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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/18 in all areas
Hey, I have some suggestions regarding the current PC-System. I am aware that this is low priority, but I am pretty sure that it is a really good and wanted QoL change. I saw similar posts, but those did not match entirely with the thoughts I had about the PC. If you like or dislike any of them, please leave a reply in this topic. 1. Naming Boxes. PvP-Box, PvE-Box, Shiny Box etc. I know it is possible to sort it like that with a bit of effort but the naming would make the whole sorting way more pleasant. 2. Adding and naming Categories One Box consists of 5 Rows which contain 3 Pokémon each. Adding a [-] Split function to split the Box in two Categories (which both can be named) containing 6 Pokémon each for a full team (12 per splitted box) would be great. This would be especially useful for entire PvP teams, but can be used to sort a lot of different things aswell. 3. Free movement in the box. Each Slot in every box should be usable for any Pokémon no matter how much we caught or if those are filled with Pokémon. This would allow us to use the last boxes for PvP-Teams (using the Split function), Shinys, Boss-Pokémon etc. whilst the boxes in the front will not be messed up by (or simply used for) catching new wild Pokémon. 4. Checking and mass-deleting Pokémon. Adding a simple checkbox to every Pokémon and being able to click a trashcan to release all of them together. This will prevent the time consuming and annoying process of releasing every single Pokémon slowly, especially after catching hundreds. 5. Mark favorites. Small, not needed change I thought about. Marking Pokémon with a little star and being able to only show those. This is for example useful to mark epic or just really good Pokémon when you caught hundreds of the same kind to differentiate those from the bad (and hopefully mass-delete the rest). Thanks to @SchattenDialga for the visualization. Make sure to check out his shop here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/103263-url4 points
Hello. I would like to suggest a little visual update to Pokemon forms other than shiny. It would be nice to see icons for each form next to the Pokemon name, just like S with shiny ones. I think it could be helpful during hunting, because some of the forms are really hard to see on smartphone screen (for example pinkan male Nidoran vs regular one). I made fast prototypes to show how it could look like: - for Christmas Pokemon - for Easter Pokemon - for Halloween Pokemon - for Valentine's Day Pokemon - for Piknan Pokemon - for clone Pokemon And here this is a test screenshot from the game how it could look during gameplay: Hope you like this idea!2 points
Cześć, jeśli jesteś graczem z Polski i interesuje Cię wspólna gra w przyjaznym community z Twojego kraju - trafiłeś w dobre miejsce! Jesteśmy najpopularniejszą i najprężniej rozwijającą się polską Gildią na Serwerze SILVER. Swoją działalność prowadzimy już od stycznia 2017 roku - zatem nie brak nam doświadczenia. Gildia została stworzona przez kilku dobrych znajomych, grających w PRO od momentu jego powstania, a tym, co chcieliśmy osiągnąć było stworzenie specyficznego, wyluzowanego klimatu, gdzie każdy może odciąć się od świata zewnętrznego i (w przeciwieństwie do innych ówczesnych gildii) nie spinać się, że jest w jakiejś elitarnej jednostce, gdzie non-stop należy trzymać fason. Udało się! Gildia ma na celu zjednoczenie polskich poketrenerów pod jednym sztandarem. Od momentu powstania nasza ekipa rozrosła się, rekrutując aktywnych graczy oraz rozwinęliśmy pewne wartości: wzajemną pomoc, szkolenie nowych graczy i szacunek dla innych członków Gildii. Oczywiście nie zapomnijmy o tym, że wszyscy świetnie się bawimy grając w PRO. W naszych szeregach znajdują się zarówno doświadczeni gracze, jak i ci początkujący, którzy w razie pytań i problemów mogą zawsze liczyć na pomoc starszych stażem kolegów. Każdy jest mile widziany. Wewnątrz Gildii odbywają się regularne turnieje i konkursy z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami, a także każdego miesiąca gracze z najlepszymi wynikami w grach rankingowych są nagradzani. Jeśli planujesz dłużej zabawić na serwerze i nudzi Cię samotne przemierzanie świata Pokemon - dołącz do nas! Przestrzegaj ogólnych zasad PRO Aktywnie graj Chcemy graczy, którzy pozostaną z nami na dłuższą metę. Gdy gracz nie jest aktywny przez dłuższy czas (na dzień dzisiejszy +1 miesiąc) zostaje wykluczony z gildii, aby zrobić miejsce dla nowego członka. Każdy gracz wykluczony z powodu braku aktywności może powrócić, jeśli planuje kontynuować