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Everything posted by Shewas18

  1. I don't need to "see" anything. I said it would be nice to investigate. I never said it was definitely coded incorrectly. Just like I don't know that it's definitely coded incorrectly, you don't know that it's not. Don't act like the code is pitchperfect when it's not. I reported Psychic myself for too high spdef drop back in the day and it turned out that it was bugged. Kek , i was the first one reporting the outrage bug , i got for answer it wasn't from the staff , i stopped the game few days later , came back some month after , it was considered as a bannable moove . So idk , anyway from my pov , most the hax odd are far from perfect , i got one in mind particulary , :High_Five: Freeze Rate , so yeah i wouldn't be surprised this rate is bugged as well tbh .
  2. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide (Update: 5/9/17) [New Rewards: Tepig, Oshawott, Blitzle] <t>What about Dogs mooves ? Espeed less entei ?</t>
  3. There is a difference beetwin a mon being toptier and one meta defining . A meta defining one is obviously top tier , meanwhile the contrary isn't particulary true and that's a HUGE difference , meaning a meh tflamme positived natured is still going to be more threatning/have to play around it over whatever good mon with 31 everywhere , and the reason behind that is simply because our given tool to handle that mon are awfull , while good/needed one are just not implanted in the game . ( Rotom-W , Lando-T , Rocky Helmet , Heatran , Stone Edge Tm , Foul Play , Unaware , Zapdos , PURSUIT ) Making the strongest/most defining meta/whatever with est at the end showing it's simply better at doing this job was a huge mistake imo , even tho doing it gaved some kind of boost to the online serv population , rendering it an okay decision .
  4. However, given the availability of this item and how it can effect players and their competitive pokemons.[glow=red] It too can create a more evolved PvP scene[/glow]. Regardless of leaning on the pay-to-win aspect of the game. Lol , Tbh straight no .
  5. Any Information about the Hidden Power base damage bug being corrected in the next incoming patch ? Most likely , no doubt given it's meant to be cash grabing , meanwhile the H.A medaillon is nice adding ,would say imo 3 days seems a bit short , 15 days sounds OK .
  6. For people wondering why i hold this speech , few guy working/coding for PRO admitted the fact they were able to do that kind of stuff , but they didn't hold right to do so , meaning only you having it (fun fact they could add some Moove Tutor , but couldn't add any tms ) , aka i'm working on my new game , and so putting the other one in stand-by , meanwhile im the only one having right to do heavy coding stuff on my old game while some of current staff got the abillity , but yeah no real content/debugg and & co for months/almost a year . So basiclly it seems you were able to add thoose tm all day long , but only willing to do after a bit of drama wich was caused by thing you shouldn't have leaked in the first place ? Sigh
  7. As we can see in thoose screenshot , yourself admit the fact your new game is supposed to be coded relatively well , wich call us at the same time , i mean by that , moove/talent & co , but why is PRO filled with that much uncoded/bugged stuff , while your "new" game have them ? So what is restraining you from coding stuff we are asking for almost a year , wich seem to be working on the PRO2.0 ? lack willing ? Tbh what thoose screen are showing , is a solid proof of you ignoring your community and taking them for fools , and so here is the new P2W stuff coming from nowhere , wich none asked for and is the opposite of your own pollicy (rc stuff ,sash stuff ,no breeding ) to grab money ,therefore taking the same community for cash cows . Anyways Correct me if i'm wrong but at least adding a couple of tms , shouldn't be that much difficult for you , when you'r showing how haughty u'r telling us , the fact , you are able top make a game in 3d & co .
