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P2W Game


<r>I have been playing PRO for a longtime now & have had a lot of fun and great memories on it. Depending on how this new update with "IV Randomizer" will be, I will most likely be quitting. If this is as bad is it sounds, PRO will be very P2W and wont be fun at all. Instead of fixing stupid glitches in PvP or adding abilities to PRO, Shane seems to just think about how he can make more money. I think this would be good if it was a rare boss reward or PvP ladder reward, but putting this in coin shop for everyone to obtain by money is going to screw everything up, and I'm sure even many of staff can agree with me here. <E>:thanks:</E></r>

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Re: P2W Game


<t>Yeah I'll most likely be quitting if this gets added, who the heck thinks this is a good idea? I can spend 20-50 hours grinding for a good pokemon, when some rich kid can just continue to randomize their IVS? This is not cool. You're going to lose a lot of players and you should know that. One of the main reasons other Pokemon MMOs go down hill</t>

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them

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Re: P2W Game


<t>I would like to say bye to all the people who spent hours, weeks, months just to get a perfect IVed pokemon^^ Gl rich people irl catch a right nature pokemon even anything and you can make it billions with just money. I thought this was a game where all people could enjoy and go on as an equal. Guess i was wrong.</t>

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Re: P2W Game


<t>The items will be trade-able. You will be able to buy them for ingame currency and ingame based effort</t>

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Re: Pay to Win


<t>I'm pretty sure makin that ivs rerolls and giving P2W is that what will make Pro great again with that old days 1k queue. I don't know about what are you talkin :Kappa:<br/>


Why PRO doesn't have kappa what would fit great to that why i just typed ^? At all stuff like this will make it P2W, and also coin prices will go up, what will be mostly stuff for rich players (in game rich) and thing for players who can easly spend real money on games (so P2W).<br/>



@Edit <br/>

Han, my lovely, i needed 700 magnet pulls magnemite to get good hp fire one. With that reroll i could get it in first 100 encounters with just keepin reroll 1iv XD #SoMuchFair</t>

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Re: Pay to Win


<t>Threads merged. Please stick with a single thread</t>

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Re: Pay to Win


<t>So i have a lot of playtime in PRO(not as much as some other people) and hunted/traded alot, tried to play it without putting any money in PRO and it worked out. But if the IV capsules getting introduce it gonna destroy the economy alot. Pokemon prices dropping/Coins prices raising, even if its still RNG depended(1-31 ivs). Mostly u just need the right Ability/Nature for a Pokemon and if u have the money u can just roll till u have ur "Perfect" Pokemon...were People hunted for weeks even months. I can understand this method at some legendaries/shinies but still..it's gonna make it really P2W and it wasnt necessary. I can speak for a lot i guess, that many people gonna quit PRO if thats getting introduced, its not a mechanic that we needed :/ We came out without it for a long time..I dont know what to say else..Pls dont release IV Randomizer :/ even if its tradeable it gonna destroy the economy for both pokemon and coins.</t>

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Why ''randomizing IV's'' will kill pro


<r>Yes a dramatic title for something that has not been implemented yet. However this is kinda dramatic. This will kill pro. You're gonna ask why, but it is quit simple, i've seen a smiler thing happen to PokeMMO where most people basically left the game. Me including switched to pro since I really started to hate the pay 2 win model. But now Shane is going to implant a pay 2 win system in pro? Really? It would be a great April fools joke tough. <br/>


So basically I'd give 3 major arguments why this is bad.<br/>


1) <B><s></s>Poke MMO/Diablo Auction house, Payday 2, uh you got it. <e></e></B><br/>

This change really feels as a pay 2 win feature. Heck it is. Now you can just catch a Pokemon with the correct IV's and than pay money until you've got the correct IV's? That's just insane. ATM you can either choice to sell a lot of stuff and buy the poke you want, or hunt until you have that 21 spd Magic guard Alakazam, and that's all great. It's the spirit of pro. But with this change it will basically kill it. My 21 spd Alakazam can't compete in PvP anymore against people who pay money. And heck why shouldn't they. Paying until your Magic Guard Alakazam falls into the right value's is cheaper than selling MS's/pokes and buying a new one, and the poor OT trainer? Well fuck that guy, you have to pay money if you want to compete in PvP. And I really think this will kill pro, as how Auction house killed Diablo 3 and how PokeMMO died because of that paid shiny BS.<br/>


