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Hey there @Starmie12 I have removed the Abseil Rope from your account and refunded 75 coins. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you a wonderful weekend/week!
I appreciate your patience and apologize for the delay. As I've informed you in game, I’ve gone ahead and refunded the 750 PVE Coins to your account and removed the Black Absol Mount. Since this is resolved, I’ll be locking the thread. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you a wonderful week!
I appreciate your patience and sincerely apologize for the delay. Unfortunately the thread ended up being buried due to the huge amount of work received in the Xmas period. Anyway, considering the circumstances such as: The fact the post was created when the Halloween Store was still up The misunderstanding with the Icon is understandable; The mounts had the same price; I’ve gone ahead and changed your HW Haunter Mount with a HW Gengar Mount. Since this is resolved, I’ll be locking the thread. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you a wonderful week!
Hey @Darkduhtank ! I appreciate your patience and apologize for the delay. Considering the circumstances, I’ve gone ahead and refunded the 700 Event Coins to your account. Since this is resolved, I’ll be locking the thread. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you a wonderful week!
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Atkinson+Hyperlegible:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&family=Inter:ital,opsz,wght@0,14..32,100..900;1,14..32,100..900&display=swap'); .wrapper-keita { font-family: "Inter", serif; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-weight: ; font-style: normal; font-size: .97rem; } li { margin-bottom: 5px; } .keita-highlight { background-color: rgba(27, 28, 30, 1); padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px; color: #ebe7e3c4; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.48); font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace; font-size: 90% !important; } If you’re reading this without having read my previous section, please make sure to read that first for context. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/249807-what-is-the-future-of-the-game-flopped/page/3/#comment-1516898 If you take a moment to check the Update Logs on our forum, you’ll see that we release major updates almost every month. Each update includes a a huge amount of content, all thoroughly documented for anyone to review. Not every update is something you can see visually or graphically. For example, the 4238,743382 coded moves take an enormous amount of work to implement. But because they aren’t flashy or visible, it’s much easier to notice a new cosmetic than a newly coded move, despite both being equally present and requiring significant effort. Walross and Cames are not artists, and artists are not developers. While artists focus on creating cosmetics/tiles/npc/mounts/etc, Walross and Cames work on the coding side. Both groups (artist and developers) work simultaneously but on totally different departments, each contributing to the game's development in different ways. I’ve done that farming route several times during my time on PRO. While I may not have run it as often as most of the players, my words comes from both my personal experience and feedback from many players who have been running that very route (along with other activities) daily for years. I’m not saying it’s super mega easy, and I completely understand that the content doesn’t play itself alone; effort from the player is required. However, you must remember that PRO is an MMO. It’s designed to reward players who put some effort in the game activites, and it’s reasonable to expect players to invest some time to earn resources like money, items, and Pokémon. That said, the amount of time required to run those Routes is much less than you think, if you approach it correctly. For example, bosses alone generate around 600,000 Pokédollars weekly, and if you know what you’re doing, you can clear all the bosses in about two hours. There are countless guides available to help players optimize their boss runs (e.g., Bhimoso’s guide). Combining this with other money-farming methods, reaching 1.5m in a week is something achievable by the average player. Certainly, I do agree with your point that certain aspects of the game could benefit from updates to keep the content 'fresh'. However, even with their current state, they remain viable and efficient methods for generating consistent income. Saying 'The Trade Chat is Bad!' without argumenting and motivating your opinion is quite useless, as it does not add anything to the topic. From my personal experience, when it comes to the Trade Chat, most of the complaints revolve around three things: Resellers (Buy X Good at 50, resell at 100); There's nothing inherently wrong with them, as they exist in every game and don't harm the economy. Some players prefer selling quickly at a lower price, while others choose to sell at a higher price, putting in more effort and time for a potentially greater return. Scammers (Buy X Good for an extremely small amount of its real value, exploiting the ignorance of the seller); While this behavior is undeniably awful, some might even call it disgusting, the term scammer is incorrectly used, as this is not a real scam. We strongly disapprove of behavior where players, especially new ones, are targeted and pressured into selling rare forms or Shinies for a fraction of their worth, but there is nothing we can do about it for few reasons: There is no official price for items in the game; values are determined by the player-driven economy. Players are entitled to sell their goods at any price they choose, even if it’s far below the