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Everything posted by Russodx

  1. Easter Sableye - 5m pm: russodx Mega Sableye Easter
  2. Hello, my suggestion is not for something new, just updating something that already exists, which is excavation. Update the Pokémon that come in the excavation, they have been the same for many years, and most of them are too common to be in the excavation, such as: machop, vulpix, gastly, etc. It's very discouraging to do. Some generation 7 pokemon releases in the dig would be perfect, even if they are rare tier or even exclusive to ms. please update!
  3. Hello, I'm having problems with the Seven Islands quest. It's on island 6 quest, the last meowth is not where it should be and doesn't appear anywhere.
  4. reduction in values. pm russodx
  5. Altaria de Natal (SOLD) diâmetro Drifblim ( Sold ) diâmetro Leafeon (SOLD) dia Flygon (VENDIDO) diâmetro Swampert ( SOLD ) charizard de natal - 5m (SOLD)
  6. *Leafeon V-Day - 2m *Drifblim V-Day - 1m PM - gregobr
  7. I am interested in hiring the service for the Victini DG quest. I sent a request on discord.
  8. I am interested in the meloetta quest service. I sent a request on discord.
  9. Hello, the mega camerupt and mega sharpeedo quest has a bug. There are always a lot of ghost trainers appearing all the time, and the other 4 competitors are running quickly, I even lose sight of them with so many battles with ghost trainers. I already did this quest on another old account and it wasn't like that, when ghost trainers appeared for me, they appeared for the other competitors too, and everyone followed at the same pace; now they go so fast that I lose sight of them.
  10. Épico Loppuny PVP - Jolly 31 spd - 22+ ivs Preço - 2,5m ( Sold )
  11. Thanks! I'll do it the right way next time. s2
  12. OK! When can we make the exchange?
  13. Xmas Bisharp ( SOLD ) Price: 5m Pm: russodx
  14. Dragonite de Natal - ( SOLD ) Preço: 15m PM: russodx
  15. After countless attempts, I finally did it. Thanks!
  16. Epic Mantine - 700k
  17. Venu hp fogo - 1m ( Sold )
  18. Hello, about the Zekrom and Reshiram quest, I can't get past the pansage at all, since last year I've tried several times and I can't; It's not a bug, I just can't do it. Can any game admin help me? I really want them.
  19. hello, I did the wq, delivered 8 charmander with good ivs and reached 0.5%, but I didn't win my ticket. And now?
  20. Purchase Price
  21. pm in the game "Russodx" I'm in the city of vermilion. Togekiss Halloween 2m
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