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I used rare candy in pokemon mantyke and didn't know i needed the remoraid in the team to evolve, i thought it was via trade, can you help me with delevel?





Hi, I've deleveled your Mantyke for you. Have a nice day!  -Maisa



Hi, I'm from the silver server, I accidentally didn't evolve my flaafly when it reached level 100, I would like you to change it to level 99 so I can evolve it to ampharos, thanks in advance
name in game: Jhostin009
server: silver





Hello, your Flaaffy has been deleveled. Have a great day!  -Maisa



  On 9/13/2020 at 10:31 AM, denhayne112 said:

i need delevel my chimchar to 97 im in gold sever .IG: denhayne112 ; pokemon id: 38831686 . thanks so much



hello sir it have deleveled to 97 but when i kill a wild it grow from 97 to lv 100 (monferno id:38831686) can you help me delevel again from lv100 to 99 😞. my bad . thanks so much.


Hello, your Monferno has been deleveled. Make sure to lost some happiness, restart the client, and try leveling him up again. Have a great day!  -Maisa



I want to delevel my blastoise because I want to train his EVs to obtain mega bracelet. 

In game name- Ahir

Server- Gold

Pokemon id- (attached as screenshot) 

Pls delevel it to 98 plssss




Hi. You can train EVs at lvl 100 too. So there is no need to delevel it. Have a nice day, M3ru3m




Ingame name: Tshido
Server: Silver
I need help, please help me to delevel my elekid to lv89, thank you



Hi. I am sorry, but we only delevel Pokes that are at lvl 99 / 100 and failed to evolve. Have a nice day, M3ru3m



Server: Gold

Name: Queeen


I have two pokes that need to be leveled because they haven't evolved!

Drowzee: cannot evolve to lvl 50

Squirtle: cannot evolve to lvl 98


I think 2 Level back.




Hi, I have deleveled Squirtle. Before leveling them up again, try to lose some happiness, restart the client, and try to level up. That should fix the issue and you should be able to evolve them. Have a great day!  -Maisa



Glumandas sind rot, Schiggys sind blau,wärst du ein Pokémon,dann wohl mein liebstes, das ch genau. Dein Lächeln ist stärker, als ein Hyperstrahl, Dein Feuer aus Liebe ist sehr effektiv, als wär' ich aus Stahl. Wie Pikachu bei Ash, bleib ich an deiner Seite, für immer, Du bist spezieller als ein Legendäres Pokémon, auch als eines dass schimmert. Zusammen meistern wir alles, auch gegen den Champ werden wir bestehn', denn hät' meine Liebe zu dir ein Level, wär es die hundert-und-zehn. Ich Lieb dich mehr als ein Glurak, Zapdos, Lugia oder Mew, denn mein allerliebstes Pokémon bist und bleibst immer noch du!







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