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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. i have just made it not full screen, and open the same application twice (or more) also up to 4 accounts is allowed
  2. Blastoise sold 90k+8rc
  3. show your proof of offer events belong in 'shiny and special pokemon' subforum
  4. 100th post, magnezone sold 250k
  5. Ign allsmell Discord Allsmell#8974 Have a load of pokes that need 252/252/4 will pay you 35k per poke. Pm me
  6. promise of chansey sold,
  7. Ninetales sold 250k
  8. Dude you need proof of bid
  9. Last calls after the timer are specifically not allowed https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-url I suggest adding extra time on late bids instead
  10. When does this finish? Who is c.o.?
  11. Buy SF conkell 500k
  12. Unedited screenshot, my time zone is GMT+1. Time is 20:59 last edit is 58 mins before so 20:01 Your bid is both before my screenshot and after his last edit. Therefore This is clearly wrong Can we please have a min bid that is stuck to or no min bid if that's desired. But this flipfloping isn't good
  13. Can you please put a min bid you're going to stick to.........
  14. 8 easter pokes removed, 130 left
  15. wrong thread, guess this is now a bump
  16. Xmas Farfetch'd sold 80k Xmas Stantler sold 160k
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