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Everything posted by Beast53

  1. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  2. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> updated</r>
  3. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  4. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="keilep"><s> </e></QUOTE> offer added for 12 hrs timer <QUOTE author="LeoMendes"><s> </e></QUOTE> which murkrow 1st or 2nd? and u have a 12 hrs timer</r>
  5. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="Huy0899"><s> </e></QUOTE> 24 hrs timer on ur offer <QUOTE author="Blaze2664"><s> </e></QUOTE> hi lol</r>
  6. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>bump , added some nice pokes</t>
  7. Re: Great UT poke shop <t>up</t>
  8. Re: Great UT poke shop <t>added a lot of new pokemons, bump</t>
  9. Re: What this could be... <t>it looks like snow on those logs so maybe a place to enter christmas event</t>
  10. Re: On the tracks of Mew / Cerulean Cave <r><QUOTE author="Chris211"><s> </e></QUOTE> First time i hear this, if you arent lying can u send me a message with more info? :)<e> </e></QUOTE> that guy is not lying , there r actualy npcs but the one with mew (npc name - oma) was removed</r>
  11. welcome to pro
  12. Re: On the tracks of Mew / Cerulean Cave <r><QUOTE author="zKinzie"><s> </e></QUOTE> the npc with mew was removed already ,and seen data in dex was half removed, if u see ur dex it shows u have mew but when u click it for its data, it wont show any data as of a unseen poke</r>
  13. Re: On the tracks of Mew / Cerulean Cave <r>seibuza practically mewtwo isnt open yet, i guess they r waiting for christmas or so, and they removed our mew's dex data <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  14. Re: Great UT poke shop <t>up will add more pokes after an hour</t>
  15. Re: On the tracks of Mew / Cerulean Cave <r><QUOTE author="Arnie"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:Shocked:</E> how long is it even gonna take?</r>
  16. just go take lottery if u r not unlucky enough u will get it, all i max get is ultra balls, so hope u get saved from balls , 1/10k chance where can lottery ?? can catch picture ?? golden rod radio tower, its building left of subway there
  17. u got rolled back due to server crash, any thing lost during it isnt given back. u can catch another eevee in safari zome or there is another npc in johto which gives eevee for defeatining him, and u can relvl ur sandslash, the data which hasnt been saved and server crashes is rolled back and cant be recovered.
  18. just go take lottery if u r not unlucky enough u will get it, all i max get is ultra balls, so hope u get saved from balls , 1/10k chance
  19. Re: $1,500,000 X-mas Give Away this coming Season Of Love! <t>BOOKMARKED</t>
  20. only pikachu or raichu will work too?
  21. Re: Epic Seahorse shop <r>up <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  22. than just put that freaking mewtwo in game, we need its dex Wow, rude. I came here to tell you mewtwo is ingame to get its dex entry, but wow. sorry about that, but is it seriously avalible?
  23. than just put that freaking mewtwo in game, we need its dex
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