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Changelog 06.03.2025: Coded Alluring Voice. Coded Burning Jealousy. Coded Scale Shot. Coded Stone Axe. Coded Ceaseless Edge. Coded Meteor Beam. Coded Crafty Shield. Coded Retaliate. Fixed Z-Tailwind to correctly boost critical-hit ratio by +2 stages instead of +1 stage. Fixed Magic Bounce, so it can no longer reflect Status Conditions onto Pokémon behind a Substitute. Fixed Battle Bond, so it no longer triggers when an enemy's Pokémon faints due to indirect damage like entry hazards. Fixed an issue where Teleport could end a Trainer battle when used by a Trainer's Pokémon. Fixed Alluring Voice, Torch Song & Psychic Noise to correctly hit through Substitute. Fixed an issue where Belly Drum was unable to maximize the user's Attack stat when it was at -6 Attack. Fixed the healing effect of Figy, Iapapa, Wiki, Aguav, and Mago Berries, reducing it from 1/2 to 1/3 of the user's max HP. Fixed Poison Fang to have a 50% chance to badly poison instead of 30%. Fixed Multitype, so it no longer prevents items that aren't Plates from being removed. Fixed an issue where a Pokémon that changed its form did not revert to its original type after being affected by Soak, Conversion, or Reflect Type. Enhanced Bulletproof messages when protecting from a bullet move. Enhanced the message when a Z-Move is boosting a Pokémon's stats. Enhanced multi-hit moves' super effective/not very effective messages to only appear once after the very last hit instead of after every hit. Fixed Ice Body's healing message that wasn't displaying under Hail. Justified and Rattled will proc at each hit of multi-hit moves. Rattled will raise its user's Speed by one stage when it gets affected by an opposing Intimidate. Guts' 50% boost is now applied to the Attack directly, fixing an incorrect rounding. Disguise will no longer print super effective/not very effective messages the turn it breaks. OHKO moves can now break the enemy's Disguise. The 1/8 max HP loss from broken Disguise now rounds down. Damage-reducing Berries (Babiri...) will no longer be consumed when no damage was dealt, including when Disguise absorbs the 1st hit. The user's Disguise will now break when its held Rocky Helmet KOs the opponent using a contact move. Fixed a misleading Magic Bounce activation message when an opponent uses Toxic on it while the MB user was in a semi-invulnerable state. Removed an unnecessary message when Aroma Veil blocks Cursed Body. Added the Typeless Type. Fixed an issue where a pure Flying-type Pokémon wouldn't become Normal type when using Roost. Fixed an issue where a Fire + Flying type using Burn Up then Roost wouldn't become Typeless. Perish Song will stop putting a perish counter on a Pokémon that was in a semi-invulnerable state.14 points
TL:DR, MS pokemon are getting out of hand. This is a chart for Honedge, a Pokemon that is used very much in pvp ever since it got freed from its ban. Recently it got a Valentines form as well.(Which is sick GJ artist team), but if you notice there isn't a single way to get a event form honedge outside of MS spawns. Headbutts don't give out shiny/forms and excavations are shiny/formed locked. Why does Honedge need so many MS spawns? Im all for making MS spawns better than the non MS spawns, makes MS something to seek and buy when you can. But objectifying it as "Needed" for a Pokemon just is unjustifiable. Make the Non MS spawns somewhere the original Pokemon could actively spawn at. For example Cave of justice seems perfect for this. Its late enough in the game for people needing to complete 3 regions and most of sinnoh to get to. Then we have things like this. This is the spawns for Bagon, a popular Pokemon but not very used in pvp but also has a Val form so people are going to hunt for it. The reason why I show this is Why is a HOENN native pokemon locked behind SINNOH. Meteor Falls is where you would get Bagon in the original games. This would be like locking Pikachu in Virdian forest or power plant in kanto behind ms and giving it a spawn at the power plant in Sinnoh and calling it a good way to balance MS. Of course this isn't as bad as honedge as Bagon actually does have a non MS spawn and on the event island and sinnoh. Seems like it should be the other way around. Im sure there are others examples like how Alolan Marowak was a MS spawn ONLY for haloween, but after seeing honedge I had to say something. Bagon spawn been in the back of my mind for years now. My suggestion is to change how you view MS spawns because seems to me its getting out of hand. Seems almost predatory in how its trying to get the player to donate in order to get them 15 days of MS hunting. MS in my eyes should be something players seek when they want to improve their hunting efficiency. MS spawns can be better than others, but they shouldn't gatekeep players from getting Pokemon without spending money. Saying things like "its ok because you can buy CCs and an term MS from other players" is not a fix, its a band-aid to an already failing system. Especially seeing how SMS,MS, and large MS (and bms) all got price hikes its getting harder and harder to justify paying money to support the server and getting something cool in-game as a return for helping out. To improve MS is to improve the satisfaction of players and letting them feel better about spending 5-10USD on MS to help them hunt pokemon they want to get. If anyone else has similar spawns that seem predatory in their nature like MS locked only or Native spawns locked behind ms found in event areas/later areas feel free to post them below to spread awareness on this topic. Thank you.11 points
11 points
