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About Aeryk

  • Birthday July 7

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  1. Astolfo > Hideri
  2. " 映画 聲の形 | A Silent Voice | Koe No Katachi" Truly a masterpiece, and literally got me teared for every scene.
  3. "Grand Blue" ....I'm lazy, so I'll probably update this post later on.
  4. Doraemon
  5. Lot of spam and similar, so I'm sure those will get lowered after some time.
  6. Personally reading the manga atm(after a lot of things) and waiting for the last chapter. The only thing I'm gonna say, "It's good, I love it as well(OP's, Eds, Animation, are some god level stuff), but still the only things I still hate are character development and mostly Eren. He is too overrated and bad character in my opinion. His tactics, even now as adult, are bad. By bad I meant too immature and believe it can be done in some sort of better ways".
  7. Wow Congrats! It's great seeing another weeb around the community.
  8. Thanks for creating such a useful bot, great work done there!
  9. Planting an AOT Flag on Mars by Elon should be enuf, I guess? XD Anyways, jokes aside. Not saying your opinion is bad, cus, everyone has different of them. But, well I don't understand this "And only thing that's close to AOT is breaking Bad and death note", I wonder where FMA, Gintama, Monogatari, and so on series were gone. Probably you might not have watched them or so I guess.
  10. "Greatest show ever" isn't that too much? Ofc, it might be for your case, but still there are alot more good shows in the market (atleast till whatever I had watched).
  11. It might be old but, I still count it as a great anime movie
  12. Pretty much most of the fall anime.
  13. Hello, The Dashboard is currently down atm due to maintenance. When the dashboard is back up, probably we will get an announcement in #announcements of PRO OFFICIAL discord. So I would suggest you to join and stay tuned!
  14. Now you can tho it has been added recently. Try checking out again
  15. You can battle with Nikola Try again well recently it has been added tho.
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