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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/18 in Posts

  1. Hello PRO community! I bring to you a PvP video with my guild friend at Gold Server, St4rk. I'm here to share more about the game for the world and show the community more about the competitive of this game. I'm not very good at video editing, but I did everything for the public to like. I hope you like it =) Preferably watch in HD, full screen. Video Prize Draw (Gold Server): Ultra Epic Careful Skarmory (If u want to participate, watch the video and check the prize draw info). Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwVTMzMQ5uE Thanks for watching, subscribe on the channel :) Enjoy ^-^
    2 points
  2. Howdy, just a small Low priority Suggestion share by me and others I believe it would benefit PRO players if when searching on the PC, and you type a Pokemon wrong, it would be nice to have a little pop up Message that says "Invalid Name" So we can Instantly know we typed the Pokemon Name wrong It would also be great that a little pop up message can appear when you search for a Pokemon, and you actually dont have it, like it can say "Pokemon Not Found" By having that, it would look better than just having a Blank space PC I also notice that some times when you type a Pokemon correctly and you do have it in the PC, it some times wont pop up, until you try again, by having this Improvements and this happens again, you should be able to Notice faster that you should try again since Nothing is popping up, and you got no "Invalid Name" or "Pokemon Not Found" Well thats all, By having this or something related, it could Improve the gaming experience of Players by a Bit Change the way the server response to pc box search querry from string.equals() to string.contains() So if you search f.e. "Toge" you will get all you Togepi, Togetics and Togekiss instead of nothing Make the search work like the Pokedex so that we don't have to write the entire name of the Pokemon. This will allow us to search for Nidoran M/F, Farfetch'd and other pokes that include spaces or symbols in their names. Make an option to apply the sort to either the box or the entire pc. Allow us to custom sort/organize Pokemon and put them in other boxes not just the first available one. More space is definitely needed cause as Starlight said many users have more than one copy of a Pokemon (shinies, other forms, syncs, falseswipers/hm slaves etc etc) Mark/select multiple pokemon to easily release. Brutalace suggested this in another thread and it might or might not be needed if we get all the other features but let us add symbols/icons on Pokemons to categorize them. This could be maximize organizing Thanks for reading feedback is welcome as always :)
    1 point
  3. I create Signatures, Event Banners and Guild / Shop Banners I do not create Gifs at all. All my works are done on Microsoft Word. I am not a professional Designer. I mainly just create what comes to mind, and I enjoy doing it. For Banners, I require just the wording For Signatures, I require your favourite Pokemon, your favourite colour/s and your IGN Contact me on forum PM's Prices may vary on what is requested. Accept in game $, CC's and other items in PRO as payment. Here are a few examples: Shop / Guild Banners: 50k - 500k [spoiler=Shop / Guild Banners:] Event Banners: 50k - 350k [spoiler=Event Banners:] Signatures: 50k - 250k [spoiler=Signatures]
    1 point
  4. [MEDIA=imgur2]rKRJUkW[/MEDIA] giving away,has to be on silver silver,all u have to do is reply,winner will be randomly selected in few days. goodluck
    1 point
  5. Hi, btw i reeeeaaaly like your logo :D What is your in game name? --- AsukaLangley How old are you? --- 22 What aspect of the game do you like? (PvP, bosses, hunting etc.) --- the challenge, bosses, pvp, collecting, mmo-features What do you want to achieve in PRO? --- Want to do Bosses,create a Team of the coolest Pokemon imo, and learn PVP Also please provide a screenshot of your trainerscard and leave your discord tag in the reply so we can contact u easier! DiscordTag: EypoRage#4491 Im ingame usually in the evenings, so you can catch me up there ;)
    1 point
  6. Okay Heiwajima. Thank you for the correct information, and have a wonderful day
    1 point
  7. IGN: Bhonz21 How many Hours game play do you have currently? 1135 HRS. How many badges do you currently have? All. Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Absolutely YES. Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): Bhonz21#4274 Do you have an interest in PVP? YES How Many PVP Points do you have? Normally 130+ to 200+ Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? YES Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? Helping others is my thing specially my guild mates. Im not the best on pvp but i can assure you that i can help and improve the Guild.
    1 point
  8. hi i'm his brother , I will take it tonight keep it I will have it
    1 point
  9. op just one on server, i recommend it.