February 13th 2025 New maps + Spawn % adjustement to respect our current standart on all johto/Kanto spawns + some extra region maps like love island dock islands etc.. hoenn and sinnoh are WIP and the rest of extra region maps are also WIP Spawns change Tier and spawn % were adjusted on the following maps Some common / Uncommon got changed here the major change list for these maps Desert Lagoon Land - Changed Murkrow for Vullaby Water - Removed Hippopotas - Changed Totodile From D only to M/D/N Abandoned Desert Village - Removed Trapinch - Added Drilburr at D with MS - Added Sandile at D -Added Helioptil at M/N Amazon Forest Land - Removed Pichu - Removed Smeargle - Removed Tyrogue - Added Skorupi with MS - Added Shuckle Water - Added Skrelp with MS - Added Relicanth Amazon Forest Entrance - Added Chatot - Added Venipede with MS Desert Cave - Added Scraggy Dock Island - Added Alomomola with MS Munchlax Resort - Changed pokemon in the area to have an eating/sleeping pokemon theme in the area Love Island Land - Removed wynaut/ralts/deerling/woobat - Added Riolu - Added Eevee Water - Changed Dratini From N to M/N But Removed the repel - Changed Carvahna From D to M/N/D - Changed Azurill From N to D - Changed Lapras From M/D to D Diamond Empire Foyer - Added Dweeble - Added Stunfisk - Removed Klefki/Carbink/Vullaby Diamond Empire West Wing - Added Klefki - Added Mr.Mime - Removed Sableye (Repel Moved to Diamond Domain B1F) Diamond Empire Ballroom - Removed Cryogonal - Removed Sandile - Added Carbink - Added Mime Jr Diamond Empire East Wing - Removed Sandile - Removed Drilbur - Added Timburr Diamond Empire Entry land - Removed Rufflet - Added Drilbur Diamond Empire Pathway Underwater - fixed all the tiers and species only Diamond Domain Main Cave land - fixed all the tiers and species Water - Added Cryogonal Diamond Domain B1F Land - Added Repel to sableye at lvl 26 Water - Added Starmie with MS Diamond Domain 1F Water - Removed Flabébé Breakers Trench Underwater - fixed all the tiers and species only Cape Of Palpatoo - fixed all the tiers and species only Breakers Beach - fixed all the tiers and species only Eriyadu Town - fixed all the tiers and species only Palpatoo Beak - Removed Palpitoad Pola Tai Lagoon - fixed all the tiers and species only Patch Log Kanto Spawns Tier and spawn % were adjusted on the following maps Some common / Uncommon got changed here the major change list for these maps Cerulean Cave 1F Land - Added Kangaskhan - Removed Yamask Water - Added Lapras / Starmie Cerulean Cave 2F - Added Chansey Cerulean Cave B1F Land - Added Mr. Mime and MS Metagross - Removed Ditto / Skorupi Water - Added Dragonair Cinnabar Island Water - Staryu From N only to M/D/N Cinnabar Mansion 2 - adjustement spawn Cinnabar Mansion 3 -Added Rapidash Arcanine ninetales Cinnabar Mansion B1F - Ditto From M/D to M/D/N Lavender Town Graveyard -Added Yamask M/D -Removed Golet Mt. Moon 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Moon B1F - Re order + Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Moon B2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pallet Town Water - Removed Squirtle - Removed MS on Lapras Pokemon Tower 2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pokemon Tower 3F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pokemon Tower 4F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pokemon Tower 5F - Added Golett with MS Pokemon Tower 6F - Added Nincada With MS Pokemon Tower 7F - Added Honedge with MS Pokemon Tower Underground - Tier and spawn % adjustement Power Plant - Removed Pachirisu - Added Electrike With MS Rock Tunnel 1 - Removed MS on Kangaskhan Rock Tunnel 2 - Added Absol With MS Route 1 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 2 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 3 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 4 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 5 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 6 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 7 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 8 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 9 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 10 - Removed Electabuzz Route 11 - Snorlax From D to M/D + Remove the snorlax repel Route 12 - Removed Minccino - Added Slakoth with MS - Added Repel to Snorlax (instead of the previous route 11 repel) Route 13 - Removed Chansey - Added Aipom and Minccino Both with MS Route 14 Land - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Water - Staryu From N to M/N Route 15 - Tier and spawn % adjustement Route 16 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 17 Land - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Water - Staryu From N to M/N Route 19 Water - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 20 Water - Added Wailmer with MS - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 21 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 22 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 23 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 25 Land - Added Buneary with MS - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Water - Added Psyduck Route 26 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 27 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Seafoam 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Seafoam B3F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Seafoam B4f - Added Sneasel with MS Tohjo Falls - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Vermilion City Water - Added Staryu N - Added Octillery With MS Victory Road Kanto 1F - Added Gligar Victory Road Kanto 2F - Drilbur is now MS - Removed Aron Victory Road Kanto 3F - Added Aron With MS Viridian Forest - Added Shroomish at M/N With MS Patch log Johto Spawns Tier and spawns % were adjusted on the following maps Some common / Uncommon got changed some times there is only Re order here the major change list for these maps Route 29 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 46 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Dark Cave North - Added shuckle dark cave south - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Sprout Tower F1 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Sprout Tower F2 - added Chatot with MS Sprout Tower F3 - Added Meditite with MS Route 32 - Added Croagunk With MS Union Cave 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Union Cave B1F Land - Added Woobat With MS Water - Added tympole With MS Union Cave B2F Land - Added Roggenrola With MS Ruins Of Alph - Removed MS on Smeargle Route 33 - Removed Shinx - Changed Heracross from D to M/D Slowpoke Well - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Slowpoke Well L1 Land - Added Carbink With MS Route 34 Land - Remove MS from Togepi - Added Cleffa