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Everything posted by Xion

  1. Good luck with everything waleed, hope you stay in touch! Thanks for everything you did for everyone!
  2. Your stats don't include the official discord stats, which is way more popular than the forums these days.
  3. +1
  4. You dork, this is what I was tryna tell you when you messaged me a while ago xD I hope it works out for you this time, and wishing you the best!!! You're talented and you got this!!!
  5. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: RebornBot Friendliest: Iriztha Funniest: Invar Coolest: Kaba Comeback Player of the Year: Saitaeia Most Talkative: Waleed1301 Most Trustworthy: Iriztha Most Helpful: Waleed1301 Most Missed: Scorpia Most Influential: Iriztha (im still in her cult btw, you can check out anytime or leave the discord anytime you want, but you can never leave) Most Intriguing: Sgarac Most Experienced Player: mebzerg Best/Funniest Username: ImaLegal Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Comrader STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: YuiFelwood Best Content Scripter: MagicGuard Best Community Coordinator: Waleed1301 when, none really talk in discord a lot so if my meme vote can't count then Shinohara Best Moderator: Qeight Best Trade Moderator: Salt Best Game Master: Menrva Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Both are awesome idk picking sucks here Best Staff Username: TrollDaddy Most Professional Staff: Shinohara Most Dedicated Staff: The devs for putting up with all of us Funniest Staff: Asphereic Friendliest Staff: YuiFelwood Most Honorable Former Staff: Enoch Most Missed Former Staff: Epsy
  6. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: MEBzerg (thwarts my attempts at a coop) Friendliest: LightningVector (bork bork bork) Funniest: Terraxyz (dank memes) Coolest: Dangzen (dang, dang) Comeback Player of the Year: Idkup (he always comes back when we get the funds to rebuild him) Most Talkative: Irizitha (do your work :<) Most Trustworthy: Seig () Most Helpful: Judgement Most Missed: Epsy () Most Influential: Iron (cult leader this one) Most Intriguing: Fallen Most Experienced Player: Best/Funniest Username: Fallen (AND I CAN'T GET UP HAHAHAHAHA) Most Professional Guide Maker: Dakivid Most Professional Discord Moderator: (though choice) Keita/Heijiwama STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Sprinkz Best Artist: Yume Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Q8 Best Trade Moderator: Hercules Best Game Master: Menrva Best Admin: Nebulas (nerdulas) Best Staff Username: Eaty Most Professional Staff: Fluffles Most Dedicated Staff: Q8 Funniest Staff: Armin Friendliest Staff: Aeolus Most Honorable Former Staff: Shamac Most Missed Former Staff: Enoch
  7. 1.5m
  8. Join for the glory of MEB's beard!!!
  9. Hey buddy, check your mail in your mailbox! I sent you a toxic tm, there should be a mailbox next to a pokecenter in any of the towns! Good luck with defeating him!
  10. Better colors when?!?!?!
  11. Ign (requirement): Xion Pokemon/Pokemon Gif (requirement): Zekrom! Specific Gif (Optional): none Specific Background (Optional): none, but something stormy with lightning would be cool :D Png Pokes With the Gif / Other pokemon (Optional): luxray, but only if it fits. Discord Username or Tell me if you're in the Pokemon Revolution Discord (Requirement): I will pm you my discord tag!
  12. Team MEBgma
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