    1 point
  10. IGN: Samm Discordia Etiqueta: ! Saam#9572 Server : Silver IN SPANISH Esta es una historia basada en hechos reales por mí ya que desde pequeño he sido acosado por brujas…. Vivido por Saam Interpretada por el joven Totodile * Maldición Familiar * Desde muy pequeño a una edad de 10 años cada vez el joven Totodile se levantaba de su cama sentía ciertos problemas de dolores en el cuerpo y pesadeces que él no entendía y era muy recurrentes día tras día noche tras noche Ya al cumplir los 8 años de edad tenía ya problemas serios de salud en los riñones y el por el miedo a lo que sentía jamás hablaba de sus problemas y cada año él se sentía peor ya que no entendí que era lo que lo molestaba por las noches en cada uno de sus sueños era perseguido por una bruja con la cabeza grande si lo ponemos en términos reales era su cabeza del tamaño del cuerpo de “Gengar” en un cuerpo de persona normal de gran tamaño era horripilante lo peor que todos los sueños que ella aparecía frente a él todos se quedaban dormido de manera que nadie se podía despertar y el tono de voz era más débil en el sueño de manera que para él era imposible gritar ya dentro del sueño ella lo perseguía sin descanso toda la noche para poder atraparlo y solo podía correr por su vida ya que no tenía forma de escapar y ya que nadie se levantaba de su cama. El joven Totodile vivía con sus 2 hermanos uno era menor que él y tenía 9 años de edad Cyndaquil siempre era imperativo y no sabía el porqué de la actitud de su hermano mayor Totodile de 8 años también tenían una hermana mayor llamada Chikorita ella tenía 12 años de edad y era muy inteligente para su edad ya que siempre salía bien en todo y era muy dedicada en sus estudios pero tampoco entendía por que su hermano menor tenía tanto problemas de salud ya que Vivian muy bien y se alimentaba de buena forma no tenía por qué sufrir problemas de salud de esa manera. Los años pasaron en este caso 2 años después el joven Totodile se volvió más grande y algo reprimido con la gente ya los padres estaban algo preocupados por su desinterés en seguir viviendo ya que siempre decía que no quería seguir viviendo y no podían entenderlo una noche el comento algo a su padre sobre una fea bruja que lo molestaba por las noche y su padre Feraligart le contó que de joven también le pasaban mucho esas cosas porque él era muy mujeriego y que muchas de ellas le mandaban brujas para molestarlo de día y de noche también le dijeron que si algún día tuviera hijos también serían acosados fue cuando el comprendió que por los problemas que ha sufrido In English This is a story based on real events by me and that since childhood has been harassed by witches .... Lived by Saam Performed by the young Totodile * Family curse * From very young to an age of 10 years each time the young Totodile rose from his bed problems of body aches and nightmares that he did not understand and was very recurring day after day night after night By the time I was 8 years old I already had problems with kidney health problems and fear of what was not heard from anyone or anyone or anyone or anyone or me. Nobody or anyone or anyone. nights in each of his dreams was chased by a witch with a big head and we put him in real conditions was his head the body size of "Gengar" in a body of normal large person was horrifying the worst that all the dreams that she appeared in front of him everyone fell asleep so that nobody could wake up and the tone of voice was weaker in the dream in the way that it was impossible to scream and in the dream she pursued him restlessly all night to be able I can not have a way to escape and no one got up from his bed. The young Totodile lived with his 2 brothers one was younger than him and was 9 years old Cyndaquil was always imperative and did not know why the attitude of his older brother Totodile of 8 years also has an older sister called Chikorita she was 12 years old age and age is very smart The time to be always Life and life. Life is very good What health problems that way. The years passed in this case 2 years later the young Totodile became bigger and somewhat repressed with the people and the parents worry about the wishes of the children and the children. He commented something to his father about a witch party that was bothering him at night and his father Feraligart told him that to you young to him they grazed to you to you, it was to my very to you to you to you to you to you to you I also told him that it had happened.
