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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. Yo im selling my mawile S.O. 800k mini bid: 100k no insta Accept cc= 380k iv rr= 700k and cash auction end 48h after the first bid
  2. Added 4staryu 4clefable 1salamence 2starmie 1sableye 5lucarios 1sharpedo 1lopunny 1ninetales alolan 3slowbro 1slowking 1weavile 1hawlucha 1rotom 1ttar 1ferro 1muk alolan
  3. the serv hasnt crash for a week lol. its ur internet that suck.
  4. Hey, i was using timid mega gardevoir, and hyper voice didnt 2ko a full hp gyarados when it should have? i didnt get spatk drop. my opponent gyara my garde thats the calc with my ev spread and sptak ivs on gardevoir and the ev spread of the gyarados. have a great day
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