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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Abusable for either farming poke, or repel skipping stuff(not repel farming). Depending on if you have the follower allowed to interact with wild pokes or not. That being said I like in principle the idea.
  2. Dude rebump your thread once every 24h.. we don't need a ping every 1-5h when noone has bid and there is ages left
  3. Gardevoir 1 sold 700k
  4. @Mozambi can I get you to confirm or refuse the 200k start for walrien please
  5. Start togekiss 300k, and bronzing 250k. Offering 200k walrein start
  6. Made bank :)
  7. pelipper 2 sold 500k
  8. also lickilicky is the already evolved version but i assume you know this?
  9. might be a max happyness thing, even though that shouldnt effect it, try letting it die, so it drop to 250 happyness, then killing something
  10. Ty for speedy and clear response.
  11. Just seen this Specifically the last line. Is multiboxing no longer allowed? Or does it mean something other than having the program open several times. I was under the impression that it was acceptable to open PRO multiple times on the same computer.
  12. Don't think it screws ppl over would like none weekend ones
  13. Screenshot = SS Sorry abit silly to use abbreviations when explaining something
  14. Ask for help in vermilion. Right click on their name, and inspect them, anyone with over 200h is fine, if your worried go for 500h or 1k. Remember always take SS(screenshots) of all trades. If you really want a staff member there is a dedicated thread for that you should post in, instead of creating a new thread
  15. 2) guilds are a player thing, when you're afk for 6 months your gonna get kicked, or your guild will have been disbanded. 5) when you can't swap maps, press this circle arrow button on the bottom left by the item bar Friend lists have been messed up for a while, I suggest using discord. Gl
  16. Broke the shop apparently when I cleaned my main shop of images. I'll fix later tonight
  17. One water tile has an obstruction of some sort, to start with the game was letting me pass over and then after about 6 tiles shooting me back to before it,(difference between sever/local files?). now its not letting me onto the tile at all. offending tile is being pointed to from all angles below
  18. Need to show proof of c.o.
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