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Deathfrombelow's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. breloom ID 5516409 i wrongly released it due to major lag , he was holding a leftover.
  2. Still havent received my pokemon
  3. Count me in those pokes are so cuteeee
  4. Good luck with that you got my support:)
  5. iGN : deathfrombelow Server :silver 1.what do you want to ask from santa this christmas? : I would like a shiny christmas dragonite :) 2. I still havent put a tree been lazy alot
  6. Well if u want an advice fir later try not to evolve ur poke on early lvl it will be easier for u to lvl them up . You can always try the trade section try asking for high lvl story poke they wont cost u much but make sure u buy some useful ones
  7. You need to have a certain badge to start re using the hms
  8. I can show you a pelliper all28+ but 2 spatk
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