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Nice article. I enjoyed reading it, but it's supa salty.


I'm curious to see what other ideas you have aside from banning this Pokémon.


Same. Some good arguments were used but there is a really heavy salty tone on it


I just came back to the game and haven't played PVP yet, but from my experience battling competitively, Rhyperior hits hard but gets countered hard because of its typing. It is a matter of adapting to it, just like people adapt to all dem Talonflames and Garchomps.


Maybe there is a discussion on it already, but using Smogon's tiers - or atleast using its principles to develop new tiers to PRO - would help. Talonflame and others would belong to OU, for instance. Other players that like to use low-profile pokes (like me) could play in UU or NU.

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Sorry but cant help to laugh. Dont see any reason whatsoever to ban a pokemon that has a ton of counters avalible. Let me just name a few here.


Slowking,Alomomola,Venusaur,Blastoise,Bronzong,Flygon,Magneton,Medicham,Hitmonlee,Jellicent etc..


Can understand playing the same old comps are fun and all but when the meta shifts this happens.


Did you read the article?

Slowking: 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Megahorn vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Slowking: 378-446 (96.1 - 113.4%)

Instant death from choice band Megahorn


Flygon: 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Flygon: 680-804 (225.9 - 267.1%)

Flygon's Earthquake doesn't kill Rhyperior in return.


Venusaur: 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 231-273 (64.3 - 76%)

Easily 2HKOd from any of Rhyperior's attacks. You can then easily switch out against Venusaur and then beat it later.


Blastoise: 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blastoise: 204-241 (56.3 - 66.5%)

Same case as Venusaur.


Jellicent: 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 216+ Def Jellicent: 265-313 (65.7 - 77.6%)

Same case as Venusaur and Blastoise.


Bronzong, Hitmolee, Medicham, and Magneton aren't viable Pokemon in PRO's metagame and you will lose if you use them just to beat a Rhyperior. Alomomola get 2HKO'd after hazards as well.


None of the Pokemon you mentioned here can comfortably beat a Rhyperior. I appreciate your response though.



Nice article. I enjoyed reading it, but it's supa salty.


I'm curious to see what other ideas you have aside from banning this Pokémon.


Same. Some good arguments were used but there is a really heavy salty tone on it


I just came back to the game and haven't played PVP yet, but from my experience battling competitively, Rhyperior hits hard but gets countered hard because of its typing. It is a matter of adapting to it, just like people adapt to all dem Talonflames and Garchomps.


Maybe there is a discussion on it already, but using Smogon's tiers - or atleast using its principles to develop new tiers to PRO - would help. Talonflame and others would belong to OU, for instance. Other players that like to use low-profile pokes (like me) could play in UU or NU.


It is unfortunate that you feel like there is a "really heavy salty tone" to the post but this is not at all the message I am trying to convey. I made sure I started the post off on a positive note to make sure none of you felt as if I was being salty about this Pokemon :Angel: But Talonflame cannot come switch into the battle as easily as Rhyperior due to the omnipresent move called Stealth Rock. Talonflame and Garchomp can also be revenge-killed by common moves such as Ice Shard and Extremespeed while Rhyperior cannot. Rhyperior's typing defensively is not great but if you pair Rhyperior with the correct supportive Pokemon it is just cheat mode. Rhyperior's typing offensively on the other hand is broken. If you look at the calculations I have provided, you can see that nearly every single Pokemon that has a type advantage over Rhyperior dies to its attacks. So you have to sacrifice your entire team in order to effectively beat it which is not an efficient way at beating Rhyperior. I too agree that PRO would benefit from the addition of tiers similar to Smogon. I appreciate your response and I hope you have a great day. :y:

If You really want a common and safe switch-in to Rhyperior it's probably "Skarmory" and before you say "Stone Edge" ..yes it can 2hko

(with 2 lowest rolls its 3hko// 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 162-192 (48.5 - 57.4%))

but you will "NEVER" do a Stone Edge on a switch if "yes" and you miss against any other Counter because of a miss you definitely deserved to lose.

And if you insist you expect a Skarmory all the time, Skarmory still can "Roost" (16 points in Speed, Skarm will be faster) until you miss.


Otherwise the Argumenation from you that you can switch out after giving damage and bring him later in is also invalid since you also get damage in the next round to your next Pokemon because of your switch. It's a not win-win Situation for either side.


