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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Good day!

Just wanna ask if trade evolution will trigger everytime the pokemon level up? If so, can I trade my lvl 41 Haunter and Kadabra now, then level them up to 100 before evolving them?


Sorry, I'm not really familiar coz I haven't done this in OG games.



Hi there! Pokemon which need a trade evolution can be evolved any time when you trade it. -Exotyc


  • 2 weeks later...
Trade Evolution
In-game name: Casptainpeaches
Server: silver
GMT Timezone: gmt-7
Discord Tag (Optional): CaptainPeaches#0168
Reason: Evolve Haunter into Gengar
ID: 64983195
Edited by Casptainpeaches
updated request and poke id
In-game name: windandfire93
Server: Silver
Timezone: GMT+7
i can't evol my Azurill when max happiness and lvl up. i trained lvl100 but it can't evol with Mysteriours candy. 
ID: 64329422




In order to fix the issue you need to faint the Pokemon, restart your client, heal the Pokemon and level up.


In-game name: AeD28
Server: Silver
Timezone: GMT+3
Discord Tag (Optional): aedurgut28
Type of Request : Trade Evolution
Username: AeD28 
Server: Silver
Pokemon : Kadabra, Machoke, Haunter
Pokemon ID: 62120595(Kadabra), 62267602 (Machoke), 63089575 (Haunter)
Reason : Evolution to Alakazam, Machamp, Gengar 
I need help evolving my Kadabra into an Alakazam, my haunter into a Gengar, my machoke into a machamp. I'm available from 10.00 a.m till 14.00 p.m  GMT+3. Thanks!
Edited by Aed28
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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