Hello, i try to connect to PRO blue server and it tells me it can not connect, i can log just fine on the Yellow and red server, and i check the website and it says the blue server is Online, so i dont know what is happening, would like to see if there is a way to fix this, thanks.
Bem vindo irmaozao !!!!!
bom se precisa de algo pode contar comigo online FeccaBr !!!
te ajudo te encino como jogar ...
Existe um bate-papo no jogo e para brasileiros mais quase ninguem sabe
vc vai na ferramente perto da caixa de mensagens aonde se envie e responda tudo sobre o chat ei tem creat / junte-se ao chat clica ali e escreve brasil ai vc estara com o chat brasil e pod se comunicar m portugues com galera por la! !!
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Welcome, brother! good if you need something you can count on me online FeccaBr !!! I help you, I like to play ... There is a chat in the game and for Brazilians, almost nobody knows you go to the tool near the message box where to send and answer there is chat and i have creat / join chat click here and write brazil there you will be with the brazil chat and pod m communicate with portuguese with the galera for the !!!
Hi there Zalork.
Sorry for your inconvenience, but all you can do is remain patient until an Admin is online and able to solve your coin issue.
Don't forget that you can bump your topic by posting something as a reply.
As nothing more can be said about this, I'll now lock this topic.
I hope you have a good weekend!
Kind regards
- DarkPhase
Dedicated Support Team
- Locked -
This is a display bug. It can be easily fixed by restarting your client. Not just log out and log back in, close the client completely and restart it.
I will leave this thread open for now, please let me know here if this keeps happening even after restarting.
Have a nice day!