  8. Hey i want the switch , to smash it , "i wanted to take people playing my game for cash cow for the last time , sigh they noticed it , i might 'v done a mistake , nvm let's give away a 300$ thing to calm them since i drive in a yellow Lamborghini with pikachus slapshed on it " ..... Just kidding , you can handle a little joke right ? :)
  9. "Controled" Rng got already proposed and got ignored as well , but there is a P2W fonction coming from nowhere wich mostly is going to be added in the next patch :y:
  10. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Water01" post_id="382537" time="1494069804" user_id="1235065"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Or How to grab ( at least try) the largest amount of money you can before shuting down the game by own willing , either by the succession of bad choice , w/e is the state of the game and obv not caring for it , while ignoring the community .<br/> <br/> Well , this subject is ain't the place about pro's backstage and what choice his head took so far ( and for instance they arn't glorious ) . <br/> <br/> About the update on his own , there are priorities over stuff like this , also none of you need to be smart and also conclude after giving it a small sight , Shane is cleary crying out loud , CASH COW .</r>
  11. Nothing worth playing again . Might explain why thoose serv are almost empty , well was the case before , but even more rn , w/e .
  12. Mount not drawn on paint by 6yo kids "cough" (well kyogre/raikou/cune are ok tho while thoose birdies are at the zard/aerodactyl lvl , and for godsake if people knew how much i pushed the thing for kyogre being implemented ) anything esle is worthless , and stuff related to coding is a straight no because Shane is in the equation . ( choice item , advanced mechanics & cie ) Who care about a different cloak color tbh ? (definitly not me , i hav'nt played for more than a month and i still have too much pvp coins , burning them through buying masterball wasn't enough and selling over 20-30 LO/TO, and i can't imagine how much coins player like zarate have left ) , i played pretty much 30 ranked last season and all of them during one day , without dropping anygames (almost :p) and you know what ? Even tho rushing the ladder wasn't a hard task , i had no will power to do it for only 500pvp's coins wich one i would have still no use like the numerous k i have already . ( for people wondering , it's not ME if you see my account logged in , i wouldn't call my login secrect defense anyway ) In short , only rewards restricted to the top 25 could give some interest , but we all know it's not going to be coded anytime soon . So in all honesty what you are doing right here is called "puffery" and false communication . ( aka showing some interest to your community , while knowing nothing is going to change before at least 6month , well PRO having an awfull communication is wellknown fact in the first place , nothing new here )
  13. They'r still people "cheating" on an almost dead game ? lmao
  14. Zapdos and Kyogre's design quality are hardly comparable , you don't have to be an artist or anything related to hold a fair jugdment/sight(same if you want to compare latwins duo mounts , and ptera/charizard ones) , let's be honest here .Im' ain't denigring the staff with the job being done, but what a sad sight seeing how far from each other they are quality speaking .
  15. Re: WTS Epic Pixilate Sylveon <t>There are no reason to play bold sylveon , when clefable is straight better , modest is the way of playing it , except you need hp fire pretty badly .</t>
  16. I'm not against RNG that much ,and i'm well aware RNG is the base of numerous games , the thing is : i'm against a no-progressive one . For my grammar and my willing to , i'll start making effort after i gotta stop being disgusted about the game . Why should i make effort in the first place when someone in particulary doesn't ? . Nvm he did ONCE . I never said RNG was the sole existing reason behind online games being filled with bots ,and that's ain't the case , but PRO being ONLY RNG based is just asking for it to such a level . (aka the 2k wave ban with a pretty small community ) Nothing new , you'r not teaching me anything here . For people not being aware of few thing , there only one name coming back again and again with majority of pro's issue , Unknown just gaved you a hint if i would say and I could give one aswell why the "staff drama" happenned few months ago .
