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Everything posted by Pettrol

  1. It also would be so cool if they can implement a 3d version of pro we can change by 3d to 2d whenever we want
  2. Bump
  3. Hi staff/mod i cant even go to the game and when i do it only has 20min before i go disconnected im battling boss then disconnected then after i log in the game just count 5 seconds then boom lost connection now i can't play because of this bug i try every server it just syncing the bug can't go to the game pls fix...
  4. Pettrol

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    IGN: Pettrol Playtime: 826 Fav pokemon: palkia Age: 20
  5. Closed sold in-game
  6. Sellin epic 31 attk 20+ Start 800k 2m insta Min raise 100k Duration 24hrs Offer to start time
  7. Hi guys selling epic Shuckle bold sturdy Auction start at: 1.2m Insta: 3m Min raise bid: 100k Duration 24hrs (Philippine time) Time start with first offer:
  8. -1 pro need to be hard again for upcoming region so it will not get boring we dont want ez pro only kids like ez games
  9. yes in dashboard ez transfer in just a secs but it has cd or cooldown 1 month before u can trasnfer again >_<
  10. +1 super must have
  11. To be peaceful Dont suggest for your own good pal @HeroOfTheStreet if u want your game legends to be tradeable go to other mmorp pokemon go there peace >_< The only thing i like in PRO is passions and competive and also grinding thats what i want on pokemon mmorpg not ez pokemon games i dont want to offend but thats what PRO makes PRO passion and fun
  12. Smartest Canttrapthis Friendliest Canttrapthis Funniest 7thgodking Coolest Aienma Comeback Player of the Year Belzebel Most Talkative Dkndonut Most Trustworthy Aienma Most Helpful Canttrapthis Most Missed 7thgodking Most Influential 7thgodking Most Intriguing 7thgodking Most Experienced Player Jhaydenite Best/Funniest Username Locotaco Most Professional Guide Maker Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator Waleed1301 STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper Aspheric Best Artist Uruhara Best Content Scripter MagicGuard Best Community Coordinator Shinohara Best Moderator Seniorasa Best Trade Moderator Tigerous Best Tester Tangrowth Best Game Master Logan Best Admin: Logan Best Staff Username Uruhara Most Professional Staff Eaty Most Dedicated Staff Eaty Funniest Staff Shinohara Friendliest Staff Shinohara Most Honorable Former Staff: Eaty Most Missed Former Staff Shane
  13. I would like to buy 2 ign Pettrol
  14. If u already set its either change it to new or the old ivs because you will not get iv rr again because you already use it its not bug read carefuly mate/o happy xmas weekend have a good day >_<
  15. Hi staff i just want a suggestion about this new kyurem sprite i appriciate and gladly bacause this was awsome but some ppl like me dont like the xmas sprite i suggest like i there was an NPC that can revert kyurem into its orignal form that would be great like darkrai
  16. What about boss uruhara??
  17. Guy Ive been thinking what if Giratina mount, Arceus mount, Lugia and Oh-ho mount, Groudon mount, its not possible since many legendary mount are all in pvp why not pve btw this is land mounts if this implemented it will very cool and satisfying
  18. Snorlax land mount
  19. yeah anrabasan was right it doesn't let me download the game can u pls fix immediately ty
  20. Same happeb to me sir i didnt know this rework i have 31 speed to with 26 spakt i didnt realized i just pick attacked pls help me too... if it didnt work
  21. Server Transfer Username:Pettrol Server to charge money from: Silver Server to transfer to: Gold
  22. should it be on part 2 because i know you will battle the final boss to get wings just like articuno and moltres wings
  23. Hi there to the royalty staffs with gratitude... I have a question is the darkrai wings is still here in this Halloween event im going to back in pro family after a month because of study
  24. Name Change Username: Pettrol New username: Xercxis Server to charge the money from: Silver
  25. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Pettrol Server to charge the money from: silver Main Server to transfer: from silver to gold
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