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Everything posted by Shinohara

  1. First and foremost, we want to thank you for your time on PRO, and we are sorry to see you go. I am a really transparent person and don't really like to have people spreading misinformation, as it damages the community. Some other person would not reply in public, but I think that's the correct way, as I think the most transparent communication is the healthiest way to bridge staff and community. The common goal of PRO Staff is to teamwork in order to create an environment in which people can enjoy and have fun as much as possible, of course while maintaining some boundaries in order to avoid losing focus and damaging the project and the community. This means that it hurts a lot to see players leave, at least from my perspective. However, I'd like to make some clarifications for the sake of transparency, to avoid misinformation spreading throughout the community, and to explain our position on specific situations. There is not a single player on PRO, including you, who is being targeted, as in trying to remove them from the game or stalking them to find any possible situation where a punishment can be issued, by any Staff Member. I personally go through the bans to make sure everything is in place and fix it when it's not, it's a lot of work but it's better to be safe than sorry. STAFF STANDING ABOUT CHAT INFRACTIONS What you are seeing as being targeted are punishments for breaking our chat rules, harassing other players, primarily after PVP matches (contacting them after you lose, for example, to harass them), or insulting people. A second scenario that has occurred is people taunting/provoking you after a match to harass you and you insulting them. The first scenario is self-explaining, we don't allow that. As for the second, we do not allow PRO players to make themselves justice, as it would just create a storm in chat and would end up ruining the experience of the other players being active in chat. Imagine a scenario where two people call each other idiot and start with the usual "you suck" "you are bad" and whatever and continue over and over. Why would the other players need to witness that and having that affecting their gaming experience? They should not witness any of that. To make it short, when A insult B, then B should not start insulting A otherwise both of them will get punished for creatinga damage to the community; and that's exactly where you slipped, as you always pretended the punishment to be issued only to the people insulting you first, or the people insulting you back after you contacted them first to harass them. PAOK123 Regarding Paok, I don't understand what do you mean as target. The account was banned because it was found using cheats, which you admitted but blamed your brother for that. We can't know if it was you or your brother but at the same time if you share the account with your brother, he cheat on it for a good amount of time, and then the amount of cheating done is so big that we can't anymore remove the illegally gained goods, then you should take the responsibility and blame your brother, not us. We can't just unban without removing the illegally gained goods, because cheats create a HUGE damage to the game and sadly not always is possible to remove the illegal gains. I am a really tranparent person and have no problem in telling you that PRO Staff in the past definitely had some staff members abusing powers (again, in the past). It would be foolish to think that after 8 years of activity and over 200 different staff members, there was no one who abused their power. Who did it was immediately and permanently removed from the game. However, your case is not any case of abuse or targetting, but it's just a matter of taking your responsibilities and accepting the consequences of you intentionally breaking the rules. Also, if anyone think any staff member is abusing power or targetting anyone, you can make a post here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/37-general-complaint-area/ and Admin and Game Owners will personally check it. With this said, I am leaving this thread open for people to wish farewell to you. However, if discussion move on the appeal track (discussing bans, etc) even just by 1 comment, then I will simply move it in complaint where I will be more than happy to answer any of your question.
  2. Per garantire la sicurezza del vostro account e per evitare che venga violato/hackerato, a partire dal 1 Luglio 2023 attiveremo il sistema 2FA. COME FUNZIONA? Ogni volta che il client rileverà che si sta accedendo nel gioco da un dispositivo diverso, verrà richiesto di confermare l'accesso tramite un'e-mail. Una volta ricevuta l'e-mail, sarà sufficiente cliccare sul pulsante verde per approvare il dispositivo e poter effettuare l'accesso nel gioco. DOMANDE Non ho più accesso alla mia email/Ho perso la mia email. Per favore, crea un post in [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (Clicca Qui) . MOLTO IMPORTANTe: Assicurati di aggiungere le seguenti informazioni: Il nome del vostro account/username; L' email che vorreste associare al vostro account; Non mi ricordo quale email è associata al mio account È possibile visualizzare l'e-mail attualmente associata al proprio account accedendo alla DASHBOARD (Clicca Quì) e selezionando l'opzione "Il mio account". Se condivido il mio account con altri giocatori, devo confermare anche il loro login? Sì, dovrete confermare anche il loro login ogni volta che accederanno al vostro account da un dispositivo diverso.