  17. After ? After bis RNG Isn't pro meant to be a Pokemon MMO game ? RNG Done (at least for myself ) im at a point im using my 1k3 left pvp coin buying master ball rushing mineral exca site (beldum obv)(and if you honestly read what i wrote , and even checked once the ladder as you said ,you wouldn't ever say that to me) So what ? still one time RNG , did i ever mentionned aswell breeding need to be implemented ? and not having is the reason of existing to farm like a dog . rng is meant to Kind of expend the life time of the game ? but any MMO got a way to deal with rng with time ? I clearly showed it with one of the most basic exemple , you skipped that part aswell . Did i spoke for me except the legendary part ? why a ton of people whinned about the x-mas event (i did not ,i wasn't even here for the most part of december ) and so ? still rng as hell to get a pink version , rgn based ivs, abi and nature ?(just look at scyther , after a year you might finally meet one , and not a technicien one lmao) I did not play for almost a weak , came back because someone send me a message about the island beign released , i came, i heard it's the same as the x-mas event ,(being permently or not that's not the problem ) , why i would bother farming like a dog AGAIN ? I tried 4 pvp game ,i got frozen 3 times out of 3 by icebeam , rolf , i alt f4'ed them all , dunno why they are still no forfeit button yet. And btw , you dodged everything i said with bs argument , without seeing farer of your nose . You love the game i get it , but ignoring all the flaws me and others player pointed out is just showing how much a fan you are, nothing less . Even tho putting that in mind, answering by what pro's end game is ,this isn't clouding my judgment abotu what you said , it's still all about RNG based ,so if i finished the game ,except pvping i have to headbutt/digs like a tard with rng "rewards" out of that . You can earnestly do your trees all days, without seeing once a chimchar , and one day a random guy see one twice in a row (true story here ) doing his own tree randomly once a week ? Why shouldn't he BE rewarded by doing them everydays for a year ?(yeah catching 30 gale wings less isn't painfull for all this players) Why there nothing such as a way to deal with rng over time ? Is that a problem to "trade" them for another randomized bird ? is it going to break the game ? Isn't he still going to do his trees since he knows even tho he's going to get trash one , he still has a CHANCE (yeah rng) to get a better one ? Meanwhile it's a way of recycling thoose mon without wasting that much time thrashing them with the so-so thing called PC . Making your game , and is whole (or almost ) gameplay based around RNG is a huge conception flaw , and that was confirmed by the ton of online game closed of after the long road they did because of that . (except really huge licence , and here we go back to my precious argument with pokemon being one of thoose license and why pro got at least a thing we can call a player base ) EDIT : I clearly and other as well pointed out the statment of us being done with the rng matter , w'r done doing rng stuff , so they add another "end game stuff" rng based , you get the point there ? YOu said yourself there are always thing to do as end-game, but all of them are rng , this isn't going to change something adding another rng thing, if you still don't get the thing, i can't give you more hint than that (i mean by that doing rng thing , without stuff decreasing the rng ratio over time , trading one box of scyther for a pink one might end with more people farming , easy as that )
  18. When we had decents one, they got remooved later for being "p2w" , or either too strong pvpwise , when adding smthing decreasing the god's rng rate of farming time would be a good one , and at the same time being a money sink thing (take 3 mon ,add 50k and a scynhro of your choice, you got the same one with randomized ivs & abi , i.e 3-5 trash larvitar+synchro of your choice =new one ,gotta help aswell with the awful limited pc,such as the large amount of time you have to waste clearing box full of trash mon) , meanwile pinkan island was higher in the "must to do chart" ,definitly over remolding the PC or finding a way to hel the player base stopping to decrease days by days bcs how limited the end game is ,after clearing the story , what is left to do ? RANDOM reward from easy to beat boss (yet 3consecutives wins was done to help with the rng ,you still have your wanted reward being randomized) , Ranked pvp if you could call that pvp tbh , RANDOM amount of time you have to waste farming smthing , RANDOM catchable legendaries , quests with RANDOM rewards from RANDOM catched pokemons , RANDOM everything based around luck basically , and rgn never finished well with an online game except HS , ( if i have to show some honesty here , "POKEMON" is saving all this flaws, because this is pokemon and gamefreak/nitendo still didn't