market average. Setting strict rules about pricing would require us to dictate the value of every item, which would undermine the core principles of a player-driven economy. The best way to address this issue is through community-driven efforts. Whether as part of a guild or individual players, the community can share knowledge about item values and fair trading practices, as well as fostering a supportive environment. Human Interactions (PMs, Trade Agreements) Not much to say. If people break rules, report them and they get a ban. In short, the only real problem is "Scammers", but this is not a problem of the Trade Chat, but actually a problem of the human race, and there is nothing we can do about it. I strongly disagree with the claim that the Trade Chat is bad. You haven’t provided any arguments or reasoning to support your opinion and simply stated, "it's bad." so there may be something I missed. In that case, please elaborate. No offense, but is this your first video game? There's nothing wrong with selling cheaper items to buy more expensive ones. This is how economies work, both in the real world and in every game. There are a very huge amount of ways to make money in the game, and some methods might generate higher income than others. However, not a single method will guarantee that you only get high-value/expensive items or Pokémon. The game is designed to provide various ways to generate an income, and as you progress you'll naturally come across both smaller and larger opportunities, therefore sometimes you'll gain more than other. For example, it's unrealistic to expect to only catch 3x31 Pokémon, or Shinies/Rare Forms, worth millions every time. As you progress, you'll naturally encounter lower-IV/worse Pokémon that however you can still sell to other players as they may need them, and that's perfectly normal and fine. There are people selling Pokémon for 20k, which might seem like a small amount. However, if you sell 5, you’ll already have 100k. When it comes to speedrunning, there’s really no need for it. Why rush? There’s no pressure or time limit, and how you play is entirely up to you. It’s a game—take your time and enjoy the experience. Whether you get a Shiny Charizard after one month or six months, it doesn’t matter as long as you're having fun. It’s all about seeing the bigger picture, something you're not doing. Working smarter and more efficiently usually leads to results that are just as good, if not way better, than working harder. The biggest flaw in your argument, common among many PvP players, is the belief that only the most "giga-mega-epic" Pokémon are viable in PvP. This simply isn’t true. You don’t need to spend excessively to build a PvP-viable team. Skill plays a much bigger role than stats, and over time, it’s rewarded far more. For instance, if I gave a 6x20 IV team to a player like C0mp (to mention a recent tournament winner) and a 6x31 IV team to you, I’m confident you’d still lose. Pretending that only 9x31 PVP pokemon are viable is like those COD player that buy $400 chair, $300 keyboard/mouse, $600 headphones and then get killed 30 seconds after the match start by the very first random player they find and that have a $30 setup. Skill and strategy always outweigh perfect stats. Sure, having better IV is preferred, but that's something you will get in the long run. You can't get everything and immediately without actually working and placing some effort into that. Let me stop you right there. I have replied you here already, so I will not repeat myself. I would like to add, however, that it’s not banned, so people are still free to use it. That said, the number of players using it right now is ridiculously low, and it doesn't have any noticeable negative impact on the PVP aspect of the game. At the moment, other playstyles are simply better, and it's bound to get worse eventually. As for Stall in Gen 9 ... have you spent some time to document yourself? Stalling in NatDex is quite bad. Want to play Stall? Gambit & Gholdengo entering the room: I really can't begin to understand why you think artists are responsible for fixing bugs, coding new features, or adjusting content prices. What’s next, are mappers going to handle trade auction bans, or moderators going to be in charge of mapping new areas? It seems like you have not a clear understanding of what each role does. In reality, artists could release 1,300 cosmetics every month, and it would not slow down or interfere at all with the development of other parts of the game, like content creation, mapping, or bug fixing. These aspects are handled separately, and out of the 20+ artists we have, none of them deal with the issues you're talking about in this thread. When it comes to map size, there's little connection to player base size. Maps are designed to enhance immersion, exploration, and to provide an adventure-like experience. I understand that some might prefer a simpler 3x3 square map, or teleports to make 20 meters, but that approach would ultimately feel horrible and would not fit a Pokemon Game. Talking about Teleports, you call this a serious problem, but I call it serious lazyness from your end. In Event Maps we offer two methods to teleport: The Halloween map has dig spot tunnels connecting different areas; The Christmas maps has the Sailor and Chair Lift (and dig spot too iirc) These teleports are meant to help you skip the majority of the route. However, we can't just place teleports inside PokéCenters because there are lazy people who refuse to walk even for just 5 seconds. Calling the absence of teleports in every single Pokécenter on Event Maps a serious problem is utterly ridiculous. Please listen carefully. I'll be more respectful than I probably should with you after what you just wrote. The game’s been around for 10 