    1 point
  11. IGN: Jetxky Discord Tag: Quake#0132 Server: Gold Story: PARALYSIS Pokemon has been my favorite game of all time. There was this one time where I've caught myself a Female, Level 15 Clefable, which is my favorite pokemon, and named her Lysapiras. I began training her at a Haunted Mansion and have encountered a level 13 Pichu. I thought, hey why not, this is a good exp for Lysapiras. I was surprised that the Pichu went first, and used Thunder Wave. Lysapiras got fully paralyzed and my Pound got cancelled. I used a Paralyze Heal to remove it but the Pichu used another Thunder Wave, which causes my Lysapiras to get paralyzed again. This started to go on and on until I got so annoyed that I had to Flee/Run. I was like, screw this! Without hesitation, I pressed "Run". "You have run away from the wild pokemon" Before going into another battle, I made sure that I used another Paralyze Heal on Lysapiras. As I began to run across the mansion, I encountered another Pichu with the same level earlier. I pressed "Run" again as I did not want to waste alot of resources and time with the Paralysis nonsense. Unfortunately, "Run" failed as the text box popped up saying.. "You can't escape!" I was like.. "Oh great, now it doesn't want me to run away!" I decided to continue the fight instead and bring him the pain. But as the fight kept going on and on, the Thunder Wave kep hitting and not even once did it failed. Until I ran out of Paralyze Heals.. The text boxes popped up saying.. "Lysapiras is paralyzed! It may be unablle to move!" "Lysapiras is fully paralyzed!" "The wild Pichu used Thunder Wave!" "Lysapiras is already paralyzed!" The non stop boxes kept on popping up because I was unable to cast any move or cure my Paralysis. I began to wonder if this is like a bug or something. I kept on pressing Run, but the text box kept on repeating.. "You can't escape!" Until finally.. "The wild Pichu fled!" So relieved on finally escaping that nonsense, I immediately used an Escape rope to jump to the nearest Pokecenter.. "Hello! Welcome to the Pokemon Centre. We restore your Pokémon to full health. Would you like to rest your Pokémon?" Duhhh! "Okay, we'll take your Pokémon for a few seconds." "Oh? Your Lysapiras..." Huh? This wasn't part of the normal script... "She has been permanently damaged." "WHAT?! What do you mean, she's been 'damaged?' Give me some more information, lady!" "Thank you for waiting. We've restored the rest of your Pokémon to full health." Yeah, yeah, I bow back to you, and I don't hope to see you again because that means my Pokémon have been hurt. God, what does it take to get good help around here...? I opened up my party and, to my shock, Lysapiras was still paralyzed. I felt anger fill me. Can't a stupid virtual nurse do her job properly?! Grumbling, I went over the Pokemart and replaced all of my lost Parlyze Heals. I immediately went to use one on Lysapiras. "It won't have any effect." WHAT THE?! Now that Pichu got some weird bugs going on. I tried different scenarios to try and remove Lysapiras' Paralysis Condition, but all of them failed. Pissed by what happened, I continued to work on my Lysapiras even though she has the Paralysis and move to another leveling spot. I've encountered a level 13 Scyther this time, so I was so sure that I'll be able to outspeed this one even though I have Paralysis. After using Fake Out... "Lysapiras is paralyzed! It will never move again!" Now that text box seemed different this time. Having creeped out a little bit by what's happening.. I proceeded on trying to kill the Scyther. "Lysapiras is paralyzed! It is in extereme pain!" "The wild Scyther used False Swipe!" "Lysapiras is paralyzed! It is grimacing and crying.." "The wild Scyther used False Swipe!" "Lysapiras is paralyzed! Stop this torture!" OK. Very creepy! I immediately turned off my console and decided to go to sleep. And just as I was already asleep for 15 minutes, I suddenly woke up feeling paralyzed! As I began to hear whispers coming from my feet, I heard the words.. "Kill me" I tried so hard to look at what's across my feet and was frightened to see.. IT looking at me with mean intentions and beside him is my Lysapiras crying for help. FIN
    1 point
