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Everything posted by Deita

  1. Shop active again! Will be posting MANY more pokemon throughout the next two weeks so stay tuned! Update on sold pokemon for Sept-Nov:
  2. Buy 30k magikarp and 30 tangela.
  3. buy wingull 100k
  4. Buy charizard, starmie, yanmega, mamoswine 75k, chandelure
  5. Buy bisjarp, gengar, weavile, excadrill.
  6. 3m Auction start or you can offer me an insta price
  7. auction started by exwho
  8. 500k Start, 5m Insta, 100k min bid 72 Hours Timer: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3322032
  9. Can't compare a discord vote to a forum vote. Different sample sizes.
  10. +1
  11. Buy 60k, 70k impish gibles, shiny delibird
  12. Start
  13. Hey I'll buy weavile and garchomp.
  14. Hey I'll be online if you are available. My ign is deita
  15. Buy the 3 31 speed beldums (31/27, 31/23, 31/24).
  16. Start heracross 7, buy gastly 6 and 9
  17. .
  18. Hey, I'd like to buy this scyther, thanks.
  19. Buy 30k modest honedge
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