years with probably 5,000 items, so yeah, some descriptions are outdated or incorrect. We’re not denying that. However, there are important items that need quick updates because they affect gameplay and/or are game-changing, and then there are the less important ones that don’t need urgent fixes. For example, if we’re still using the Nugget description from Gen 4, don’t expect us to drop everything we are working on and prioritize that. We focus on the items that have a higher impact on the game and on the players gameplay. Players honestly don’t give a fuck if the Nugget description is from Gen 4 or Legends Arceus because it won't change their gameplay. It’ll get updated, but it’s not something we lose sleep over, since there are more important projects (new regions, Gen 7, 8, 9, new game modes, new system, etc). You mentioned having the right to complain, which is fair, but please think about it. Saying "item descriptions are wrong" without specifying what’s wrong doesn’t help us in any way. What’s faster for us, searching through 20,000 items to find errors, or you pointing out what’s wrong? You talk about delays, but would you prefer we delay updates to go through 5,000 items instead of reporting specific issues? You think it’s comical that we’re not aware of that, but the only comical thing here is what you just wrote. The game wasn’t created by the current developers or Staff Members. Some older items might have incorrect descriptions. Do you really expect a developer, or Staff Member, to know the description of every single item added 5 years before they joined the project? As I said previously, please help us by reporting any error you find, and we'll deal with it as soon as possible, thank you. I totally understand that my answer might have disappointed you, but you're completely misunderstanding the scale of work involved in translations and how it's structured. If translating the game were as easy as you think, so just handing it over to Brazilian players to help, we would have done it by now. Translating a game like Pokemon as big as PRO (way, way, way bigger than a single GameFreak game) for one single language would take years. Translating is not as easy as you think. You need to to figure out the best way to translate, develop systems for players to switch languages, and adapt translations to the context of Pokemon. There are 432472474467 different NPCs. Then, you have to go into the server/client, find where each file is, and add translations for each item. Now, imagine doing this for 5+ languages. Brazilian isn’t more important than Vietnamese, Chinese, Greek, or any other language. We're a fanmade Pokémon game run by a team of volunteers. Even professional games that costs $60 and with multimillion-dollar budgets don't always have full translations. Many popular games only offer English or at most 2-3 languages, despite having paid teams and large budgets. You started with numbers by mentioning that the average amount of players during Xmas was 450,, so it’s only natural that I’d respond the same way. However, the difference here is that I backed up my claims about activity with concrete evidence, while you haven’t provided any (not for activity or any other epoint). Let’s set aside the “you don’t play!”, it’s a lazy argument used to dismiss valid points when you can't counter-argue. My statements aren’t based on personal opinion but on hard evidence (amount of players that register and log every day, for example), and I always verify my claims with our Staff Members. It shouldn't matter, however, since you measure credibility by “I play more than you,” it’s worth noting that a lot of them have far more playtime than you do. As for bots, it’s true that bots exist in the game, just like they do in nearly every other online game. However, you’re making a mistake if you think that the number of bots connected at the same time is significantly high to the point of making the player-online-count unreliable. The reality is far different. Also, do not confuse macro with bots, they are two very dinstinct things. Regarding the Chat, using chat as a benchmark for active players is an inaccurate method. Many players don’t use general chat; they prefer guild chats or Discord for communication. So, suggesting that the number of active players can be gauged by the number of people talking in the game’s public chat is simply wrong. Players are still active and engaged, but they may not necessarily be using the game’s public chat. CONCLUSION Overall, this thread is honestly just useless, and I hate to say that because I genuinely care a lot about the opinion and the feedback of our community, regardless if positive or negative. Constructive feedback is essential for the game’s growth and improvement. That said, this discussion has been frustrating from the start. You’ve consistently refused to inform yourself about the topics you’re discussing. Instead, you’ve chosen to make assumptions, write baseless claims, and insist, 'I SAID ALL FACTS,' when in reality, those are just opinions. If you want to contribute meaningfully, take the time to understand the topics before making claims. Constructive criticism, backed by proper reasoning or evidence, is always welcome. But throwing out uninformed opinions and labeling them as 'facts' does nothing to help the game or the community. In the future, if you want your feedback to truly make an impact, present your arguments thoughtfully and back them with evidence. hat’s how we can work together to improve the game. But this kind of baseless ranting achieves nothing and wastes time for everyone involved. Given this, I will now lock the thread. Have a great day. Special thanks to @Vangogsan for helping with explaining few things I may have missed and that may be useful for other players.