Water - Staryu From N to M/N Route 35 - Removed Ditto - Added Elekid - Added Igglybuff - Added Chansey Route 36 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 37 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement National Park - Removed Sewadle - Added Scyther M/D Route 38 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 39 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 40 Land - Removed Repel on Corphish Watter - Added Carvanha With MS Olivine City - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 41 - Added Relicanth with MS Cianwood City - Added Frillish With MS Cliff Edge Gate - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Cliff Cave 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Cliff Cave B1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Cliff Cave 2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 47 Water -Added Binacle With MS all Unown adjusted tier in these maps Ruins Of Alph Item 1 Ruins Of Alph Item 2 Ruins Of Alph Item 3 Ruins Of Alph Item 4 Burned Tower Floor 2 - Removed Meditite and Chatot Burned Tower Top Floor - Added Magby Route 42 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 43 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Lake Of Rage - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar 1F Land - Added Bunnelby With MS Mt. Mortar B1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar Lower Cave - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar Northern Entrance - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar Upper Cave - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 44 /!\/!\/!\/!\TIER CHANGE /!\/!\/!\/!\ - lowered Pidove From Rare to Uncommon - Changed Zangoose From N to M/D/N with MS Ice Path 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Ice Path B1F - Added Cubchoo With MS Ice Path B2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Ice Path B3F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Dragons Den Entrance - Removed Murkrow - Added Noibat With MS - Removed Ms on Gligar Dragons Den Land - Removed Swablu - Removed Carbink - Added Bagon With Ms Water Changed Dratini level repel from 55 to 54 to remove outrage Dragons Den B1F - Removed Bagon Dragons Shrine Land - Added Deino With MS Water - Added Swablu - Removed Lapras - Removed Dratini Route 45 - Removed Ms on Skarmory - Changed Gligar From M/D/N to M/N - Changed Skarmory From M/D/N to D/N Route 28 - Added skiddo - Removed MS on heracross Mt. Silver Exterior - Removed MS on Skarmory - Changed Skarmory From M/D to M/N - Changed Vulaby From N to M/N - Changed Zangoose From M/N to M/D/N Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside - Removed Hitmonchan Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside - Removed Hitmonlee - Added Tyrogue Mt. Silver 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Silver 2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Silver Moltres Chamber - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 49 - Removed MS on Totodile Whirl Islands 1F Northeast - Removed Gligar Whirl Islands 1F Northwest - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Whirl Islands 1F Southeast - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Whirl Islands 1F Southwest - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Whirl Islands B1F - Added Gligar M/N Whirl Islands B2F Water - Added Staryu All kanto and Johto Spawns are now in line with today's spawn % standards11 points
7 points
Auction Details: Start Price: 20m End Point: 72 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 250k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k) Important Reminders: This is a Gold Server auction. If bidding from an alternative server, state that you will transfer upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!6 points
6 points
"Your wish is my command!" - Shenlong PvP Chests: Battle, Win, and Earn Exclusive Rewards! - Announcements - Pokemon Revolution Online Auction Details: Start Price: 10m End Point: 72 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k) Important Reminders: This is a Gold Server auction. However, you may bid from any server, and I will transfer to your preferred server upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!6 points
+1 There have been other cases as well since the MS price increased. 3 examples are: - I personally do not count 20min Bug Catching Contest or Shadow Area as an actual "hunting" spot for larvesta, that's why I include it into those examples. - The non-MS spawns in those screenshots are event spawns from events which haven't been up since the MS price change, therefore haven't been changed yet. All 3 of them are event exclusive Pokemon, outside of Outbreaks (lmao). The fact that players are forced to buy MS, during an EVENT just to hunt EVENT EXCLUSIVE pokemon, which also got a new form, is an insanely bad idea. Currently MS' price isn't worth the value it provides. Locking already pretty exclusive Pokemon behind a "paywall" is clearly going in the wrong direction. I'm positive that Hoenn/Sinnoh will have their native MS-only spawns updated too at some point, since we already got Kanto/Johto updated as of recently regarding such spawns.6 points
6 points
Exclusive Valentine’s Giveaway! Love is in the air, and so are EPIC rewards! From February 16 to February 25, Gold Server members get an exclusive chance to win BIG & SMALL prizes, including: 200K - 1M CC Event Form Pokes Choice Items Orbs Tools Outfits Mount Each giveaway will last 24 hours, so be sure to enter daily for more chances to win! How to Enter? join our Server React to the giveaway bot Stay active & spread the love! Winners pick prize in Gold Server Only , so don’t miss your chance to grab these amazing rewards! Join us at Komedi Club and let’s make this Valentine’s one to remember! Server Link https://discord.gg/cxJpuV4Nyx5 points
4 points
Alt account: Sumocal (Silver) Auction Details: Start Price: 10m End Point: 72 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: 40m Minimum Raise: 1m Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k) Important Reminders: This is a Cross Server auction. You may bid from any server, and I will transfer to your preferred server upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
