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Everything posted by Markey

  1. +1
  2. The guy using 6 legendarys is horrible he is under 100 rating consistently, meaning his strategy does not work.
  3. Lowered BID price, and INsta Price
  4. Starting Offer= 2.3mil Insta Price= 2.7mil I take coin capsules as 300k. Auction will end 48 hours
  5. How much for pelipper
  6. Please message on forums, or on discord My discord id: markey#6047 My ign ingame is markey
  7. Why do you want to join NoMercy? Looking for a great guild to meet people and have fun What can you contribute to NoMercy? I am a very nice person who loves to help others if they need it. Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? I got suspended 2 years ago for RMT. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? To hunt as much epics as possible and sweep the ladder How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak?21 What is your discord name and ID tag number? (Example: teerav#0975)Markey#6047 Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card.
  8. It's very easy to check tier by using the discord commands, But it is tier 8.
  9. Why do you feel you'd be a good fit for Toxicity? Love the guild name, + I have talked to fallen before and he is really cool :D • Have you read our rules and eligibility, and can confirm you meet the criteria?: Yes • What is your Discord Tag? (Ex: Name#0000): Markey#6047 • Please attach your trainer card:
  10. Hi I have epic bold jellicent, My ign is markey on Silver server.
  11. Ok thanks man me and my friend nova are waiting for msgs :D
  12. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Markey 2. Number of hours played?477 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Lucario 4. What country are you from?US 5. How old are you?21 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional)
  13. Hey man me and my friend want join, My IGN ingame is Markey, and his is novainc24. We can use discord and have many hours in PRO
  14. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Mamathieu Friendliest: Mamathieu Funniest: Mamathieu Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Mamathieu Most Talkative: Mamathieu Most Trustworthy: Mamathieu Most Helpful: Mamathieu Most Missed: Mamathieu Most Influential: Mamathieu Most Intriguing: Mamathieu Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu Best/Funniest Username: Mamathieu Most Professional Guide Maker: Aranzulla Most Professional Discord Moderator: Fallen STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: all of them :D <3 Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Q8 Best Moderator: Q8 Best Trade Moderator: Q8 Best Game Master: Q8 Best Admin: Red Best Staff Username: Q8 (gas station) Most Professional Staff: Q8 Most Dedicated Staff: Fluffles Funniest Staff: Fallen Friendliest Staff: Q8 Most Honorable Former Staff: Arnie Most Missed Former Staff: Arnie
  15. I love the idea but I bet it would be hard to pull off
  16. In many MMO's a weapons worth or rarity is determined by Grades. A big Issue in Pokemon Revolution is the scattered unreliable economy throughout the trade chat. Even veterans with thousands of hours struggle to determine the correct price regularly. I think if we introduced a type of grading system to the IVS of Pokemon it would improve Trade. Here is an example Better Grades mean better Stats, or more rarity Crude would obviously be single digit IVS Mythic would be 30+ IVS If a Pokemon is Basic it would have WHITE IVS Numbers If a Pokemon is MYTHIC it would have RED IVS Numbers We could have a certain x amount of IVS to be Mythic etc This would not solve the trade issues but I think it would improve it. Let me know if you like my idea and feel free to add suggestions!
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