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Everything posted by Orihara

  1. Auction house is already made, coded and ready to be implemented. However, certain features must be met in order for it to be implemented. Such as server stability. Considering the huge cluster of people coming in and out of the auction house, ongoing sales and trade traffic. It will literaly murder the server data usage. Once the stability is considered good enough, auction house will be implemented.
  2. There are cons to this as much as pros. cons : More bickering about "this when, that when, omg ur slow" etc. etc. pros : Feedback might be useful to improve on an idea, if it is to be open for public display.
  3. Buy a repel...
  4. That's why it's in general game talk :P He means there is no back story to why blue knows your name. You encounter Red and Ash during the story but not Blue and somehow he knows your name. Not very significant but it's interesting that it is like that. Like the oak example ; There takes a little invisible dialog between the player and the npc. Unless oak can literaly see through you and read your name. Or simply he heard rumors about it. and so on.
  5. Correction : 1/1892 shiny rate was first introduced in gen 2. As for the shiny rate, as it is with the current rate, its equally well balanced. Making them neither too rare or too common. To make a justifable comparisson, with 4096, current shiny rattata will go for atleast 400k.
  6. Care to eloberate more?
  7. Any npc, if scripted (like oak in the beginning) can read your name ; For example : Hello "Read PlayerName". Long time no see." etc. etc. Its not necessarily an issue to be considered with.
  8. Use this sub-forum for donation issues : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=71
  9. Relog should fix this issue. Tho the NPC requires a re-scripting for pattern.
  10. Staff perspective :
  11. This will never happen, player data will never be wiped based on request. Only Testers, staff or players that have encountered a bug in the beginning where they are unable to proceed can witness account resets.
  12. Only knowledge that exists on this is the legendary birds, where they will have another set of questline in order to be obtainable. Where defeating them or not in their respective encounters is not of importance.
  13. 1- The censor is there to prevent other players from seeing whats written behind the censor. The punishment is a reminder for players that such language is not acceptable or welcome in this game, and its punishable within it. 2- Moderators, as the title suggests are there to moderate the game according to their policies. For example, a trade mod cannot do what a game master can, nor a game master can do what an admin can. Its a custom to rise up against the rules in most games that have an online community. However, in PRO, all rules "will" be enforced. Wether you like it or not. 3- Self-moderation within the community is a must if you wish to have a successfull game with a pleased community, where everyone can do whatever they wish within the protection and the restriction of the rules. 3,5 - If the person is incapable or displeased with your humor or jokes, you can always avoid making such jokes. 4- Developement. 5- Developement. 6- Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres will obtainable in the future, where this information has been given to the community countless times, both ingame and on the forums.
  14. Keep in mind that every player in the game is able to defeat bosses that have 6x120 level pokemons, max IV and EV's with favorable natures. Pokemon battles against strong opponents are battles of strategy and preperation. If you don't know what you're doing, you can easily get sweeped by a caterpie, magikarp etc. etc. Do not be sorry, be better. - Kratos 2016
  15. My word have changed from "hmm" to "no" my world however, remains unimpressed.
  16. Every regional transportation has a certain requirement to make it an achievement, Kanto = E4, Johto = Start over, Hoenn = Rattata. Its only a one time necessity where you will be given a challenge to fulfill, making your gameplay more challenging and not boring like the handheld games. If you cannot do it, you can always stay in johto and kanto. The choice is yours.
  17. If i had a soul, i'd be sobbing all over this topic, thanks for the warm goodbye lads. :)
  18. Read this : https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=27328
  19. The game will always be BETA.
  20. You need to be online in order for a staff to move you back to the map.
  21. Only major updates get patch notes. bits and pieces of fixes (mainly mapping and npc) would not make it to patch notes, simply because it is unnecessary information. Here is an example : 18.5.2016 Patch Notes : We fixed a tree.
  22. Greetings players of PRO. I'd like to thank everyone (player or staff) for this awesome 9 months that i was a part of this project. Sadly, that time has to an end, for mostly health issues, i will no longer be able to remain as staff. It was a fun ride, with good and the bad. Also, i'd like to thank the most awesome staff team ever, really enjoyed being one of you. As for the Game Master team, stay awesome you wonderful nerds, Deathwing out!
  23. Thanks to everyone for the great feedback, we'll see if this feature will become a thing in the future. Locking this.
  24. Moved to proper forum
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