Content Changelog February 2025 Tutors: [Added] Move Deleter in Cerulean City, Saffron City, Goldenrod City, Blackthorn City, Slateport City, Sootopolis City, Snowpoint City and Hearthome City. [Added] Move Tutor for Earth Power to Tutor Heaven. [Removed] Icicle Crash Tutor from Tutor Heaven. [Removed] Rotom Evolution Move Tutor from Tutor Heaven. Attractions: [Changed] The layout of Mirage Island. [Changed] The Sinnoh Underground Daily Quest with updated rewards. Story: [Changed] The layout of Viridian Maze. [Removed] You no longer need to talk to Jackson's Mom if you lose the battle in the Viridian School. Event: [Added] You can now access Aphrodia Island from every harbor city. Dungeon: [Changed] The price of Dal Segno Augment in the Crux of Melody to 50 Mythical Notes. [Changed] The possible Berry Drops from furious Pokemon encounters in the Scatted Realm: Encounters leading with Crobat or Golbat may drop Lum Berries, Encounters leading with Graveler or Golem may drop Leppa Berries, Other encounters may drop Sitrus Berries. [Changed] The location of some Portals and Furious Pokemon in the Boss Room of the Scattered Realm.4 points
3 points
Dear Pokémon Revolution Online Community, I am writing to express the collective concerns that have been circulating among players regarding recent developments within the game. The decisions made in the past month have significantly impacted our gaming experience, leading to frustration and a sense of neglect. However, I want to start by acknowledging the tremendous amount of work and dedication that the development team, many of whom are volunteers, has put into this fan-made game. We all understand that PRO isn’t an officially developed game, and that the team is doing their best with limited resources. This post is not intended to criticize, but to help improve the game and to unite the community. We want to see PRO thrive, and in order to do that, we need to work together and voice our concerns in a constructive way. After all, the game is nothing without its players. The more players we have, the better the game becomes, and the happier the community is, the more vibrant and engaged it will be. If the game gives to everyone, then everyone wins, and the community and the game itself will flourish. 1. Delay of the Valentine's Day Event and Lack of Communication The Valentine's Day event, a highlight for many players, was anticipated with great enthusiasm. However, its delay without clear communication has left the community disheartened. Players have been eagerly awaiting updates, but the absence of information regarding the event's status and expected launch date has led to uncertainty and disappointment. We know that the devs are working hard behind the scenes, and we can empathize with the challenges they face, but clearer communication would go a long way in alleviating player frustration. Especially when delays occur, it’s important to keep players informed to prevent negative assumptions from building up. 2. Omission of EXP Share Party Boost in the Event Traditionally, special events like Valentine's Day have introduced features such as the EXP Share Party Boost, enhancing the gameplay experience. Its absence in the recent event has raised questions about the commitment to maintaining engaging and rewarding content for players. This omission feels like a missed opportunity to enrich the event and cater to the community's expectations. Again, we recognize that the development team is limited by resources, but adding such boosts would have made the event feel more rewarding for all players. Instead of removing this feature completely and surprising the player base, it could be replaced with something equally exciting and beneficial to the players. A simple removal without warning or alternative left many feeling disappointed. 3. The Litwick World Quest and Membership Concerns The Litwick World Quest, introduced today, has been met with mixed reactions. While new content is generally welcomed, the execution of this quest has sparked a lot of debates. Many players have expressed concerns that the requirement to subscribe to the paid membership to make it easier to complete the Litwick quest feels like an intentional push to monetize the game. This decision has led to frustration within the community, as it appears that certain content is being locked behind a paywall rather than being made accessible to all players. We understand the challenges of running a free-to-play game and the need for funding, but this approach risks dividing the player base. It is essential to unite everyone, not create divisions among players based on their access to content. The decisions made should bring players together, not set them against one another. 4. Perception of Decisions Aimed at Frustrating Players A concerning trend has emerged where certain game decisions appear to be intentionally frustrating players. Features that were once standard are being altered or removed without adequate explanation, leading to a sense of alienation within the community. While challenges are a natural part of gaming, the current direction seems to prioritize difficulty over enjoyment, undermining the core purpose of gaming as a source of fun and relaxation. We understand that every decision is not easy, and the devs are doing their best, but the constant changes can sometimes feel like they are pushing players away rather than bringing them closer. The goal should always be to create an environment where players feel included and engaged, not frustrated or excluded. The essence of Pokémon Revolution Online lies in its community and the shared experiences that make the game enjoyable. The recent decisions have strained this bond, leading to a decline in player morale and engagement. It is crucial for the development team to acknowledge these concerns and work collaboratively with the community to restore the game's integrity and player satisfaction. I, myself, do not disagree with all decisions of the devs—many are understandable and come from a place of trying to balance the game’s longevity and balance. However, it is really sad to see how some of the recent decisions have affected the player