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About Pixel8or

  • Birthday 03/15/2003

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    Pixel8or #1683
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  1. How about a mount that puts your character in a naruto run position and makes you move at mount speed
  2. Looks great but if i may suggest one thing, make it transition when you click on a place not just snap instant but make it fade in or something appart from that great <3
  3. Since the servers crash frequently and the mods have to put in slowmode to make the spam stop it would be helpfull for people who are pretty active in the discord to be able to bypass the slowmode, i would suggest making a third discord rank like Discord Member ++ (or somthing else idk) and that this role gets to bypass the slowmode. The role would be obtained by reaching level 28 or somthing. Thanks for your time reading this, Pixel
  4. In-Game Name: Pixel8or Discord Tag: Pixel8or#9629 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord?: Vert Often, almoast daily What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Mayby something that links a channel to in game, ofcourse in game Also a serperate channel
  5. Yes please count me in
  6. Username: Pixel8or Server: Silver
  7. Boss requirement : mayby less playtime needed Difficulty : mayby new bosses with lower difficulty but lower rewards aswell. Cooldown : Keep like it is .
  8. Can me win :3
  9. Ok now i defeated the gym i can battle him tnx for the help. But it still doesnt make sense to me why i could battle him befor
  10. At first i was able to fight him when i enterd the theater but my wifi crashed and caused me to disconect. When i reconected and went back to the rocket member he just kept saying: HAHA not in a century kid! And i cant fight him so im stuck there.
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