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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Kill something
  2. Can you confirm weavils spdef and hp please, I can see hp is 01, spdef is not visible
  3. Buy these two also
  4. I downloaded Firefox for my phone, slightly lower load times but can see all the pokes. Brave , chrome, and duckduck all do as you described above
  5. Clone Squirtle sold 350k
  6. dragonite 1 sold 700k
  7. volcarona 11 sold 225k
  8. bump some stuff bought, looking for more types of gastly/evo
  9. mamoswine 1 sold 400k
  10. Don't think you posted any pictures dude
  11. I understand the contribute means give forever, but instead of giving over an epic you can just hunt two more trash ones, I still like your idea and think its a good place to go with future quests even if they dont change this one
  12. fair point, I quite like the come to a total number of IVs for submited pokes. I can only see one downside to doing it that way, which is atm bascially people are handing over epics, or having to pick do i want this epic or do i want the birb. Doing it a number of total IVs w.e. that number is means people will keep epics and have the bird. That said you've suggested a good happy middle life +1
  13. Chance for 100+ IVs 388,822,749/31^6 Roughly 43.8% chance (0.4381083...) Chance for 120+ IVs 129,263,730/31^6 Roughly 14.6% chance (0.1461959...) Chance for 150+ IVs 5243014/31^6 Roughly 0.6% chance (0.0059075...) Thought I'd add some maths instead of oh this is really hard, .6% doesnt seem to bad. thats roughly 1/200 pokes. By way of comparison a 20+ poke with 5IVs is (11/31)^5 Roughly 0.6% chance (0.00562542) is actually rarer and thats without multiplying it by 52/100 for sync chance and either 1/4(h.a) or 475/1000(2abils) or 19/20(1abil) for abilities. tldr: 1/200 seems fine to me for end game, yes will take some people longer and some people less time quit your whining
  14. Same problem, swapped to brave on my phone, and Firefox on comp. Forums still works with those browser s
  15. metagross 1 sold 2.5m
  16. Buy these, Allsmell#8974 for faster trading Pokes bought ty
  17. 1.1m, start showing ss of your offers dude Edit because been outbidded above at same post time :)
  18. Pokes added Mamoswine Nidoqueen Aurorus Umbreon Scyther Empoleon Gogoat Also added about 12 others but I deleted the images from my folder and now I can't remember what they are :) Missing letters X and Z, 2 left :)
  19. Buy these, Allsmell#8974
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