base and the overall atmosphere within the community. A huge thank you to the devs for everything you do—running a fan-made game with limited resources is not an easy task. We know that, and we deeply appreciate the efforts you put into keeping this game alive. We understand the challenges and limitations, but we also want to ensure that the players continue to enjoy the game as much as possible, and that the community stays united. We understand that the development team is working with limited resources and staff, and we deeply appreciate the effort that goes into keeping this game running. As a fan-made game, we know that there are many challenges, and we don’t take that for granted. However, lack of resources should not be used as an excuse to make decisions that negatively impact the player base. Instead, it’s essential that the developers find ways to prioritize the enjoyment of all players while still considering the sustainability of the game. I suggest the developers consider the following actions: Transparent Communication: Provide regular updates on event statuses, feature implementations, and address community concerns promptly. We understand it can be difficult, but even small updates would help manage expectations. Especially when things are delayed, communication is key to preventing frustration. Community Engagement: Involve players in decision-making processes through surveys, feedback sessions, and open forums to ensure that changes align with community interests. Balanced Content Access: Avoid locking significant content behind paywalls and ensure that events and features are accessible to all players, bringing the community together, not dividing it. Replacing Removed Features: Instead of taking out features like the EXP Share Party Boost entirely, consider replacing them with equally exciting alternatives that players can look forward to, keeping the event engaging and rewarding for everyone. We are all invested in this game and its future. By fostering a collaborative and transparent environment, we can work together to enhance Pokémon Revolution Online and restore the joy that has always been at its core. Let’s all join forces to create a better experience for everyone, regardless of their membership status. Together, we can make PRO a game that we can all be proud of. Sincerely, A Concerned Player3 points
3 points
3 points
Hello All! I search these pokes: -Politoad Drizzle 31-31 def-hp other IV 20+//bold/calm -Poliwrath Swift Swim 31-31 speed-atk other IV 20+//adamant -Lickitung Oblivious 30(+)-30(+)def-hp other IV 20+//adamant -Swampert any abi 31-30(+) speed-atk other IV 20+//adamant -Slaking 30(+)-31 atk-speed other iv 20+/jolly ***-Seismitoad Poison Touch 30(+)-29(+) def-hp other ivs 20+//impish (this is my priory)*** -Darmanitan Sheer Force 30(+)-31 atk-speed other ivs 20+//jolly,ada -Heracross any abillity but prefer Moxie or Guts 30(+)-31 atk-speed other ivs 20+ //jolly -Nidoking Sheer Force 30(+) Spatk-31 Speed other ivs 20+//timid -Carracosta Solid Rock/Sturdy 30(+)-31 atk-speed other ivs 20+//naughty/adamant If u know me u know i pay well!! IGN: Qwatte Discord: @qwatte My collection:3 points
Hi everyone ! I have the great pleasure to propose to you this super rare Dragon Ball Z pvp mount : The Hoverpod You'll appreciate the design wich is reaaally cool, the confy sit and the sunroof during hot summer day ! don't get me started on the vocal command, i mean, wow Starting Price : 7m Min.Bid : 100k Insta : 9m cc accepted with a value of 450k as payment You have 3h after the first bid, If someone bids on the last minute, we would had 15minutes to the timer3 points
Alt account: Sumocal (Silver) Auction Details: Start Price: 20m End Point: 1 week (after start price is met) Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 500k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k) Important Reminders: This is a Cross Server auction. You may bid from any server, and I will transfer to your preferred server upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!3 points
3 points
The PvP Coordinator team has discussed some more changes to the Viability Rankings based on latest metagame trends and developments. Rises: Bisharp: A → A+ A staple on BO and HO teams, Bisharp pairs well with other offensive threats, like Mega Lopunny and Mega Pinsir, to overwhelm physically defensive Pokémon that it would otherwise struggle to overcome by itself, such as Zapdos and Skarmory. It is also a top-tier teammate for Pokémon that appreciate the removal of commonplace walls like Clefable, the Slow twins, Chansey, and more. Zapdos: A → A+ In a metagame where it can check some of the most dangerous offensive threats, like Mega Lopunny, Bisharp, Tornadus-T, Mega Scizor, Mega Pinsir, and much more, Zapdos fits on many offensive, balanced, and defensive builds where it can provide much-needed Defog support, the possibility of chipping down physical assailants with Rocky Helmet, the chance to paralyze them with Static, and decent offensive pressure and momentum even without running HP Ice, thanks to Heat Wave, Hurricane, and Volt Switch. Kyurem-B: A- → A Kyurem-B is a strong wallbreaker with a lot of set diversity and the ability to blow past some would-be checks, like Clefable and Ferrothorn, thanks to Icium Z. While it certainly has its own drawbacks, like its lackluster speed and vulnerability to Stealth Rock, its bulk allows it to stomach a hit and retaliate even in an offensively leaning metagame. Slowbro: B+ → A- Slowbro finally joins its specially defensive twin in the A ranks as a strong answer to some of the most prevalent offensive Pokémon in the tier: Mega Lopunny, Mega Metagross, Keldeo, and more. Thanks to Rocky Helmet in conjunction with Teleport, it can swiftly switch into a hit then generate momentum and recover health back with Regenerator. This makes Slowbro an option on more teams than just defensive and balanced structures. Breloom: B- → B Breloom is a valuable member of specific HO builds that appreciate its priority and ability to incapacitate an opposing Pokémon thanks to Spore and the safety net of Focus Sash. It also performs well against other offensive staples, like Bisharp, Mega Lopunny, and Azumarill just to