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Chaos [Silver Server][Looking for Active PvP Players]


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What's your Name/IGN? = Makarouv

● How old are you? = 22

● Are you active in Discord? = active enough

● Where are you from? = Indonesia

● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? = 2488 hours / almost everyday

● What's your goal in PRO? = to be PVP master

● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? = Chaos seems strong and i want learn from the best one, also myfriend suggest me for join

● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? = Mudkip, bcz cute and and strong when evo to swampert

● What's your favorite animal and why? = Cat, bcz cute and has a paw

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What's your Name/IGN?


● How old are you?

21 years

● Are you active in Discord?

Yup whenever u need even in my office hrs

● Where are you from?


● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

350hrs i play everyday can say over 4hrs avg maybe more

● What's your goal in PRO?

To be a gym leaderXD or be the guy who owns all steel types

● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

Coz celestial is gone and i had o ly 2 guilds that i wanted either celestial or chaos so now CHAOS

● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?


● What's your favorite animal and why?

GOATS coz of their beauty and their fight style


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● What's your Name/IGN?Shelterr

● How old are you?18

● Are you active in Discord?quite active (Shelter #0562)

● Where are you from?Malaysia

● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?few days a week

● What's your goal in PRO?to be in the ladder

● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?Chaos looks like a good and strong guild cuz its in ladder every season

● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?Cofagrigus,cuz its from my favourite pokemon villain

● What's your favorite animal and why?dolphins cuz they are kind and cute

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