And the last Point is Rhyperiors Ability "Solid Rock" doesn't work that means you even can get into a Situation where you will never been able to bring him in safely.


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Same. Some good arguments were used but there is a really heavy salty tone on it


I just came back to the game and haven't played PVP yet, but from my experience battling competitively, Rhyperior hits hard but gets countered hard because of its typing. It is a matter of adapting to it, just like people adapt to all dem Talonflames and Garchomps.


Maybe there is a discussion on it already, but using Smogon's tiers - or atleast using its principles to develop new tiers to PRO - would help. Talonflame and others would belong to OU, for instance. Other players that like to use low-profile pokes (like me) could play in UU or NU.


It is unfortunate that you feel like there is a "really heavy salty tone" to the post but this is not at all the message I am trying to convey. I made sure I started the post off on a positive note to make sure none of you felt as if I was being salty about this Pokemon :Angel: But Talonflame cannot come switch into the battle as easily as Rhyperior due to the omnipresent move called Stealth Rock. Talonflame and Garchomp can also be revenge-killed by common moves such as Ice Shard and Extremespeed while Rhyperior cannot. Rhyperior's typing defensively is not great but if you pair Rhyperior with the correct supportive Pokemon it is just cheat mode. Rhyperior's typing offensively on the other hand is broken. If you look at the calculations I have provided, you can see that nearly every single Pokemon that has a type advantage over Rhyperior dies to its attacks. So you have to sacrifice your entire team in order to effectively beat it which is not an efficient way at beating Rhyperior. I too agree that PRO would benefit from the addition of tiers similar to Smogon. I appreciate your response and I hope you have a great day. :y:


First of all, thank you for being so kind. Most people would get mad on reading negative comments from others.


I understood all your examples and I do agree that a banded Rhyperior looks OP to the metagame. But thats just the way competitive Pokemon is. I remember when Blissey and Forretress combo was OP, when Garchomp came out, then Talonflame with its Gale Wings, any poke with Shell Smash or even using a Weakness Policy user. Pokemons and strategies that stand out will always be part of the game. I bet that you could write a similar thread about Chomp and Talon, or how a Multiscale Ddance Dragonite is so powerful. That is why Smogon tiers would be really helpful to the pvp.


Anyways, I just think that Rhyperior isn't so OP that it has to be banned. That would apply to a lot of Pokemon and the meta would always be unbalanced in some way.


Sorry but cant help to laugh. Dont see any reason whatsoever to ban a pokemon that has a ton of counters avalible. Let me just name a few here.


Slowking,Alomomola,Venusaur,Blastoise,Bronzong,Flygon,Magneton,Medicham,Hitmonlee,Jellicent etc..


Can understand playing the same old comps are fun and all but when the meta shifts this happens.



would just like to let you know your "counters" are invalid af. For one Slowking, Venu, Flygon. Magneton. Medi and lee all get one banned (cannot switch into the mon so therefore its not a "counter" Now then 2nd off Jelicent, blastoise and venu all get 2 shotted and get out sped so therefore...its not a "Counter" BUT ex Skarmory can come into this mon without dying in 2 turns so that would be your check :D




Sorry but cant help to laugh. Dont see any reason whatsoever to ban a pokemon that has a ton of counters avalible. Let me just name a few here.


Slowking,Alomomola,Venusaur,Blastoise,Bronzong,Flygon,Magneton,Medicham,Hitmonlee,Jellicent etc..


Can understand playing the same old comps are fun and all but when the meta shifts this happens.



would just like to let you know your "counters" are invalid af. For one Slowking, Venu, Flygon. Magneton. Medi and lee all get one banned (cannot switch into the mon so therefore its not a "counter" Now then 2nd off Jelicent, blastoise and venu all get 2 shotted and get out sped so therefore...its not a "Counter" BUT ex Skarmory can come into this mon without dying in 2 turns so that would be your check :D

You're just assumeing you'll sit there and do nothing during your turn. Ofcourse you'll get wrecked if you have nothing to use. That's goes for any and all pokemon's lol.

Like for an example the venu, survives long enough to spore which opens up the possibility to take it out depending on how stupid the opponet is. If you suspect a switch you have the healing option on venu. And just play accordingly. Not sure what kind of "counters" you guys deem worthy or not. Since PRO doesn't have tiers, there is sure to be unbalances like the previously people have stated.


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