name a few. Mega Pinsir: B- → B Just like Breloom, Mega Pinsir finds home on some of the HO builds that heavily benefit from its unique offensive coverage, priority, and ability to overwhelm physical checks with the help of its teammates. Cresselia: C → C+ Porygon2: C- → C+ Uxie: C- → C+ Trick Room carves itself a notable niche in an offensively oriented metagame where it can turn the speed of opposing HO teams into a disadvantage. The addition of Ursaluna also means that TR builds now gain another valuable member that appreciates common setters like Cresselia, Porygon2, and Uxie. Drops: Kyurem: S → A+ While Kyurem continues to be a force to be reckoned with in this metagame and can excel against specific team structures, it is decidedly less effective into most of the increasingly common offensive builds. Mega Medicham: A- → B Mega Medicham continues to struggle in this metagame because wallbreaking requires the widespread presence of walls it can effectively break with its coverage. However, it is quite prediction-reliant against structures that revolve around the likes of Clefable, Landorus-T, Zapdos, the Slow twins, etc. Mega Medicham also suffers from 4MSS (4 Moveslot Syndrome) and must pick between Zen Headbutt, Thunder Punch, and Bullet Punch to round out its coverage. Even then, it is left completely walled by Pokémon like Mega Sableye and Aegislash, the latter of which it can only severely damage with Fire Punch, which it simply cannot afford to run. Pelipper: B+ → C+ Mega Swampert: B+ → C+ Kingdra: B- → C In what is the steepest, longest overdue drop of this update, common Rain staples find themselves tumbling down the viability ranks for a multitude of reasons. Rain structures are not particularly effective against other offensive teams, like Breloom HO, Veil offense, or even Trick Room. Moreover, the matchup-fishy nature of this playstyle also makes it less reliable against Pokémon like Freeze-Dry Kyurem and Chilly Reception Slowking. The PvP Coordinator team believes that Rain has been ranked exceedingly generously for a while now, and this sudden drop seeks to correct a long-standing misperception. Additions: Gengar: Unranked → C+ Gengar has a decent match-up against offense, thanks to its 110 base speed tier, offensive coverage, and access to utility options in Taunt and Destiny Bond. It also fits well on offensive builds, where it can spam Shadow Ball pretty freely while being able to hit common Dark-type switch-ins with Focus Blast and taking advantage of Focus Sash to fire off another hit or use Destiny Bond before fainting. The PvP Coordintor team continues to monitor the VR in lights of the release of new Pokémon, such as Arcanine-Hisui and Ursaluna, and the addition of moves that potentially affect the viability of the likes of Alomomola, the Lati twins, Mega Charizard Y, and Skarmory. However, due to the recency of those events, we are choosing to wait a bit longer before making any further adjustments to the list.3 points
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Kyurem is overcentralizing. Kyurem is a 6-0 machine against unprepared teams. Kyurem alone renders queueing up Mega Swampert Rain tantamount to wintrading. Kyurem makes constructing traditional balance teams an absolute nightmare. I don't think Kyurem is broken. It is not the only reason balance feels impossible to play, and as a unit that relies on its uninvested natural bulk to function, it itself suffers from many of the same issues that plague balance as a whole. Offense has been king in PRO for quite some time now, and I think there is a different discussion that is worth having about the metagame at large. It is functionally impossible to reliably remove Stealth Rock, unless you know your opponent's sets either because you've played them before, your guild has, or your friends have. Let's take a look at the state of our hazard removal. The only viable Rapid Spin user is Excadrill. Defensive Excadrill sets have been pushed to the wayside by offensive powercreep since about 2016, and offensive ones may remove Stealth Rock once or twice, but that's far from its main role and it is far from good at it - Excadrill certainly does not scare out Garchomp or Landorus-T. Tornadus-T is weak to Stealth Rock, and currently generally runs offensive EVs to make its Supersonic Skystrike hit harder. It's one of our better options, but is liable to being worn down over time (by definition, removing Stealth Rock with Tornadus-T means it is at 75%), and is not living Stone Edges or Z-nukes from any of our offensive hazard setters. Utility Serperior works in a pinch, but has no recovery bar the unreliable Synthesis, which it can never fit on a set. Zapdos is weak to Stealth Rock itself and is generally tasked with checking Mega Lopunny - something it cannot do reliably if it enters the field at 75% HP. It too is liable to getting nuked by offensive Z-SR sets. Landorus-T has longevity issues, as it is frequently used as a blanket check, and more importantly usually belongs on the sort of team that would rather trade Stealth Rock with its opponent than remove them from both sides. Gliscor is quite good at removing Stealth Rock - however, Defog Gliscor sets often do little else besides removing items or checking Heatran. Rotom-Wash is a traditional balance staple - but also a loss condition in the face of Substitute Kyurem. Its bulk also does not hold up nearly as well in a world with Z-moves, but also no Toxapex to take advantage of to pivot freely. Instead, Slowking takes pitiful damage from uninvested Volt Switch and seizes momentum itself with its slower Chilly Reception. Defog Skarmory is a niche option which deals with many of the physical Stealth Rock setters well, but virtually commits you to playing Stall. Furthermore, all Defoggers must deal with the specter of Defiant Eviolite Bisharp and to a lesser extent Annihilape, which makes the choice to remove Stealth Rock often a trade of a long-term annoyance for an immediate short-term crisis. In contrast, we have a wide array of Pokemon that are very good at keeping Stealth Rock up against virtually anything - Z or Taunt Landorus-T, Z or bulky Garchomp, MG Clefable, Mega Diancie, Mold Breaker Excadrill, Offensive