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Future of the game, please raise CC Price.


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You can't make a fixed price, this is not soviet russia.


In Soviet Russia, Prices fix You!!


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the more people play the game the higher cc prices will get u can notice this just compare economy in summer time and now and u will see that urself, not everyone can play pro for long hours especially for people having exams periods now, it's a matter of time I remember last year MS price got to 1m at some point and people complained about it u should get acquainted with the economy not the opposite .

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The issue with CC is supply and demand. There is too much supply for the demand currently. This is mainly due to CC not being as important as it used to be. There are a lot of things the admins could do to fix the issue, but I highly doubt that it would be a permanent fix unless its a game changer. Even then, each one of us makes the price for CC. Every time you buy CC for 200k, every time you buy a MS, a EXP boost, or a BMS. We are all accepting the price as it is. Because it is convenient for the buyer and enough supply for the seller. This in turn makes other prices go down. If you want to increase CC prices. Don't buy it. Don't accept it in your shop. Don't get me wrong I believe CC price is way too low. I have watching it go from 400k to 200k in not even two months. I just don't think that unless we buckle down even with admin intervention we can do anything with it. When something huge happens that is only accessible in the shop or by MS don't sit there and sell your CC for 200k, or when a lot of people have access don't just lower your price because it is an easy sell. Just my opinion.


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Player demand and player supply, you guys decide the market.


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  • Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks.
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