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Xdzin last won the day on January 28 2021

Xdzin had the most liked content!


About Xdzin

  • Birthday 03/03/2001

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2782 profile views

Xdzin's Achievements

Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)




Community Answers

  1. Larvitar bought by @Babino Umbreon bought by @Hisumi Goodra bought by @6Flango9
  2. Xdzin

    about the bans

    +1 most pro players are stall, which will be the next stallbreaker banned here? breloom? any mold breaker?
  3. I will put it soon
  4. .
  5. gold server bids are welcome, as long as the player comes to get the silver S.O: 20M MIN BID: 250K INSTA: 27M TIME: 3 DAY AFTER STARTING, PLUS A FEW HOURS TO FINISH AT 7PM (GTM -5) FOR EXAMPLE: STARTED AT 4PM, THEN IT'S 3 DAY + 3H Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k rare candy 6k
  6. Gliscor bought by @raffiii619
  7. Sableye bought by @Chris
  8. S.O: 1M MIN BID: 100K INSTA: 3M TIME: 1 DAY AFTER STARTING, PLUS A FEW HOURS TO FINISH AT 7PM (GTM -5) FOR EXAMPLE: STARTED AT 4PM, THEN IT'S 1 DAY + 3H Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k rare candy 6k
  9. S.O: 5M MIN BID: 200K INSTA: no insta TIME: 2 DAY AFTER STARTING, PLUS A FEW HOURS TO FINISH AT 7PM (GTM -5) FOR EXAMPLE: STARTED AT 4PM, THEN IT'S 2 DAY + 3H Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k rare candy 6k
  10. Gliscor bought by @Punisherishere Victreebel shiny bought by @YashX1
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