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Everything posted by Xdzin

  1. maybe lost and found is really crazy, disregard it hahahaha but the part of the pokemon trash can is interesting, for the reasons already mentioned
  2. Xdzin


    why are people talking about the economy here? it has nothing to do this will not change the price of ms or maybe it has to do with '' spending to go to disable a bms '' you almost never spend anything to go to disable the bms, I for example have transit pass all the time, someone who doesn't have to just go to one of the cities that disable the bms for being easily accessible cities, and has one in each region
  3. Xdzin


    what? because????
  4. Xdzin


    +1 disabling membership should also be an option
  5. but it is impossible to be bad luck with 3 pokemon from 3 different bosses
  6. you win
  7. bump
  8. it is possible to see the hidden power when linking, but it would be a good addition as well, very simple to put
  9. up
  10. like a global market?
  11. +1
  12. +1 for sure, this I don't see as appealing or easy, since it requires a difficult requirement
  13. +2 XD
  14. +1, could also return to the last center where the pokemon was recovered, and not to the last visited center
  15. Linking pokemon is a constant thing in the game, this '' function '' say so, it has evolved a lot, but it can evolve even more by adding more details to the card, for example: * show how many people clicked on the pokemon (it helps to know if my pokemon is too expensive or if only a few people saw it) * show the pokeball that was used to catch the pokemon * show ot * show the moveset basically show the same thing that appears to the owner of the pokemon
  16. it would save time for players and the pro team itself if there was a kind of pokemon trash can working as follows: discarded pokemons would go to the trash and could not be removed from there by the user, only after some time (say 2d) would they disappear from the player's personal trash and go to a kind of lost and found (would disappear from there too, after time), where any player with released trade can redeem this pokemon. I already deleted several pokemon that could interest others but I couldn't get rid of it in the exchange chat the player would not need to make a request to recover his accidentally thrown pokemon. the staff would not need to be recovering pokemon (solution similar to reducing the level of pokemon)
  17. +1
  18. Electric movements are ignoring the precision debuff, pokémons like latias and rotom don't miss '' thunderbolt '' for example, even after x6 sand atk
  19. bump
  20. ok start time, expected to end on 01/28 at 7pm (gtm -5) good luck https://countingdownto.com/?c=3427867
  21. sold
  22. Lopunny bought by @Pipo17S
  23. someone must have noticed that certain accessories overlap over certain hair styles, I ask you to see my suggestion about showing accessories during the choice of appearance in the magic mirror: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/168690-about-the-magic-mirror/
  24. bump
  25. Lopunny bought by @Prodigy Umbreon bought by @Voidwarrior Gastrodon bought by @Meezy18 Bronzong bought by @StevenBelievin
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