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  Olman said:
369730 What this guys from the staff does not seems to understand is they are ruining the pvp experience for A LOT OF PEOPLE just because the guys from the ladder can trash you does not mean the average player can

lol olman staff pokes doesnt ruin any thing well stall players that one yea that RUIN THE PVP EXPERIENCE that's for sure.




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  Parasfm said:
  Olman said:
369730 What this guys from the staff does not seems to understand is they are ruining the pvp experience for A LOT OF PEOPLE just because the guys from the ladder can trash you does not mean the average player can

lol olman staff pokes doesnt ruin any thing well stall players that one yea that RUIN THE PVP EXPERIENCE that's for sure.

I stopped pvping because of the stall teams it's not fun at all to me, the lack of offensive abilities, tms, items and letting people use 6x of the same item ( I'm looking at you leftovers ) makes this even worse, but I see a lot of guys complaining about getting rekt by those unobtainable shinies/legends. I would not enjoy getting destoyed by a pokemon which is IMPOSSIBLE TO GET with perfect nature, ivs and ability since there is only one in the server there is no way I'm preparing a team for it.

  Pretentious said:
369504 Of course they should be banned from ranked PvP. If you're a staff member, hopefully you have the integrity to realize that you have an unfair advantage when you use your hand-picked Pokémon.


Signed: Pretentious


Signed: Singham

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

  Kitsumi said:
369704 Sceo wrote:

Source of the post Everyone had a chance to win those, not everyone has the 'chance' to become staff



Yes everyone does have a chance to become staff. Get recognized from being nice and helpful in the community and you may be given a chance. If you are good enough you will make it past the APP stage and make it to a full staff rank.

"A chance to become staff" i make 2 recruit and change for staff stop "troll" but nothing you recruit the old staff (hi Anduin and another) im sorry to say it but he leave the staff its his fault you need active staff and when i see last active of apprentice i see he is never on forum but come forum 2 minutes is not hard example : im internship and i come to forum and get free laugh because i play Pokemon for my school im a "kid" and im active here for help people need when i can, about staff pokemon watch tourny a staff loose after 1 match Why ? Because no staff pokemon only Deidara7 for me is good, and staff do nothing for have better pvp (yeah m annoying with it) i did 2 sleep cause and the player get nothing but if i do a sleep cause im punished.

About IVs i see a Zapdos +99 ivs all (Red if i have good) but he dont use it (another zapdos 31x5 for example) but for fun,friendly battle or dex im agreed you say "staff is here for you" im agreed but no you can help player for something always im harrasing and player got nothing (i dont report because after sleep cause i stop report) but when i "troll a player" for fun and its not for destroy him i got a staff message btw you have face high.

  WarGreymon said:
369773 Depends on the Pokemon actually.

If they use Legendaries or Pseudo-Legendaries they should be banned, but banning a Meowth for example is no use at all.


Talking about Raikou, Latios, Suicune, Latias and so forth

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

  Olman said:
  Parasfm said:
  Olman said:
369730 What this guys from the staff does not seems to understand is they are ruining the pvp experience for A LOT OF PEOPLE just because the guys from the ladder can trash you does not mean the average player can

lol olman staff pokes doesnt ruin any thing well stall players that one yea that RUIN THE PVP EXPERIENCE that's for sure.

I stopped pvping because of the stall teams it's not fun at all to me, the lack of offensive abilities, tms, items and letting people use 6x of the same item ( I'm looking at you leftovers ) makes this even worse, but I see a lot of guys complaining about getting rekt by those unobtainable shinies/legends. I would not enjoy getting destoyed by a pokemon which is IMPOSSIBLE TO GET with perfect nature, ivs and ability since there is only one in the server there is no way I'm preparing a team for it.


well normally who get rekt by them are some non that good pvpers and stall guys , i never lost to a staff poke as soon i remember but i stoped cause of stall too.




  WarGreymon said:
369773 Depends on the Pokemon actually.

If they use Legendaries or Pseudo-Legendaries they should be banned, but banning a Meowth for example is no use at all.



Well if i was staff i would ask for a all ivs 1 shiny ratata xD :P




  CobraMK said:
369183 Im agreed with Serperior but i see a video with a talonflame dont kill Serperior of Viktim aka Mapplle because its a 31 ivs def and have a talonflame 31 atk is "rare" but yeah.

Just for your information, run a calc before claiming things please



Thanks to Umby for her sig <3

  VikTim said:
  CobraMK said:
369183 Im agreed with Serperior but i see a video with a talonflame dont kill Serperior of Viktim aka Mapplle because its a 31 ivs def and have a talonflame 31 atk is "rare" but yeah.

Just for your information, run a calc before claiming things please



screens bro


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