Sasu23 and PyroLeaf (SA-PYR) have decided to open a Pokemon lending shop for future's best players.
For 1 Day lend the Price is 15k (per unit)
For 3 Days lend the Price is 40k (per unit)
For 7 Days lend the Price is 80k (per unit)
Player can either contact us through forums via post or mail
Or Message us on discord Our discord ID's are
@Zam Ryder#0501 (PyroLeaf)
@Lilith#8473 (Sasu23)
None of these Pokemons are for sell.
Player is allowed to make any changes in moveset.
No items included in the following Pictures of the Pokemons.
If a player needs a Pokemon for more than 7 days extra charges will be taken as 15k per day.
We can add/remove Pokemons from the list whenever one of us wishes to do so.
Hello @mortalbubby,
I would like to inform you that if you lose to Jackson then you will have to talk with the receptions and then return back to Pallet Town and ask his mom to come and move him.
His house is the one next to your house.
If you beat Jackson then you are free to move on to Viridian Forest.
Here is the Kanto walkthrough that can help you with the story.
Hope this information helps you to continue.
Kind regards, Contrary
Pseudo dans le jeu : enzodicaprio oui je sais ses nul
Temps de jeu : 189 je joue souvent car je suis en attente d'un emploi ( oui le chômage voila)
Âge : 19 je vient de les avoir le 4 janvier
Quelques mots sur vous : je suis drôle et sympa et j'aime bien parler aussi je suis dixlexique et dispraxique ses compliquer pour les mots mais je fais de mon mieux
Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : je vient de finir hoen et j'ai capturer mew et celebi
Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : je serai orienter par le pvp mais les autre me dérange pas
Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? je vais dire la même phrase que les entretien d'embauche je suis motiver et serieux (et la ses un jeux donc je suis encore plus serieux )
Pseudo Discord :juste pour#2990
Hello @GoldFlash04
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Are you referring to the trades channel that's in our Official PRO Discord server? If you are, then head on over to the #bot-commands channel and type " ?rank Silver Server " or " ?rank Gold Server " depending on what server you play on. You will be assigned a server role and will have access to the trades channel.
Hope I helped solve your issue. Feel free to reply here if you have any further questions.
Thank you and have a lovely day!
Hello again @KazaDanilova .
I am sorry for the wait. A Dashboard bug has been found, and hopefully fixed. May you try transferring again, and tell me the results?
I'll be waiting for your reply!
Greetings, @Jrlokito
sorry for the inconvenience.
To pass through this area your pokemon team have to be half dark type, for example if you bring 6 pokemon 3 have to be dark type.
i hope this have solved your issue.
Have a great day,