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@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Atkinson+Hyperlegible:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&family=Inter:ital,opsz,wght@0,14..32,100..900;1,14..32,100..900&display=swap'); .wrapper-keita { font-family: "Inter", serif; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-weight: ; font-style: normal; font-size: 1rem; } li { margin-bottom: 3px; } .keita-highlight { background-color: rgba(27, 28, 30, 1); padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px; color: #ebe7e3c4; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.48); font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace; font-size: 90% !important; } I'm writing this post while stuck in a hospital bed since 20 days, so there’s a chance I might make some typos, so please bear with me. It's purely logical that the Hunting System is meant to be a main feature of a Pokémon game, exactly like cooking would be for a cooking game. However, it’s completely false that Hunt is the only way to earn money. The game provides a wide range of methods to make money, such as: Dig Spots Excavation Dungeons Bosses + Mini Bosses Bug Catching Contest Mono Tournament Rebattling NPCs PokeStops Providing Service (e.g Quest Service, EV TRining, EXP Training, etc) etc (many other). If you play all that content using a single account, without hunting, you can earn around 1.500.000 Pokedollars every 7 days. If you decide to ignore some content, that's going to reduce your income, but that’s intended. It’s up to you how you choose to play the game, but the more content you play and the higher will be your income. Economy Status The economy is far from being in good shape, and there’s plenty of room for improvement. However, you’re compltely clueless about the situation and think that simply making content pay more will solve the problem, while not realizing that it will actually make everything 10x worse than it is now. It's like if your country is facing economic issues and someone suggests "'Hey! Print more money!'" While that might sound like a quick solution, it actually sucks and will make the situation even worse (check Venezuela's history) The reason some content doesn't pay as much as it should is that nerfs were necessary to save the game's economy. Over the years, we've added a lot of content to provide more variety and give players more things to enjoy. However, maintaining control over the large influx of items and resources dropped from various in-game activities, which then entered the game’s economy, was not easy. Some players began exploiting this system. A large number of players began using multiple accounts (e.g., 4x on Silver, 4x on Gold), leading to an overwhelming amount of tradable goods, which damaged the game’s economy. This drastically decreased the price of many items. For example, if the market has only 50 pieces of an item, it might be priced at $1000. But if millions of that item are generated, the price will drop drastically, to something like $5. Yeah, it sucks a lot that players that did not abuse this also ended up harmed , finding themselves in the midle of the fire, but it was the only thing doable to save the game. Future of the Economy With the upcoming Account Merge, many things are going to change in how the content system works. For example, a lot of the content will no longer have character-based cooldowns but will instead have account-based cooldowns. This means that if you have 4 characters, you will only be able to play Bosses (just an example) with one character, rather than using 2, 3, or all 4 characters. So, if you have Jhonvga1, Jhonvg2, Jhonvga3, Jhonvga4, you will be able to play Bosses only with one of them. This change will give the Staff more freedom to determine the best rewards for content activities, allowing them to reward players in a better way without worrying about potential "abuse" (which, as said above, is the reason rewards got nerfed). Please, be patient and stay strong for a little bit more, we're almost there. This is simply not true. It's false and far from the reality. While it may have been the case in the past to some extent, playing Stall is no longer viable in most of the situations today, especially due to the recent PvP changes. The high presence of varied offensive threats makes defensive role compression impossible, or almost. If you’re aware that someone is playing for others and have evidence to support it (because how would you know without evidence?), just report it to us, and we’ll ban. While adding new content is crucial for any video game, I believe our content team is doing their best to make the game as enjoyable and fun as possible for players in terms of content (see Dungeons, for example). That being said, there's still a lot of exciting things in the works: We’re not just getting 1, not 2, but 3 Gen (Gen 7, 8, and 9) and it’s not as simple as it sounds. PRO is a pixel-based game, while the upcoming generations are 3D-based. We can’t simply download files from the official games, so there’s a huge amount of work behind the scenes that our Artists are doing. A totally new region (and also something more!) to host these new generations. New game features, systems, challenges and game modes; New PVP rewards to incentivize PVP; etc. There's a lot of content on the way. Regarding Rockruff, to my knowledge, we never announced that it was huntable. Not everything added to the client is immediately obtainable. It simply means it’s ready to be used when necessary. It could be a week, two weeks, or even months after an update before it becomes available. Sometimes, a Pokémon