2) <B><s></s>what's the point of grinding anymore?<e></e></B><br/>


Nuff said, ''Pokemon consists of four basic elements: hunting, training, trading, and battling'''literary quoted from the devs. Hack why hunt if you can buy your IV's? You especially remove 1 big part of this game. The trash Pokemon you cought isn't. Why hunt for a better klefki when you can convert your trash klefki into the most epic one? Nobody will hunt apart from the people who don't want to spend rl money. <br/>



3) You don't want breeding but this is okey????<br/>


Okey as I quote from the ''IV or nature change and Reduce boss battle cooldowns or Revalue boss reward'' in the suggestion topic.<br/>


''The Random Number Generated (RNG) system would be rendered pointless if all players could easily get perfect Pokemon via breeding or something similar being implemented. It means there would be no need to grind or farm. Moreover, on an economic basis, implementing breeding or something similar would destroy the market, and trading for valuable/rare Pokemon would lose meaning since you could just breed instead. In an MMO, there should never be any guaranteed rewards, like changing your Pokemon's IVs/nature. Many unexpected and random events can happen within an MMO; that's how the game stays interesting to players. PRO strives to maintain the beloved features of the handheld games, while also making changes that are needed to create a player-interaction balance that is healthy for an MMO environment.<br/>


Additionally, it's key to understand the difference between "I cannot catch this Pokemon" and "I cannot obtain this Pokemon." If you can't catch a Pokemon with stats to your liking, that doesn't mean you can't obtain it - that's what our trade economy is for. PRO is an MMO, so it encourages interactions between players. If spending time farming is not to your taste, you can simply buy Pokemon from other players instead. Ultimately, if you can grind enough money, you can still buy/obtain the Pokemon you desire... and grinding money is, of course, a classic part of playing any MMO''<br/>


But with the IV change you will basically destroy all of this. This whole thing won't be relevant after the pay2win change. <br/>


So yeah those are the 3 mayor arguments. However I've seen some people in my guild and on the pro discord that they ain't happy about this EV pay2win thing. And I don't get it, the MS where introduced as a reward for ''donations'' but all these ''donation rewards'' are getting out of hand. Hack you're making money on Gamefreaks property.<br/>


If you really want to introduce a new item I'd even suggest to get a ''nature resetter'' or something since the change of getting a poke with good nature is 50% anyway and we all have the moment we got a amazing poke with the worst nature. I don't really mind that. (it will also fix the whole ''bad legendary'' problem) But this.... now this is bad and will kill pro.<br/>




A pro player who cares about this game and once fled PokeMMO.</r>

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Re: P2W Game


<r><QUOTE author="han1996" post_id="382302" time="1494019247" user_id="873551"><s>


I would like to say bye to all the people who spent hours, weeks, months just to get a perfect IVed pokemon^^ Gl rich people irl catch a right nature pokemon even anything and you can make it billions with just money. I thought this was a game where all people could enjoy and go on as an equal. Guess i was wrong.<br/>




Exactly they have preached over and over that everyone should have a fair advantage. So some kid with a trusted fund can buy his way to the top of the ladder? Jesus christ what are you guys thinking. You'll make more money not adding this to the game, as your hardcore pvpers won't want to play anymore. Honestly we should have a polling system in place. Also regarding shiny pokemon. People have spend outrageous amounts of money on pvpable shiny pokemon. Now basically you're saying they wasted all there hard earned cash? Same goes for none shiny pokemon, people will spend 10m+ for the perfect pokemon, but now a kid with 20$ can possibility get the exact same pokemon without even trying, this will destroy the economy very fast, and I thought you guys cared this game?</r>

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them

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Re: Pay to Win


<t>100% against everything they want to implement. As someone who purchases and sells a lot of coins already, I would leave this game in a flash if they introduced it. Totally absurd idea.</t>

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