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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. 900k
  2. Start
  3. doublade sold 330k
  4. rotom+80k sold 2cc
  5. Start
  6. The downside of this method is that it takes a very large amount of moves and therefore time. Also relying on flash or stacked defensive buffs is never 100% method. Imo this method doesn't need balancing because it takes to many Turns to be worth it
  7. Quagsire sold 350k
  8. Kabutops sold 400k+2cc
  9. Start this. If I may recommend deleting the sold ones, would increase viewing pleasure :)
  10. 3* prankster cottonee any iv any nature any lvl, 1* adamant conkeldurr guts lvl100, speed 8+ atk 6+ 252speed/atk evs 1* prankster klefki any iv any nature any lvl, 1*timid/hasty/jolly/naive dugtrio (29+speed) or 1*timid/hasty/jolly/naive aerodactyl 9+speed , whichever u have needs lvl100 and 252evs is speed, any ability 1*calm/sassy/careful scizor 252spdef 252hp, any IVs any abil. lvl100 1*bold/impish/relaxed scizor 252def 25hp, any IVs any abil. Lvl 100 1*calm/sassy/careful gliscor 252spdef 252hp, any IVs any abil. lvl100 1*bold/impish/relaxed gliscor 252def 25hp, any IVs any abil. Lvl 100 1*pikachu any level, any abil any IVs 1*timid/hasty/naive/jolly Gastly/haunter(high speed iv), lvl99/100 252speed EVs, 0hp EVs 0def EVs 0spded EVs Total 7 level100 poke, 5 any level poke. Don't think I missed any out There are 3 bosses I can't do with this team,. Hard mode is only mode. Haven't looked at doing those remaining 3 in medium but I assume you can no problem
  11. Dont do this here, https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index the report section isnt hidden
  12. Volcarona 9 sold 650k
  13. Title says it all - wtb 3 of title Also wish to buy a 31speed timid or jolly prankster riolu(not Luca). Can be any level and atk/spatk IV doesn't matter
  14. blissey sold 135k+choice band
  15. infernape sold 300k
  16. volcarona 21 sold 170k gengar 2 sold 275k
  17. thats why I thought i had one more day to bid, lol :) I was like oh must have missed it my bad, but only 30 days in september xD Disclaimer: I report alot, this ones not mine :/
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