grę. Jeśli planujesz dłuższą nieobecność, wystarczy powiadomić o tym lidera. Bądź dojrzały Nie mamy limitu wieku, ale dojrzałość jest ważnym kryterium, które może prowadzić do wykluczenia z Gildii danej osoby. Szanuj innych członków gildii oraz graczy PRO Nie niszcz wizerunku Gildii w rozmowach z innymi graczami na serwerze. Bądź niezależny Gildia nie jest po to, alby dać Ci gotowe Pokemony, pieniądze etc., za to chętnie nauczymy Cię w jaki sposób to wszystko zdobyć. Bądź miły i aktywnie korzystaj z czatu Gildii w grze chcemy Cię poznać, bądź kimś więcej niż tylko nickiem na liście członków. Bądź uczciwy Nie chcemy w naszej Gildii oszustów. Miej dystans Czasami lubimy pożartować, nie pouczaj i nie bądź zbyt poważny, daj innym się wyszaleć, w końcu to tylko gra Bonus Exp 7.5% dla Gildii powyżej 95 członków. Gra w miłym i otwartym towarzystwie. Szybka integracja z innymi graczami. Możliwość uzyskania pomocy w każdym momencie gry. Dostęp do rozwiniętego Discorda Gildii. Loterie, turnieje i konkursy dla wszystkich członków Gildii. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany dołączeniem do Gildii proszę o kontakt poprzez wiadomość prywatną w grze do mnie lub jednego z Officerów (wymienionych poniżej), dołącz do nas na Discordzie albo po prostu napisz pod tym postem, jakoś się zgadamy. Jeśli przed podjęciem decyzji masz jakieś pytania, chcesz nas poznać bliżej, pogadać - wbijaj śmiało na Discorda! >>> https://discord.gg/8gh5YHD <<< Osoby do kontaktu (komenda w grze /pm nick):1 point
Ola, meu nome é Daniela. Somos jogadores que vieram de outro jogo (World of Warcraft), e resolvemos criar uma guild aqui , primeiramente porque gostamos de guild organizada e pequenas. Convido vocês a entrarem na nossa guilda, não somos os mais experientes, mas estamos dispostos a te ajudar no que precisar. Temos um DISCORD próprio onde estamos quase o dia todo online onde vocês podem conversar com a gente por voz . A ideia é ter uma guild de amigos e não uma guild grande e forte. Então resumindo.... Não pedimos requerimentos.1 point
Hi there c: After almost 3 years away from PRO, i'm back! I was a former Content Scripter for PRO back in 2016, then i did break some staff rules and got removed, but now i want to make up for it with some stuff to help the game or the players :3 Starting with this "Tool" i made to launch PRO with Discord Rich Presence enabled, so your discord status can look like this: It has a 32bit and a 64bit version, depending on the PRO version you use :D and you can download them both bellow: 32bit: http://www.mediafire.com/file/t15o3vqfa2ilwa8/PRO32_Assist.exe/file 64bit: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9f8joxsk47hz8cz/PRO64_Assist.exe/file Just put it inside your PRO folder and open it up, it will open PRO automatically. You can make a shortcut for it to make it easier to open too! Just left-click it and the click: "Create Shortcut" and place that shortcut wherever you like. Scans: 32bit: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/a5dbf3c283541de9c134c3cb57dc8b07612de4f98b8b955d66fa1cd124296886/detection 64bit: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/7477ac5b6d1e10fab95dc8d39a33a88deebbf67699b9d6fffb086756f418af92/detection (Has some False-positives due to some functions of the discord_rpc library) Going to make improvements for the next version, like multiple pictures to choose from and multiple small icons, so stay tuned c: PS: Admins & Devs can have the soruce if they want, just shoot me a PM :31 point
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Hi there. I've recovered your pokemon. It should be in the last slots of your PC. Could you check that for me?1 point
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It's a cool idea Cuz my PC is full of trash pokes and don't have time to rearrange them by myself +11 point
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Hi there. Can you tell me more about the Larvesta you're missing? You have deleted Two Timid Larvestas. One's IVs are 31, 16, 21, 26, 28, 15 and the other's is 30, 3, 10, 24, 29, 19. Can you tell me if it's one of these two? I can recover it for you afterwards. Let me know if you'd want to have them both restored instead. Hope this is what you're looking for. Looking forward to your response.1 point
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+1 #push. I have been wanting this for awhile. i used to be able to do this on the game boy. would love to be able to organize the boxes in the PC however i want.1 point