  12. You think mom will notice we’re gone?” Tyler asked, kicking through a pile of fallen leaves as we walked. Giant, our Dalmatian, raced on and off the path, circling trees like mad. “Maybe,” I said doubtfully, looking up into the massive red-orange trees around us. Chances were, mom was either talking to the police or having a heart attack. Or both. We were supposed to be home a while ago. I hated to admit it, but after thirteen years of living in the woods, I was lost. I looked around for some sign – any, really – but there wasn’t anything. I sighed. If only I hadn’t needed to watch Tyler – I would probably be home right now, little brother-less and- I was interrupted when Giant took my jacket sleeve in his big mouth, trying to tug me off the path. “Not now, Gi,” I said. “Go away.” “Tristan…” Tyler called my name. I turned in surprise. He was a few feet behind me, still as a statue. He was looking into the woods, completely still. Being six, he was never this still. Ever. “What’s the matter?” I asked, worried. “Do you hear that?” I frowned and walked over to him, listening. “Tyler-” I stopped. Faintly, in the distance, I heard a clacking sound like dropping drumsticks on each other. I glanced at Tyler, who was slightly afraid. He took my hand. The sound stopped, and the forest went back to being quiet. Except, almost unnaturally quiet. “I’m sure…its fine,” I said, reassuring him as much as myself. “Come on, I think I found the way back. When we get home, we can tell mom what an adventure we’ve had.” Complete lie. But my nerves were making me jumpy, and I just wanted to leave the woods He calmed a bit. “Giant!” I called. No rustle of leaves, or crack of branches. Silence. Frowning, I noticed something about the right side of the path. All the trees to my right had a big scratch in them, but when I looked to the left, they didn’t. I was pondering why this would be, when Tyler let out a little shriek. I turned to tell him to stop freaking me out, when I noticed what he was looking at. On the right side of the forest, a light was shining between the trees. I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. “Let’s go,” Said Tyler. “Let’s get Giant and go.” “Giant probably went to that light,” I said, making a decision. “We should go too.” I walked in, dragging Tyler along behind me. As we got closer I noticed it had suddenly gone chilly. I shivered, pushing through the last of the branches and arriving in a clearing where a little cottage stood. Hanging from the corner of the house was a little metal lantern – the source of the light we saw. Looking a little to the left, I noticed a couple carved wooden chimes. So that was the sound. But…where was Giant? “Ugh! More people!” I jumped a foot in the air as the front door of the cottage burst open and out came a very disgruntled looking woman. She was Asian, maybe in her twenties, with black hair pulled into a bun, a bikers’ jacket and jeans. “I just put up a barrier for this sort of thing! All I want is privacy! Is that too much to ask?” “Um,” I said. “Sorry, we’re looking for…” “Yes, yes,” she said. She whistled, and Giant came bounding around the house. He ran past us and circled the woman, barking loudly. “On second thought,” she muttered. “It’ll be easier if you’re not here.” She snapped her fingers and Giant disappeared. My mouth fell open, and I took a step back. “You’re a witch!” Shouted Tyler with more glee than I thought necessary. “Can you turn a pumpkin into a carriage?” She rolled her eyes. “Why would I do that when I can just call a cab?” “W-Wait!” I shouted. She turned to me. “Where’s Giant?” “Oh, he’s back at your house.” she dismissed, and started to push us back towards the path. “Now – leave! I need quiet.” I was about to ask her another question when she gave one final push, sending us sprawling on the wet ground. When I looked back, she was gone. And so were the trees with the marks on them.
    1 point
  13. Yes you do. You can catch one on Route 8.
    1 point
  14. Hey there, xkingdanx! Reroll ticket is the equivalence of 150PVP Coins' possibility to reroll the IVs of the Legendary Pokémon of your choice, or to exchange for two Nature Reroll Tickets to reroll its nature as the name implies. They are one-time use items, therefore will disappear once you rerolled. Rerolls are totally random, meaning you could get the same ability you tried to reroll again, and can't choose which stats to reroll: all 6 stats' IVs will be, if you choose that. In order to do so, go to Psychic Marina at Vermilion City, Kanto (but also Olivine, Mauville, or Canalave, for each other region, as well as in Battle Tower Arena in Sinnoh): You can trade a Reroll Ticket for the other type at the Reroll Ticket Exchanger NPCs located nearby in Vermilion City, or Battle Tower Arena in Sinnoh -but there is none in other Psychic Marina places: Hope I could answer well enough; if you have any further question about it, feel free to ask! I wish you a great day, and happy holidays :)
    1 point
  15. I just fought Arnie and i got to lugia... i lost but he didn't appear on my pokedex :v :Angry:
    1 point
  16. PRO Username: plugmyfatd Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message i was playing and out of no where i got banned. i was trading with my friend. i have put a lot of time into the game and have done nothing wrong to get banned i am a very loyal and good person wouldnt do anything to get banned. i just want my account unbanned so i can continue my adventure with my best friend and to give him back his pokemon. thank you for your time.
    1 point
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