Tyranitar, Z Heatran, Z Kommo-o... Why is this relevant? Both Substitute and Specs Kyurem are Pokemon that thrive off coming in on the double switch or a safe pivot move from a teammate, such as Mega Scizor's U-Turn, Slowbro's Teleport, or Rotom-Wash's Volt Switch. These repeated free switches with very limited safe answers and the risk of Freeze from primary STAB are the heart of Kyurem's oppressive gameplay cycle. However, there are no free switches when Stealth Rock is on the field. Losing a quarter of its HP renders Kyurem in KO range of many strong and fast attackers and greatly limits the amount of times it can afford to fish for freeze. It also limits the amount of PP Substitute Kyurem can remove from an erstwhile check before being forced into uncomfortable mindgames. When Kyurem is allowed to play its game unmolested, it is absolutely worthy of a ban - however, I would argue that no competent player should be allowing this to happen on anything resembling a consistent basis. Another aspect I think is sometimes underappreciated about Kyurem's presence in PRO is that Kyurem-Black's legality actually makes regular Kyurem significantly easier to play against. Z- and boosting item sets tend to be the sole provenance of Kyurem-Black, making it relatively easy to assume that the unfused Kyurem you are facing in team preview is in fact SubRoost or Choiced. Finally, the archetypes that Kyurem destroys were not very good to begin with. With or without Kyurem, Rain has a disaster matchup against Chilly Reception Slowking, Aurora Veil, and many variants of offense. With or without Kyurem, Balance is not going to recover unless a litany of other gigantic offensive threats are removed and hazard removal achieves some sort of relative parity with hazard setting (or a certain item is released). As for Stall, well, it deals with SubRoost Kyurem surprisingly well. Calm CM Unaware Clefable was already forced for reliable counterplay to threats like Z-Bug Volcarona, Manaphy, and LO MG Clefable. With Wish and Heal Bell support, it has no problem sitting in front of standard SubRoost Kyurem forever - even when it gets frozen. Aurora Veil, on paper, is simply favored - Ninetales-Alola is one of Kyurem's better checks, and Kyurem should never really be able to come in more than once or twice. Other offensive teams are similar in this regard. I am not going to lose any sleep over Kyurem potentially getting banned. However, from my perspective, it warrants tiering action about as much as Volcarona - that is to say, perhaps in theory, but not at all in practice.3 points
Changelog 21.02.2025: Added PvP Chests. PvP Tokens are displayed on the Trainer Card, and Event Coins have their own currency icon now. Added Win Streak and Highest Win Streak to the PvP window. Re-logging during a battle now has a 10-second delay. Prevents abuse in wild battles and makes dungeon runs fairer. Fainted Pokémon are now grayed out in the enemy team view and replays. Preview Milcery can now evolve into all 63 Alcremie forms. Fixed a bug where players got stuck if they logged out during a battle after leveling up but before the move learn window appeared. Inventory sorting now ignores item colors, ensuring correct item order. Added D-Pad direction indicators. Fixed white Pokeball backgrounds on team preview and enemy team views that were empty at launch but later filled. Fixed a hover issue where clicking and dragging off the PvP loot box icon or spawn list could cause it to stay stuck. Visually updated terrain backgrounds in battles. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations.3 points
There has been much debate if it is fine in gen 9 ou/nat dex, was even banned for a period of time before being reversed so not sure how you are able to support this. Kyurem also exists in gen 9 where you are able to run certain tera types to out position kyurem and land an unexpected kill. These are not buffs they are simply the updated gen 9 learn sets, eventually everything will be in the game but that does not fall under what the PvP team is responsible for. When new mons get new tools to beat what was once counters there win rates are typically reflected. The main counter to kyurem in the last 4 years was bulky waters but with the addition of freeze dry it is able to circumvent this. Again as part of the PvP team we are not responsible for what is released and the speed of its release. New tms are coming with the PvP chests, but other mons that gained moves through level up change or tms that are already existing in the game. Some examples are dual wingbeat salamence or sludge wave greninja. To address your second point yes its not out of the ordinary for mons to stand out during these temporary "pocket metas" but when they become extremely over bearing in kyurems case having ~65% wr with sub roost set and having a 70%+ wr with specs this is an outlier which we look to address. Also just because something is banned temporarily does not exclude it from returning in the future when more is released. Are implying blastoise/kyurem are on the same level as annihilape or slowking and those also need to be banned? Please elaborate if so because the impacts these mons have are far less than blastoise/greninja/kyurem. Pro has a completely different environment and meta than smogon tiers. And this unnecessary problem you keep referencing is due to mechanic updates which would have to come eventually since that is the current direction the game wants to go towards. You want every new piece of content dropped immediately,(everything missing from 7 through 9) but this is simply not possible.3 points
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Start price: 10m Min. raise: 250k End: 72h after the first bid Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules - x1 = 450k, IV Reroll Tickets - 1x = 500k C.O: 15m Reminder: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes.2 points
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I have the same problem, I have traveled the entire region and interacted with all the npc, none receive that specific letter. I even thought it could be bugged since I activated the mission last year (When I was just in Johto) and I thought that now that I have finished the other regions the npc has changed location... I visited the flower shops in the other regions too, and I can't find the recipient either. Please help us.2 points
