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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Start :)
  2. You need to set out a time limit if you want to run an auction and a starting point. Other optional things you might want to add are a starting offer a min bid and an instant buy price. Gl
  3. 200-400
  4. Some people have thousands of PvP coins stocked up, think this is an easy out for late game content.
  5. Buy Staraptor
  6. Auction started for naive Alakazam 350k by GloryousCrystal at 00:47 7/9/19, Ends 00:47 10/9/19. 500k insta 50k min bid My time stamps are GMT+1
  7. Manphy is 10+, apart from that you've shown 6 legendarys, .84^6 ~=~ 35% so not really long odds
  8. Why Why Why does the forum link from here https://pokemonrevolution.net/ Open into a new tab, Can you please make it open by default in the same tab. It makes visiting the home page mostly unpleasent and a waste of time. Especally when the back end of the runner bar is home.
  9. Pelipper 6 sold 350k
  10. My mistake thought it was lvl 100 have a free bump. Edit time is under 2 mins
  11. Gengar 2 sold 200k
  12. added; shiny Pinco, shiny Marowak Price Reduced; shiny Bellossom
  13. ampharos 1 sold 160k+8rc
  14. chance of 5*ivs 10+ is (21/31)^5 ~=~ 14% so it wouldnt be that unusual to always have 1 iv under 10, no Idea how many legends there are in-game atm, but its got to be less than 20, If we pretend its 20, and you've both caught them all and missed the 10+ every time then its .86^20 ~=~ 5%, In conclusion you're unlucky to be in the 5% but also one in twenty people are in the same boat as you. Also nature rerolls are now so easy to use who cares if it doesnt sync.
  15. .
  16. Bump, add Allsmell#8974 on discord or look at your private messages please :)
  17. Don't dig up threads from over a year ago, Send him a pm instead
  18. Volcarona 10 sold 900k
  19. Shiny ditto sold 900k,
  20. Otherwise they are wasting their time doing work twice, also the current code is a mess (I believe) so it takes a disproportionate amount of time to change things, delaying the big update even further.
  21. Daytime now starts at 10:00. morning (4:00-10:00) is not day time(or night time). it used to be 6:00-20:00 or something, it's now 10:00 to whenever night starts.
  22. Added some Pokes, Since last list Cloyster Tangrowth Torterra Dragonite - Sold Jynx Manectric Exeggutor Milotic Machamp Mamoswine - Sold Tyranitar Gastrodon Volcarona Vaporeon Blastoise Sceptile Gengar Missing Letters X and Z
  23. Gengar sold 225k
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