made his own mmo game (pokemon is one of THOOSE game selling the most ,look how Pokemon GO impacted the world ,tommorow we got an official Pokemon mmo game = you got the idea ) , pro got a player base (others "unlegit" pokemon mmo games kind of suck tbh too ) but the reason behind it is the huge player base blizzard's franchise own , once i read on this forum this was the easiest mmo , another dumb thing you can read on internet , any online game got something to deal with bad rng over time , meanwhile more of the time having good RNG in an mmo game was a time saver or could considerate yourself extremly lucky , i mean you'r ready to farm a dungeon 30 times , and this isn't going to be funny , to get only one piece of stuff ,while you still have a really low chance of dropping the same piece aka 0.01% (random numbers just exemple) , but yeah after clearing thoose 30dungeon you are SURE of getting at least your item ,so you always know you'r not totally wasting your time ,most of the time the item end up being bounded so , you can alterate that exemple for others mmo games except TCG one ,openning packs will always be RNG . (if after reading that you are asking yourself why there are so much bot in PRO , i feel sorry for you ) Meanwhile in PRO, some people are farming t9 for MONTHS , after 1X-2X-3X box of the same t9 , none of them are OK or worth being played ,behind that you have to waste 1-2hours throwing them later , since you got nthing to do with them , what left ? a disgusting feeling in your mouth about the time you wasted , and only luck could'v changed that . And you know what ? Event are aswell based around RNG , new content is RNG , this would be okay with a way of dealing with this same "RNG" (look at the x-mas event, people wasted the whole event time farming eevee, some did not catch a themed one, while some farmed probably 1/5 of their time and got one or two , gotta admit that was a huge money sink here , i myself got a shiny tauros ,but yeah x-mas eevee was never in sight ) Im pretty sure trading one box of full freshly catched eevee with your own OT for an x-mas one wouldn't broke the game and the event's reason of existing . (basic exemple of dealing with bad rng over time ,took that exemple from summer island's shop with starters, you got trash ? fine at least you got cosmetic with them ,you could even make the x-mas eevee not tradable) , if a lot of veteran/older players are leaving , or are totally ignoring thoose event , reasons behind that are pretty obvious . I read aswell on this forum , player was so picky about how the pvp is coded when you got a "ton" of thing to do when you hit pro's lategame , Well , PVP in pro , is the only thing "not too much rng based thing to do" (Hello freeze rate <3 ) , after farming like a dog , pokemons are used for what ? PvP most of the time , so if people are whinning about how pvp is poorly invested by the staff , the major reason isn't players are snooty having a name in a mean-nothing-laderboard , na except PvPing the WHOLE end-game is RNG , and spending hours doing thing related to luck as the most end-game thing you can do in a game isn't really appreciated . (You don't bread perfect pokemon in the official game because this is funny, na it's for pvp ) , for myself (even tho you readers don't give a .... ) i took a huge of time forcing me to do jirachi quest , since the first two were legit trash (even tho sometimes you see me playing with them in ranked, but you gotta blame the no-existing pro's lvl in pvp ,and thoose mon are still 600 BS) , and having no power from interacting with jirachi's ivs , you know what ? it ended being a third trash one , remiding myself why i wasted so much time doing a one time rng thing when i knew it would be trash aswell (country thing , 2 without 3 ) .
  19. I feel sorry for people interested about my mons (almost, na that's a lie ) ,im not really logging in lately , before it was just to do my excas anyways or rush the ladder, it always result for me a waste of times ,since the more i play pro , my disgusted feeling to it just grow even more tbh , well , if you want to buy smthing try to catch me ig while im logged (that's rare rolf ) .
  20. Even without traits , she's the best of all pvp's mount, reworking older one (i mean by that birds one) wich are ugly and feel like they were done by a 8yo kids on paint (especially you zapdos , with your beautiful legs while others got a neck long as a bridge ) would be better , or just implementing news one , got nothing to do with my pvp coins left personally(after buying mounts,cloak and shit) except buying masterball to rush the mineral's exca lol .
  21. Shewas18

    2 pokes sleep

    Doesn't matter, when it comes in play later it's waked-up .
  22. As I Said IG , 4M
  23. Nvm :devil:
  24. 2m hera, 3m ptera ,3m ttar .
  25. Krook sold ig for 400k.,deidara got his answer ig aswell . Bumping at the same time
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