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Everything posted by Reeselover3

  1. Do you still have the chansey?
  2. Is it possible to get blissey devolve back to chansey [iCODE]Unfortunately, it is currently impossible for us to de-evolve Pokemon. I'm sorry about this. ~Straubs[/iCODE]
  3. The evs were 252 def 252 hp 6 Spdef. I believe the daycare request was finished and final with trade back on oct 7th. Along with 17 other pokes I had trained for him
  4. The slowpoke ivs I trained for him had atk 31, Def 30 SPD 08 Spatk 15 Spdef 30 hp 29,
  5. i just encountered a new friend list bug..... one my friends is online but he shows up as offline, and i show up as online as normal ... and hes not set to invisible
  6. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/region-locked-pokemon-megathread.130386/page-13. Got to this thread
  7. it was taken care of by a cc ingame thx
  8. Maybe you need to set permissions in manage guild idk
  9. Just type /pm username and say something to him till it shows hes online
  10. just go to options , adjust dialog speed... also recommend disabling move animations... i do services for my guild and i can get both evs done in 2 sessions . incase your interested and reopening again idk . just thought i passs on a tip
  11. staff needs to update this friendlist, it would be nice, if the person you remove off friendlist to have ourselves removed from thiers so they dont see us come online. or have them see them pop online even though they arent on the friend list anymore.
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  12. Assuming your talking about the magikarps
  13. i would like to buy would like to buy this azumarill if it is still available
  14. I usually do services for my guild Predators but I would like to expand myself a little and offer my service to anyone. Max pokemon at per service session is 6 Pokemon. If its EV only il take up to 10. For Ev only pokemon needs to be atleast lvl 40, and a decent attack move set. Little about myself : Im a stay at home Mother with 2 toddlers currently in preschool so I have additional free time. Since June I managed to level up + ev train for my guild 172 Pokemon as i keep screen shot records of all the pokemon i have done in the past. Feel free to give a like and a feedback of your service. would be appreciated. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/145a2TLPwD0rFJZ2i3NipbEZO25oqzS-OYJTnXMEUOLs/edit?usp=sharing Here is a link that provides you information about how much total Experience needed for each pokemon so you get an idea how much the cost will be ahead of time. My IGN is Reeselover3 My Discord is Reeselover3#2937 You have better chance catching me through Discord :) You may also use my personal Discord channel to request services. https://discord.gg/qebk9Vc Currently Serving: Waitlist:
  15. Ya wasnt sure if it was renabled correctly because there wasnt announcement of it returning
  16. Well I know not too long ago they disabled lend last week or something due to a bug not sure if it was renabled it. Was posted in discord announcements aug 1st
  17. I want to buy your other pelipper please you know how to reach me :)
  18. I would like to buy jolly thick fat mamoswine
  19. You would have to limit 1 if exchange ticket per pokemon ID though to make this acceptable otherwise you could exchange endlessly
  20. Try closing the client entirely possibly
  21. I had alohan marowak out in battle and when I was hitting shadowbome it was saying clefable had used calm mind. This happened while on the phone version.
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