is added but not released because we may not be fully satisfied with the result and want to avoid reworking forms (like we did with Drillbur) as much as possible to prevent causing problems for players (e.g., a player buy a HW Drillbur, but then we rework the form cuse we think it does not fit the game, and the player received a damage). As for the claim that "PRO only does cosmetics," it’s a misconception of the players who. We have around 20 artists organized into groups: for example one for cosmetics, one for event forms, one for the client, one for tiles and NPCs, etc. While we release "800" cosmetics, there are also artists working on Astrella and other game features simultaneously. So no, cosmetics are not delaying any other content. On the topic of item descriptions, yes, there can be errors. If you notice one, please report it to help us fix it, rather than just complaining. We can’t fix issues we’re not aware of. Finally, regarding translations: no, 50% of our community is not from Brazil. Nothign wrong with Brazilians. We love all players unconditionally, but where did you even get that number from?? In this specific moment, the actual distribution is around: 12-13% from Brazil; 25-30% from the USA; 15-17% from Vietnam; India 12-13%; etc You can get real numbers here: https://dashboard.pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard Keep in mind that some players play on both servers, so the numbers may be slightly inflated (this applies to every country). We simply cannot and will not translate the game into languages other than English. Translating the entire game, including dialogues, moves, quests, etc, would take even years. If we translated it into Portuguese (Brazil), we’d have to do the same for other languages like Chinese, Vietnamese, and Indian languages. This would not only takes year, but would also case significa delays to updates (since we would need to translate every single update). Keep in mind that even games much bigger than ours don't offer translations for the same reason. We hope you understand. It's currently 4 AM in Europe so everyone is sleeping, and 9 AM in Asia (China, Vietnam, India) is 8-10AM, so kids are at school, adults are at work. This leaves only America (continent) available to play, and yet we have 650 players online: 383 + 267 = 650. 650 players online while everyone in Europe sleep + Asia is at school/work is not a bad number. During December + XMAS: 14 December: 6 AM EU (so all Europe Sleeping + Asia at school and work, and late evening in America) 455 + 394 = 850 players online 9 December: 4 AM EU (so all Europe Sleeping + Asia at school and work, and only America up) 542 + 429 = 971 players online 25 December: 1:40PM EU (late night for America, EU+Asia available) This is 25 December, where people should be celebrating with their family. 914 people online. 1, 2 and 3 December: 1564 players online at the same time (940+624) 4th January: 1429 Players online at the same time I don't know where you're getting your numbers from, but at this point, it’s just misinformation. It's the same as when you previously claimed that 50% of the PRO community was from Brazil or that current PVP is heavily centered around stall. You're throwing out numbers randomly without taking the time to research or verify anything. We have two servers, while other games (pokemon fanmade) only have one, so only counting the players on one server is pointless. 'OMG, Gold has only 400 players online!' Yeah, no shit, but if Silver has 550, that’s 950 players in total. Sure, some players may be online on both servers, but from my 6 years of experience as staff, I can tell you that number is no more than 30-50.
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Hello, and apologies for the delay. I’ve been in the hospital in the last period (and still am), which made it take a bit longer to address this case in specific. I’ve now resolved the issue by removing the extra Ditto Quiet Midnight Chroma and refunding you the 700 Event Coins. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you have a great day/week!
Hello there @Zenyard, and apologies for the delay. I noticed that you created the thread on December 27. Do you remember when you bought the mask? If I recall correctly, it's supposed to be a Halloween mask, so it doesn't seem likely it would be purchasable on December 27.
Hello, and apologies for the delay. I’ve been in the hospital for the past 15 days (and still am), which made it take a bit longer to address this case in specific given some circumstances related to it. I’ve now resolved the issue by removing 180 luxury balls (200 - 20) and refunding the event coins you used to purchase them. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you have a great day/week!
Hello there @Dokynn I sincerely apologize for the delay in dealing with your refund and for any inconvenience experienced. Due to my current health condition, it took me a while to catch up with things. That said, I have now removed the mount from your account and refunded you 400,000 Pokédollars. Thank you for your patience, and I wish you a wonderful day and weekend ahead.
Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! Additionally, Top 25 players from each server can: Access Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings RANDOM RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Random Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top0 25 Gold Random Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Keita via Discord DMs or Forum Thread (call it something like "Need Keita" to get my attention). Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that.