Hello, I recently played pvp and opened a chest that had another chest inside. After that trunk, there was a box, and I opened it, after that I received some clothes. and I just found out that it was very rare. Is it possible to restore, the box I would really like to sell, and this money would be very important for my pvp career, I don't speak English so I didn't understand anything about the instructions, if possible also for lay people, you could leave a note when opening like "are you sure you would like to do this" . I would like you to restore the box if possible, so I can negotiate and remove the clothes from my inventory. "capitain box"2 points
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Hello all, @Raiijin2 You have been punished for False Offering, as you don't have the funds to honour your bid. You are not allowed to bid any further. His last valid bid was 45M, so @Snowbelll 50M bid is the last valid bid, and currently the best offer. My apologies for the inconvience caused. Kindly, K-Mew2 points
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Changelog 12.12.2024: Reworked switching between cosmetic forms in the Pokédex, eliminating the double usage of right-click for both the non-cosmetic forms grid and switching between cosmetic sprites. Example video Added Refill used PvP Items in Game Options. It is enabled by default and automatically re-equips consumed held items from your inventory after a PvP match. Snow battle icon correctly vanishes when it ended now. Weather Ball will no longer deny you from clicking on anything when there was no weather. Players have a round counter for weather effects below the weather icon in the battle window now. It doesn’t show how long the weather will last but instead how long it has been active. Players can now see how much HP the Pokémon have left in the enemy team view. It only shows info you have already seen. For example, Regenerator healing won’t update until the Pokémon comes back into battle. Lost HP is shown visually as a red-filled area on the Pokeballs. Example picture Hovering over a Pokémon displays a tooltip showing its exact remaining HP percentage. When a Pokémon faints, its Pokeball changes to a different red color, making it easy to differentiate between fainted and low HP. It's backwards compatible with replays. Example picture The map music and battle music files are no longer stored in the client but are now streamed and downloaded on demand. This allows us to fix music files more easily while significantly reducing the client size. The size has decreased from 620 MB to 350 MB, enabling clients to be cached via Cloudflare again, ensuring faster DDL downloads in the future. If you mute the music in the client options, it will not be downloaded. Players no longer get stuck if they trigger the LoS of two NPCs at the same time and the first one teleports them to another map. Coded Neutralizing Gas. Coded Chilly Reception. Coded Lunar Blessing. Coded First Impression. Clangorous Soul now takes 1/3 of the user's max HP when using it. Being behind your Substitute will display back the right message instead of revealing your Ability when an opposing user's Intimidate triggers. Teleport will no longer end the Wild Battle when it was you using it, but the Wild Pokémon using it can still end the battle. Teleport will now display a failed message when the user had no ally left to swap with. Soundproof users are no longer immune to their own moves, so if a Pokémon uses Perish Song, it will now gain a perish count. However, other Pokémon with Soundproof are still immune to Perish Song. Added 56 new TMs, we should now have every TM released until Gen 9. Added missing Egg Moves for some Pokémon. Piplup family now has Competitive instead of Defiant. Shiftry now has Wind Rider instead of Early Bird. Aegislash Blade Form's Attack and Spatk Base Stats were reduced by 10 points each. Aegislash Shield Form's Defense and Spdef Base Stats were reduced by 10 points each. Cresselia's Defense and Spdef Base Stats were reduced by 10 points each. Zacian's Attack Base Stat was reduced by 10 points, while Zacian-Crowned's by 20 points. Zamazenta's Attack Base Stat was reduced by 10 points. All alternative forms of Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus, Keldeo, Rotom and Greninja now share the same TMs learnset as their base form. The new Pokeballs are now displayed at the top of the item selection in the battle window. Coded Chilly Reception. Coded Meteorite. Coded Gracidea. Coded Oricorio's four Nectars. Coded Ogerpon's three Masks. Coded Adamant Crystal. Coded Lustrous Globe. Coded Griseous Core. Fixed Reflect's and Ice Body's message. Fixed Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, and Fire Fang to ensure their additional effects now trigger independently rather than simultaneously. Weather Ball now correctly transforms into Breakneck Blitz when affected by Normalium Z. Using Gastro Acid to suppress an Ability that can't be copied/swapped by either Role Play or Skill Swap will no longer allow you to bypass the restriction. Role Play will fail if the target has Illusion. Castform now can transform into its Snowy form when Snow is active. Curse now properly fails if the target is already cursed. Enhanced the message displayed when Brick Break removes Aurora Veil, Reflect, or Light Screen. Enhanced Soundproof messages when blocking sound-based moves. Magneton and Nosepass can now evolve when exposed to a Thunder Stone. Eevee can now evolve into Leafeon when exposed to a Leaf Stone and Glaceon when exposed to an Ice Stone. Ensured that all alternate forms of Deerling, Sawsbuck, and Oricorio share the same learnsets as their base forms. Fixed TM learnsets for Paldean Tauros and Galarian Darmanitan. Exp. Candies now fail and are no longer consumed when used during battle. Changed the icon of some TMs. Zamazenta-Crowned's Attack Base Stat was reduced by 10 points, while its Defense and Spdef Base Stats by 5 points each. Made several minor reworks, clean-ups, and optimizations.2 points