy/Tyrunt, so that we can have something new in the water?

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338014 then people could hunt for bold / modest lapras and skrelp at same time.

that's exactly why skrelp is not there, I don't think two ER pokemon on the same map with same sync is a good idea, ever.

Why not?

338036 If they want to do that, they might as well put axew, dratini, bagon, gible, trapinch and all the jolly/adamant dragon on the same map.

Read my full reply before asking a rhetorical question.

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I noticed there aren't any MS Exclusive Pokemon. Maybe Skrelp could be one?


I also noticed that it doesn't seem as though any of the wild Pokemon can be holding any items. I am not sure what items would be cool, here. But seems kinda blank in that aspect. :Smile: :Angel:

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that's exactly why skrelp is not there, I don't think two ER pokemon on the same map with same sync is a good idea, ever.

Why not?

338036 If they want to do that, they might as well put axew, dratini, bagon, gible, trapinch and all the jolly/adamant dragon on the same map.

Read my full reply before asking a rhetorical question.

It was a legit question. 2=/=5. It isn't gonna affect the game that much, will just be more convenient. There are already some areas which have more than a single rare Pokemon which require the same nature. Love Island is one of them with Togepi and Happiny for example.

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