.keita-border { border: 0.220rem solid white; font-family: "Inter", sans-serif; } .body-border { padding: 25px; font-family: "Inter", sans-serif; } .keita-text { background: #9929EA; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #9929EA 0%, #5808FB 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } Ho ho ho, Trainers! The snow is falling, the bells are jingling, and the magic of Christmas fills the air! From December 1st 12 AM GMT +0 to January 5th 11:59 PM GMT.+0, join us for an unforgettable event overflowing with holiday spirit, festive encounters, and merry surprises with a chance to win a super exclusive untradeable SHINY Christmas Snivy!! ーー REWARDS PLAYERS STAFF* 1st place: SHINY Xmas Snivy + 2x IV-locked reroll SHINY Xmas Snivy + 1x IV-locked reroll 2nd place: SHINY Xmas Snivy + 1x IV-locked reroll 2x IV-locked reroll 3rd place: 1x IV-locked reroll 1x IV-locked reroll * Due to their responsibilities, staffs have limited time to hunt, so they will be excluded from the regular Hunt Contest and will attend a Staff-Only one. ーー HOW TO PARTICIPATE Join the Holiday Hunting Contest by showing your Pokémon to the Hunting Contest Judge in Evergreen Island Village, who will evaluate them. You can submit any rare Pokémon belonging to a family with a Christmas Form: Points are rewarded based on the Pokemon’s Nature, Ability and IV. Additional points will be rewarded if the Pokemon is a Christmas or Shiny form. The Hunting Contest Judge will not take your Pokemon, once submitted, they will remain in your account. You may submit multiple Pokemon to be judged, there is no limit. Only Pokemon caught after the event has started can be submitted. The Pokemon will be untradeable; players can choose the nature and ability, but the IVs will be randomly generated. A single player cannot get two or more forms. This SHINY form will never be obtainable again after this event.
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.Keitaimg { margin-left: -5px; } Prepare to elevate your player-versus-player experience with PvP Chests—mysterious chests brimming with rare cosmetics, unique mounts, and handy consumables. Designed exclusively for Ranked PvP, these chests reward both your daily activity and dedicated ladder climbing. First Win of the Day Start strong by claiming 1× PvP Chest with your first win in both Normal Ranked and Random Ranked PvP each day. Additional Wins In Normal Ranked, earn 1× PvP Chest for every two additional wins after your first. In Random Ranked, earn 1× PvP Chest for every four additional wins after your first. Top 25 Ladder Rewards At 12 AM and 12 PM GMT+0 each day, the Top 25 players on the Normal Ranked PvP ladder receive enhanced-chance chests: 1st Place: 5× PvP Chests 2nd–3rd Place: 4× PvP Chests 4th–10th Place: 3× PvP Chests 11th–19th Place: 2× PvP Chests 20th–25th Place: 1× PvP Chests Very Rare Mounts Slifer the Sky Dragon Obelisk the Tormentor The Winged Dragon of Ra Exodia Mount Dark Exodia Mount Blue-Eyes White Dragon Shenlong Mount Hoverpod Kaido Mount Karoo Mount Spyro Mount Kaisel Mount S Kaisel Mount S Walking Wake Mount S Gouging Fire Mount S Raging Bolt Mount S Koraidon Mount S Miraidon Mount S Poipole Mount S Naganadel Mount S Buzzwole Mount S Guzzlord Mount S Nihilego Mount S Celesteela Mount Ursaluna Mount Changes its appearance to Ursaluna Bloodmoon at night. Its form counterparts can be found during the respective events. Accessories Susanno (Blue) Susanoo (Purple) Susanoo (Orange) Susanoo (Green) Cosmetic Sets Great Saiyaman (Helmet, Clothes, Cape) Great Saiyagirl (Helmet, Clothes, Cape) Vegeta (Wig, Eyes, Armor, Tail) Boruto (Wig, Scar, Clothes) Baryon Mode (Eyes, Clothes, Tails) KCM 2 Mode (Wig, Clothes) Madara (Wig, Eyes, Armor) Cursed Seal (Wig, Eyes, Clothes, Wings) Zero (Helmet, Clothes, Cape) Captain (Clothes, Daiguren Hyorinmaru) Ulquiorra (Horns, Eyes, Clothes) Goblin Slayer (Helmet, Armor) Solaire of Astora (Helmet, Armor) Dark Magician (Helmet, Armor, Magic Circle) Consumables Soul-Bound IV-Locked Reroll Ticket to lock a single IV Soul-Bound IV-Locked Reroll Ticket to lock two IVs Soul-Bound Ticket to swap two IVs of a legendary Pokémon in a targeted way Rare Mounts Walking Wake Mount Gouging Fire Mount Raging Bolt Mount Koraidon Mount Miraidon Mount Poipole Mount Naganadel Mount Buzzwole Mount Guzzlord Mount Nihilego Mount Celesteela Mount Going Merry Mini Merry II Flying Dutchman Hybrid mount with unique poison gas particle effect. Minecraft Boat Raft Cosmetic Sets Ogerpon Teal (Mask, Clothes, Veil) Ogerpon Wellspring (Mask, Clothes, Veil) Ogerpon Hearthflame (Mask, Clothes, Veil) Ogerpon Cornerstone (Mask, Clothes, Veil) Tapu Koko (Wig, Eyes, Clothes) Tapu Lele (Hat, Eyes, Clothes) Tapu Bulu (Hat, Eyes, Clothes) Tapu Fini (Hat, Eyes, Clothes) Dragon Knight (Helmet, Clothes, Spear) L (Wig, Eyes, Clothes) Consumables Soul-Bound Reroll Ticket Soul-Bound Ticket to randomly reorder the IVs of a Legendary Pokémon Ticket to reduce an IV of a Legendary Pokémon by 1 Uncommon Consumables Ticket to borrow Pokémon via Lending Trade from NPCs for 24 hours Players can choose from 10 different Pokémon sets each day. The sets reroll every 24 hours at 12 AM GMT+0. TM230 - Flip Turn TM231 - Dual Wingbeat TM254 - Alluring Voice TM280 - Power Whip TM292 - Body Press TM294 - Toxic Spikes TM308 - Encore TM319 - Hurricane Common Consumables 3× Focus Sash TM168 - Charm TM169 - Fake Tears TM170 - Scary Face TM171 - Fire Fang TM172 - Thunder Fang TM173 - Ice Fang TM174 - Acid Spray TM175 - Struggle Bug TM176 - Psybeam TM177 - Confuse Ray TM178 - Disarming Voice TM185 - Metal Claw TM194 - Rock Blast TM196 - Imprison TM198 - Tailwind TM223 - Vacuum Wave TM276 - Superpower TM328 - Future Sight Bonus Drops PvP Chest (10% Chance) Gain an extra PvP Chest within your current chest. PvP Tokens (100% Guaranteed) Every PvP Chest includes PvP Tokens, which you can collect and spend on various PvP-focused rewards and cosmetics. Soul-Bound Reroll Ticket for a specific Legendary (3% Chance) Every PvP Chest has chance to drop a Legendary-specific Reroll Ticket (e. g. Heatran Reroll Ticket). Item Details Cosmetic Sets Dropped as one tradable item (e. g. Vegeta Set). Once you opened a cosmetic set to claim the cosmetics, those items become untradeable. Mounts & Accessories Typically tradable unless noted otherwise. Some mounts change forms or have special effects during certain conditions or events.
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I am very sorry about the delay in receiving an answer. Unfortunately, we're currently short-staffed, so it takes us a bit longer than usual to handle these cases. Given the situation, I have added a Lopunnite back to your account. Thank you for your patience and wish you a great day/weekend.
I am very sorry about the delay in receiving an answer. Unfortunately, we're currently short-staffed, so it takes us a bit longer than usual to handle these cases, as they require careful investigation to prevent potential abuses. I have removed 1x Flashlight from your account and added 75 coins to your account.
Hey there @Martimoo I am very sorry about the delay in receiving an answer. Unfortunately, we're currently short-staffed, so it takes us a bit longer than usual to handle these cases, as they require careful investigation to prevent potential abuses. Given that you've already traded away the item one day after you created this post, I will now lock this thread. Have a great day/weekend.
Hey there @Notlucifer I am sorry about the delay. The two mounts were removed, and 100 coins were added back to your main account. Have a great day/weekend.
Hello there @Zenyard I received your request through staff member Fusionflair. I proceeded and removed the Volcarona Set and refunded you 200 Coins. Have a wonderful day.
