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Everything posted by Petrosmpak

  1. Hi, released atyrogue by mistake, but didn't understand it so I don't have ID. It is on silver server,jolly and vital spirit ability. Any chance it can be restored?
  2. ok sure. No problem
  3. Totally agreed. This quest needs a rework. Also, we need to know what the shiny rewards are. Are they always common trashy pokemon or can they be good ones as well?
  4. Probably not for long, now it says locked.
  5. For me he says "I am currently Busy".
  6. My team is: Mew: Cut Hypnosis False Swipe Psyduck (Shiny so I didn't evolve it): Ability Damp (to prevent shinies from exploding) Dive Flash Soak (For false swipe to work on those ghosts) Waterfall Aggron Rock climb Dig Headbutt Rock smash
  7. Yesterday I revived helix and dome fossil, both had H.A. without bms.
  8. There are five tiers now. For tier 5 I got life orb. Also, free shiny every 50 quests, 2 quests per day for MS, 1K reward every day, 5K reward when number of quests completed ends in 5 or 10, 25K reward when number of quests is divided by 25, and for 100 quests I got 100K too
  9. I doubt this quest is worth doing anymore. Cost is high in most cases, since it needs vitamins, rare candies and revival herbs, sometimes more than 1 for one step (are you kidding me?), and on top of that we can't refuse the trash pokemon like bonsly, mime jr etc (50% of the cases) so we are stuck spending items and time healing trash we will kill as soon as they are healed. Maybe it is best to hunt these pokemon in the wild. No items lost, except the pokeballs to catch them, although it may take a little more time to find one.
  10. SOLUTION!! Go to account tab on the main site, and merge your accounts. Choose whether to keep one or both, and then you can log in
  11. Have the same problem. Invalid username or password. On gold, it makes sense that you start from the beginning, since you haven't played in that server before.
  12. Greek guild recruiting. Open to not only greeks, but all who can write english with english characters. Find me ingame and I will invite you. Currently has 45 members, most of which are inactive
  13. Ela file, exo ena pou skopeuo na to megaloso. Euprosdektoi osoi milane ellinika. Kane me add sto game kai se kano invite
  14. I keep being told that it's just "Bad luck". Well, it's not bad luck if it happens all the time. And it does happen all the time. The bosses in Love Island have Azumarill with hydro pump. Of course bliseey doesn't die from it, but the point of using flash (and hypnosis from mew right afterwards) is to bring in another pokemon which will buff up (Haxorus, cloyster, Bisharp, Slowbro etc) in 2 turns and swipe the rest of the team . If this works, the battle takes 15 rounds in total, and not 15 rounds per pokemon. These die from hydro pump, and it doesn't help when it hits all the time regardless of the accuracy drop. What usually happens is this: I bring in Blissey, use flash, and survive special attacks. Whe I m done, I bring in mew for hypnosis. When this works (lots of times it takes 3-4 turns), i switch to let's say Bisharp. Bisharp will use swords dance twice, and then swipe with sucker punch. But, most times it doesn't manage to use sucker punch twice, because once Azumarill wakes up, it hits despite having its accuracy lowered. If this happens with all three pokes I have brought in, then the battle is lost or I have to use revives.
  15. I believe we can all understand what I am talking about, but in case someone doesn't, I will give a few examples. My blissey with serene grace fights against let's say a raichu. Blissey has flash and flamethrower. Raichu has thunderbolt. Even after blissey uses flash 6 times, raichu with 6stages lowered Accuracy will paralyze me 3 times while blissey (WITH SERENE GRACE) will not burn it. Originally, blissey has 20% chance to burn, meaning 1 out of 5. In my experience, Blissey won't cause a burn even after 20 times. Raichu on the other hand, has a 10% chance of paralyzing. If we consider the six stages lowered accuracy (meaning 1 out of 3 attacks will hit), raichu will paralyze 1 out of 30 times. In my experience, Raichu will paralyze at least once every 7 times. Second example. Blissey will use flash 6 times on Azumarill. Azumarill will hit with hydro pump 6 times in a row. The above are hust some examples. This happens with every single pokemon. Critical hit chance is also increased, which negates our pokemon's buffs and K.Os it. I get that bosses are supposed to be difficult. Hell, I love that bosses are supposed to be difficult. But being difficult and being unfair, there is a big defference. We learned to play PRO within some rules. The rules say that there is a chance for attacks to hit, cause secondary effects etc. Since clearly this doesn't apply to bosses, 2 things may happen. Either this is a bug and needs to be fixed, or you did this knowingly and didn't tell us about it. If the case is simply an error, I hope you can fix it as it's frustrating. If this is meant to be like this, and nobody has informed us players, then I feel cheated and disappointed. All of us have invested time and effort in this game, and cheating us like this is not how you make a game harder in a fun way. I am dorry if I come out harsh, but, I say again, if and only if you did this on purpose, I feel this way. Of course this doesn't change how much I like the rest of the game and how I admire the work you have done, something which is obvious by the more than 1000 hours I have spent playing the game. I hope you read this message and reply. Thanks a lot in advance
  16. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 02/02/2017] <t>I guess we need a new boss guide since this one isn't updated anymore. Or maybe an admin could give editing permission to another trusting member?</t>
  17. Petrosmpak


    Probably a valentine's day event? WIsh it was breeding, but highly doubt it
  18. I have successfully completed the power plant quest, the fast travel train opened normally, but then I went inside the power plant again, the manager was in the way and I must have accepted the quest again for some reason. The train is now inaccessible, the thunders in the power plant too, and I can't fast travel in the hoenn region
  19. Anyone completed 100 quests yet? Do you get another shiny then? Also did anyone complete 50 quests. When I did with my second acount (right after the wife was introduced) it said you get a shiny nidoran female, but gave me nothing. Can someone confirm if this is fixed or not? Dont wanna waste my 100 quest shiny
  20. Lent my mouse to afriend, if i win this I will let him keep mine :P Best of luck to everyone!! Thanks a lot Shane, you are one of the best
  21. Did anyone take a look at this? Or anyone encountered the same problem?
  22. Of course prices go up, because money keeps acumulating, despite the devs tries to have money sinks everywhere (something which should stop by the way). That's why i said 200K and not 150. But still, 300-350 is way too much. Right now it shuld be about 200K imo, and I think if people don't buy for more than that, it will drop again
  23. MS price will drop. People really tried to bring the price that much, which is totally unfair. 350K for 5$ is way too much. Just imagine that in order to earn these money in-game you need days of grinding and doing quests. Working days for 5$ is just unfair. Simply, don't buy ms at that price. MS should be worth at most 200K. Not more than that. We can make that happen by not buying ms for more than that
  24. PRO Username: madrilenos91 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? I completed 50 daily quests in Celadon Daily quest What have you already tried to solve the problem? Looked for the pokemon in my storage and party, but was nowhere. Description and Message I did not receive the free shiny when I completed 50 daily quests. This has to be due to a bug, maybe due to the wife of the quest giver introduced. She said I receive a random shiny, but I didn't find one anywhere. Can you please look into this? I would appreciate it if the issue got resolved, I have been doing these quests for 2 months now just to get this shiny, it wuld be a shame to lose it due to a bug
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