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About Aaakkktttoooppp

  • Birthday 05/03/2002

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  1. we do not provide any free wins or ratings for it bruhh just see the video cuz I am clearly winning. It's was free win for the opponent.
  2. https://youtu.be/wGj24WqFcKU?si=EQN9MdOXs--iaRzF Hello guys just fix this bug already.
  3. https://youtu.be/PwqjKNBnfqE?si=FxIDvaSaVkEUPdS7 Just to let everyone know that there is new pvp bug in mobile version. Resolution- You can avoid this problem by first opening the pokedex before you do anything else. You only need to do this once after you launched the game and you can close the dex again immediately. This will prevent this problem from happening. Alternatively you can download the game again. The bug is fixed in the current latest version. On windows it should update automatically.
  4. Aaakkktttoooppp Gold GMT +5.30
  5. Auction ended 5 hours ago congratulations @Zio0the8keeperon winning
  6. Auction Started with c.o 550k Auction will end in https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=11:55:00&date=2024-06-20T08:34:40&title=Ferro+Auction
  7. Starting Bid -500k Min raise - 50k 1.5m insta Auction Ends in 12 hrs after first bid Accepted Payments Pokedollar Coin capsule -400k Reroll Ticket - 500k IGN - Aaakkktttoooppp Discord ID - daddyanuj C.O - 550k by Zio0the8keeper Auction end- https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=11:55:00&date=2024-06-20T08:34:40&title=Ferro+Auction&sound=bells&loop=1
  8. Auction Ended Congratulations @Fubuof
  9. Auction started 7 hours 34 mins https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=07:38:00&date=2024-04-26T19:14:28&title=rotom+auction
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