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Everything posted by Pendekargabut

  1. IGN: Pendekargabut 23 yes Indonesia 1750 become the very best with OT pokemon Chaos is strong guild and fun guild linoone. the best slave dog. it's cute
  2. IGN :PendekarGabut Answer 1 : mesprit Answer 2 :loss of knowladge if seeing uxie's eyes, loss emotion if touching mesprit , loss will if hurting azelf
  3. i think it's no. cause re roll iv is still bad idea. even normal pokemon game can't reroll iv
  4. i want to suggest to removee black ms and not support repel trick. why? for black ms, it make easier get a hidden ability pokemon. it make hidden ability pokemon is a special pokemon. with 40 coins for 3 days. it's very cheap. it makes hidden ability pokemon not a special ability. it's just like normal ability. even normal pokemon game doesn't make hidden ability easier to get. also it makes hunting hidden ability pokemon is not interesting anymore. for repel trick, in 2016 i search for dratini for 4 hours until i get one. even it's hard to get. i'm happy when I encounter it even the nature and iv is not good. it's fun to search rare pokemon. but now, with the repel trick. with 10 minutes you can get one. wow. it's not rare pokemon anymore. it's like uncommon pokemon. and you get easier the spawn. I don't feel hunting rare pokemon is fun anymore. i don't mind in repel trick. but, many of rare pokemon get involve. example: goomy from lvl 10 to 55-57. dratini to 18-22. torchic and fletchinder too. now what it will do if this black ms and repel trick doing in the same time. rare pokemon with hidden ability is easier to get. it's not make the pokemon looks special. in 2016 i get fletchling with hidden ability , great IV, and best nature. how happy am I and I can showing off to player around me. It's like my signature poke. but now, event fletchinder HA with decent IV get sell for 20k. what a wow. it's not special anymore. in 2016 I get dratini with hidden ability for a weeks or a month but it's really fun even it takes a long time. and now, only an hours you get a rare pokemon with hidden ability. where's the rare thing and the hidden things. i just suggest to remove black ms and not support repel trick. make it spawn like 2016 before. or make black ms more expensive like 500 coins for 1 day or repel price $5k. i'm not the only one hope repel trick and black ms should be remove. you can pending the reset iv, so i think you remove black ms too. i play this game since january 2016 and I feel sad with supporting the repel trick. I hope you can discuss my opinion. thx before.
  5. I use conkeldurr with life orb. when i use elemental punch, it's not reduce my hp. but when i use mach punch, it reduces my hp. is it bug?
  6. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Pendekargabut<br/> red server</t>
  7. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>red ftw</t>
  8. ● Event: PVP/Hunt ● Ingamename:PendekarGabut ● Guild: Blaze
  9. Forum post:viewtopic.php?p=92477#p92477 Code: P1K4CHU Ingame Account: PendekarGabut Server: red
  10. Forum post:viewtopic.php?p=84702#p84702 Code: SL4T3P0RT C1TY Ingame Account: PendekarGabut Server: red
  11. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] <r>may i join your guild :)<br/> 1. Pendekargabut<br/> 2. 347h<br/> 3. 16 badges<br/> 4. 19 from indonesia<br/> 5. battler hunter<br/> 6. I'm friendly :D<br/> 7. yes<br/> 8.yes <E>:thanks:</E></r>
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