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Baganha last won the day on December 13 2021

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  1. Username: Baganha Server: Gold Country/Timezone: gmt 0
  2. Player name:Baganha Server: Gold Timezone: +1 Rank on ladder: 5
  3. +1, coward admins cant leave their home without their stalls. I recommend time limit of 3 minutes per game.
  4. start
  5. If reverting the decision isnt an option at least give us a reason to actually care about either one of the options rather than just choosing return since happiness growth is just easier to get. The way its implemented there is no reason to go for 0 happiness over max. This isnt something you can work on when youre lvling/ev training since that raises happiness, so you literally have to spam herbs/ letting your mon die from lvl 100 (pretty sure the knockout item doesnt change happiness). If you change this design it shouldve been for a good reason. As it stands this change did nothing except every mon that uses return/frustration can only reasonably use return now. As mechanics go the only thing this affects is ditto interactions with the moves (not counting stupid [heck] like imprison since no mon reallistically has both of moves in their set), which i dont mind it being pushed even if thats the only reason but it should be made accessible for the player to choose which path they want to take. You can even make it a money dump and introduce an item that strictly increases/decreases happiness that isnt wasting good pve items that are mostly used for their primary effects like herbs/ev berries.
  6. mans scared of having his real rating be exposed
  7. Again your english needs some sharpening, youll have to find me a quote where i say ppl use "creative" mons ONLY to flex, i brought it up as a point, however this doesnt mean it is the only thing i take into account when someone uses something "creative". You however are calling out ppl who dont use creative things (by your standards) "filthy" which paints a pretty clear picture to me, so yeah while i dont doubt there is more than just bragging rights when you use "creative" mons, there is this clear condescending tone you hold towards everybody else who isnt "creative". More interesting is the fact you thought i straightup mentioned you ONLY do this to flex, often is the case for ppl who are insecure to get overly defensive towards things they are trying to hide. Sometimes insecure ppl overcompensate to make them look more than what they are, more commonly by bringing other ppl to a lower level than them: "you dont even understand the idea behind UU NU PU etc in general xD" "it was 1 year ago maybe you didnt play yet back then xD". But hey, who knows maybe it is a language barrier after all. nice of you to completely edit your past post, anyways again you think i assume ppl are just gonna use "5 coin teams" everytime when they might just abuse a consistent team that can follow on your 2-3 coin reqs. But again what the heck is a 2-3 coin team? what mons lie on tier 2 or 3? who knows, you dont either and if you somehow do have a list on you ready to go, a good part of the community is gonna disagree on what should or shouldnt belong there. Ironically enough youd be creating more issues than solving them. Ty for not engaging with any of the hypotheticals, now i know what kind of person im engaging with here
  8. ok so maybe english isnt your strongest suit so allow me to help you guide through my post i never once stated no one wanted to change the way they play the game, i was implying that your way is clearly not supported by a lot of people for the reasons explained in the post below. Again your "fix" is not actually changing the landscape of the meta, youre just opening the doors for coin exploiting which at the end of the day doesnt reward more than playing the game the same way ppl have been doing before. ok so this IS a "fix" about you and only you, im not gonna tell you how you should play pvp and if you wanna use [heck] mons for the sake of getting some wins so you can flex about it thats all good. No one is telling you to do this and in any other competition, not just pokemon, you wouldnt get more rewarded for using "creative" things, in no world does that make any sense. How would you be more entitled to better rewards just cause you had a more dificult game? so if someone has a hard matchup and comes out a winner, should they also get more rewards? If i dont use evs and items on my pokemon should i get rewarded? if you actually happen to have a better matchup and therefore have an easier game even with your "creative" mons compared to your opponent, should you then not be rewarded? Youre just falling into these arbitrary judgement calls because they benefit you without thinking the big picture at all. Again pointing out the fact the this "tier list" in of itself would be very subjective depending on each person, even within the council. ah yes cause more inflation on items that are already hard (time consuming) to obtain, i mean it woud be your only saving grace if this "fix" would happen i suppose
  9. I think, fundamentally, youre trying to solve a problem thats only bothers you, or at least the way you try to fix it seems to be only appeasing you from the amount of -1s here. If you dont like the metagame youre playing and you dont consider anything unbalanced/broken, then thats a you problem. The community isnt going out of their way to play with what you wanna see (or dont wanna see). Some half assed solution that is extremely exploitable, mentioned before with first weeks of the season being able to spam ludicrous teams to just profit coins and take the last couple of days to ladder isnt gonna make this situation any better, youre just finding a way to profit more coins on a scenario where at the end of the day ppl are still gonna spam the teams they usually use in pvp as it is more profitable to qualify to top 25 then playing hundreds of games just to match the same amount of coins. However if you do find there is a problem with the current metagame that should be discussed, tested or banned maybe mention that before bringing more drastic solutions to the table. Creativity shouldnt be a way to reward you more than others, but to use it as a tool against your opponent. Your reward isnt more coins, its your opponent being unaware of what x pokemon does or not knowing you have y move. Not to mention how terrible making that tier list would probably be, cause unlike viability rankings, there is actually money at stake now.
  10. too many words, make it more simple to read pls -1
  11. Player name: baganha Showdown name: baganha Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+ 0 Rank on Ladder: 17
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