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  • 2 months later...

To start: Thank you for this guide.


Can somebody give me advice please?

Currently i'm at the 6th gym, The Fortree City Gym.

All my pokemons get 1 hit KO'd by her. The levels are between 51 and 68, most over 60.

Even the ellectric type pokemon doesn't stand a chance.


Is there a good spot to level up those pokemons? I'm getting only 2k exp in the fields, haven't leveled up my pokemons yet.

  • 3 months later...

I personally got confused on the part (screenshot below) the connecting words are used wrong where it states "you need to go to route 115 AND go to tunnel" the 'and' should be a 'then' meaning after, 'and' means while you're there go to that cave. so it needs to be corrected. 1550776826801.png.5d5315d481351de7ac4211188be91221.png

  • 1 month later...
  PreHax said:
Re: Complete Hoenn Walkthrough!


<r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>Arielgg<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> very well done :)</r>

Update it..... Seriously, some of the gyms have changed. And by the way, do more details. I didn't find this helpful, because I never played in Hoenn before. I've had games in other regions but not Hoenn. This is written as if it was a reminder to people who already completed it. NOT for new players.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...



I simply can't manage to beat Liza at Mossdeep Gym. I can beat Gardevoir using Voltorb Explosion + revive, but when Alakazam comes, it one shots everything I have (always first to attack). I have only three high leveled pokemon (Wingull lvl 87, Voltorb lvl 77 and Torchic lvl 81) and there's no such place in Hoenn where I can level up anymore. Every single place looks pretty bad to level up and the highest level avaiable I think is 35 (in the sea).


I really don't know what to do because I've spent so much money already (got only 18k).

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