Double summer scyther bundle
Shinohara replied to Cattybandit's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
Hello there. I add here the missing evidence of the trade, please be careful from now on Given the auction has reached its end, and the Pokemon have been traded, I will now lock the thread. Have a wonderful day -
.keita-text { background: #A5EEFD; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #A5EEFD 0%, #3774FF 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; font-size: 17px; } .keita-header { background: #A5EEFD; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #A5EEFD 0%, #3774FF 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } body { font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; } The haunted season has arrived, and so has our special Halloween event! Get ready to catch spooky Pokémon, face haunting challenges, and embark on a thrilling adventure! From Friday, October 11th to November 10th 11:59 PM GMT+0, we have prepared for you two activities to obtain a super exclusive, untradeable SHINY Halloween Scyther. Win the Halloween Hunt Contest. Staff-exclusive Hunt Contest. Due to their responsibilities, staffs have limited time to hunt, so they will be excluded from the regular Hunt Contest and will attend a Staff-Only one. REWARDS PLAYERS STAFF 1st place: SHINY HW Scyther + 2x IV-locked reroll SHINY HW Scyther + 1x IV-locked reroll 2nd place: SHINY HW Scyther + 1x IV-locked reroll 2x IV-locked reroll 3rd place: 1x IV-locked reroll 1x IV-locked reroll HOW TO PARTICIPATE To participate, show your Pokemon to Hunting Contest Judge in Murky Town, who will judge your entries. Points are rewarded based on the Pokemon’s Nature, Ability and IV. Additional points will be rewarded if the Pokemon is a Halloween or Shiny form. You can submit every rare Pokemon that belongs to a family with a Halloween Form: POKEMON YOU CAN SUBMIT (+their Evolutions): The Hunting Contest Judge will not take your Pokemon, once submitted, they will remain in your account. You may submit multiple Pokemon to be judged, there is no limit. Only Pokemon caught after the event has started can be submitted. The Pokemon will be untradeable; players can choose the nature and ability, but the IVs will be randomly generated. A single player cannot get two or more forms. Kleavor won't be obtainable until Gen 9 is released This SHINY form will never be obtainable again after this event.
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Hey there @Takay We don’t offer an iPhone version because players would need to jailbreak their devices to install it. Jailbreaking can be done in two ways: The right way = Although jailbreaking correctly generally doesn’t cause issues, there is still a very small chance it could lead to minor problems, which can typically be resolved with a reset. The wrong way = If jailbreaking is done incorrectly or, even worse, using unreliable methods or sources, it can cause serious problems. These include exposing your device to malware, making your system unstable, and increasing security vulnerabilities. In some cases, an improper jailbreak using untrustworthy sources/methods could 'brick' your phone (very extreme case depending from Tweaks), rendering it unusable until restored, which isn’t always guaranteed to work. Additionally, jailbreaking prevents you from updating your phone until a jailbreak is available for the latest version, leaving your device vulnerable. Since Pokémon Revolution Online is popular with younger players, many might try jailbreaking just to play the game, increasing the risk of doing it incorrectly and damaging their devices. Given all of tha, we do not want to be held responsible if users damage their phones by attempting to jailbreak them just to play our game. I am sorry to disappoint you, but hope you can undertand this.
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Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! Additionally, Top 25 players from each server can: Access Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings RANDOM RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Random Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top0 25 Gold Random Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Keita via Discord DMs or Forum Thread (call it something like "Need Keita" to get my attention). Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that.
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What is the role of a PVP Coordinator Staff Member? Random Set Creator As the name suggests, this involves staff who will manage random sets. The main tasks are creating new sets, editing old ones, and actively addressing player feedback. PvP Councilor This role involves monitoring the current meta, gathering feedback, and proposing necessary changes. The main focus is on bans and unbans in normal ranked. These decisions need to be explained and presented first to the staff before any changes are made, and later to the players once the decision has been finalized. PvP Event Organizer This role regularly organizes and runs PvP events, such as monotype tournaments. Responsibilities include developing event concepts with rules and potential rewards, which need approval from admins. Once approved, you’ll manage the event execution, including the tournament bracket, deadlines, and coin flips if necessary. Additional tasks may arise depending on the event. Requirements Even if you don't meet the requirements, small exceptions may be made if the rest of your application is promising. Able to dedicate time to staff work and deliver efficiently. 18 or older is preferred, applications from younger applicants will be considered if exceptional Can understand English at a good level. (Mandatory) What we look for in applicants. Communication, teamwork, and open-mindedness. Positive attitude, organization, and ability to work under pressure. General Questions: What is your name, age, IGN, and where are you from? What sub-role are you applying for? Why are you specifically choosing this role and what do you believe you can contribute to the game? How many hours per day (or per week) do you play PVP in PRO and outside? Have you ever been banned? If applicable, please explain the reason(s) and what you have learned from the experience. Describe your experience with competitive Pokémon battles both inside and outside of PRO. Please attach as much evidences as possible of your experience. What PvP formats (OU, UU, monotype, etc.) do you have the most experience with? Sub-Role specific Questions: For the following part, please answer only the questions related to the sub-role you are applying for. For example, if you're applying for Random Set Creator, only answewr to the questions in the Random Set Creator spoiler. For Random Set Creator: For PvP Councilor: For PvP Event Organizer Application must be created here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/225-pvp-coordinator-application/ You must keep your application private.
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On what account did you buy the Ultra Balls on?