The easiest way to find pokemon that spawn in an area is by using the Reborn Bot. You may access the Reborn Bot in the PRO Official Discord or you may invite it to your own server. For the PRO Official Discord, you'll have to do ^s <Pokemon> in #bot-commands. Alternatively, once you've got the seen data of a pokemon, you can find the areas where it spawns in your pokedex. Let me know if you have any further questions.1 point
The fact is do a full boss run is time consuming. Doing it after the revamp, will be even more time consuming, since Bosses will be harder. The main point I would suggest to change, to not make the whole end game experience a full frustating stall battle, it's remove the bag ban from hard mode. It will totally be not funny with the bag ban. Even more after we get hitted by bosses perma crit or burn or whatever. It's not pvp, it's pve. Think about that, having the bag allowed will solve part of the problem of people considering it too hard. Second main problem, is the fact that bosses are too far each other. It's very boring to reach them What I suggest? To make a huge change to that too. How? First of all, divide all bosses in 3 categories: Gym leader bosses (Misty, Surge, etc), Special Bosses (like PC Boss, Terminator), Staff Boss (Neroli, etc). For the first category, gym bosses, what I suggest is to use the same Koichi system. When you first find Koichi, inside Saffron dojho, he has a white name, as a regular npc. After you beat him, he turns Red, as a Boss. Do the same for Gym Bosses. When you defeat a Gym Leader in story, he/she turns Red and became the boss. Special Bosses: you can find an use to an unused tower, this would require some works from mappers, but not too much. Where? Example: The Battle Tower in Johto! You make mappers build a base floor with a PC (with Joy) and a mart (like E4) and then a couple of floor with some dedicated room, and the special bosses inside them. Staff Bosses: the same as before, but in another unused place: Tower in Trainers Valley. I would say this would require Trainers valley to became a little cheaper for people who don't have trains pass. Think about this please. It would remove two of the most problematic thing about bosses and the revamp. Thanks.1 point
selfish? i would be one of the players that benefits the most from this revamp, trust me i'll be ready day 1 for the 4 acc farm if i can get 14m/month just killing boss i do my boss run in a few hours, around 3-4 maybe i don't do them all but doing them all would take less than 8h for sure. let's say it goes up to 10h for 60 boss in hard, it would take 40h every 15 day to clear them all = 2.6h/day, it's not that hard to do, many players have more than 2h time play every day and i think 10h is a lot more than needed for a boss run And even if people don't use 4 acc to farm but just 2 or 3 it's still a lot more cash created than right now because right now it's really hard to setup an account that can challenge all boss there will be easy mode for noobs. i beat all boss without using items with like 8 pokes in total, hard mode should be hard, not just a 1v6 snorlax what i'm trying to say is that i think this boss farm would make many source of farm irrelevant and would make price raise a lot i think that if prices raises it's bad for the game because it ruins the experience of new players if any late game player is able to create millions of cash just by killing boss the inflation could be devastating for the economy a new player wouldn't be able to buy anything until he is able to have access to that farm and many would be discouraged before to reach that point no new players = possible death of the game1 point
I don't like the levels of difficulty for bosses... they are already hard, don't need to make them even more.1 point
This game is very fun and is a great mmo . I'm just now participating in pvp but im not lvl 100 yet so i use commands to battle ppl i am around. In the next update or so the staff should discuss about having set battles as a command for players to use in-game. So that for ppl that don't want to do ranked battles can have the option of set battles like for example /setbattle level username and from there the battle is set by the command its put into place and is accepted by the person that wants to battle with these rules . This makes the matches more equal so when I'm in a battle with someone it is a 50/50 chance both sides will win and i don't get swept by that one lvl 67 gyarados that uses dragon dance to sweep my team then wen i take it down and i only have one lvl 48 poke left against his lvl 55 nidoking. I'm not saying get rid of the normal battle command I'm just saying incorporate in-game setbattles for ppl who like to battle on a equal lvl playing field and don't wanna go to ranked as default. Thank you1 point