  3. Um die Sicherheit eurer Accounts zu gewährleisten und Hackerangriffe zu verhindern, werden wir ab dem 1. Juli 2023 ein 2FA-System aktivieren. WIE FUNKTIONIERT ES? Immer wenn ihr euch von einem neuen Gerät aus einloggt, müsst ihr den Login über eine E-Mail bestätigen. Sobald ihr die E-Mail erhaltet, klickt ihr einfach auf den grünen Button "Gerät genehmigen", um das Gerät zu bestätigen, und schon könnt ihr euch einloggen. HÄUFIG GESTELLTE FRAGEN Was passiert, wenn ich keinen Zugriff mehr auf meine E-Mail habe? Keine Sorge! Erstellt einfach einen Beitrag im [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (Hier Klicken). WICHTIG: Bitte gebt folgende Informationen an: Euren Benutzernamen; Die neue E-Mail-Adresse, die ihr mit eurem Konto verknüpfen möchtet. Ich erinnere mich nicht mehr an meine E-Mail-Adresse. Wie kann ich sie herausfinden? Ihr könnt die aktuell mit eurem Konto verknüpfte E-Mail-Adresse sehen, indem ihr euch im DASHBOARD (Hier Klicken) anmeldet und auf die Option "Mein Account" klickt. Ich teile mein Konto mit anderen Spielern. Muss ich auch deren Geräte bestätigen? Ja, ihr müsst auch die Geräte eurer Freunde bestätigen, wenn sie sich von einem neuen Gerät aus mit eurem Account anmelden.
  4. हम आपके खातों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने और उनको हैकिंग से बचाने के लिए, १ जुलाई २०२३ से 2FA (द्वितीयक प्रमाणीकरण) प्रणाली को सक्षम करेंगे। यह कैसे काम करेगा? हर बार जब आप किसी अज्ञात उपकरण से लॉग इन करेंगे, तब आपसे ईमेल के माध्यम से लॉग इन की पुष्टि करने का अनुरोध किया जाएगा। जब आप ईमेल प्राप्त करेंगें, हरे रंग के बटन पर क्लिक करके पुष्टि करें और फिर आप लॉग इन के लिए तैयार हो जाएंगे। प्रश्न मुझे मेरे ईमेल तक पहुॅंच नहीं है। कृपया, [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (यहाँ क्लिक करें) में एक पोस्ट बनाएं। बहुत महत्वपूर्ण: निम्नलिखित जानकारी जोड़ने का ध्यान दें: आपका खाता उपयोगकर्ता नाम आप जिस ईमेल को अपने खाते से जोड़ना चाहते हैं मुझे अपना ईमेल याद नहीं है। आप हमारे DASHBOARD (यहां क्लिक करें) पर जाकर "मेरा खाता" विकल्प पर क्लिक करके अपने खाते के साथ संबंधित ईमेल देख सकते हैं। मैं अपना खाता अन्य खिलाड़ियों के साथ साझा करता हूॅं, क्या मुझे उनकी लॉग इन की पुष्टि करनी होगी? हाँ, आपको हर बार उनकी लॉग इन पुष्टि करनी होगी, जब भी वे एक अलग उपकरण से आपके खाते में लॉग इन करेंगें।
  5. Nhằm bảo mật cho tài khoản của bạn và ngăn chặn việc đánh cắp tài khoản, kể từ ngày 01/07/2023, chúng tôi sẽ kích hoạt hệ thống 2FA. PHƯƠNG THỨC HOẠT ĐỘNG? Mỗi khi bạn đăng nhập từ một thiết bị không xác định, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu xác nhận đăng nhập qua email. Khi nhận được email, nhấn vào nút xanh để xác nhận và bạn đã có thể đăng nhập. CÂU HỎI THƯỜNG GẶP Tôi mất quyền truy cập vào email của mình. Vui lòng tạo bài viết tại [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (Bấm vào đây) . LƯU Ý: Đảm bảo bổ sung các thông tin sau: Tên đăng nhập tài khoản của bạn; Email bạn muốn liên kết với tài khoản của mình; Tôi không nhớ email của mình. Bạn có thể kiểm tra danh sách email đang liên kết với tài khoản của mình bằng cách truy cập vào DASHBOARD (Bấm vào đây) và chọn mục Tài khoản của tôi. Tôi chia sẻ tài khoản của mình với những người chơi khác, tôi có phải xác nhận đăng nhập cho họ không? Có, bạn sẽ phải xác nhận đăng nhập của họ mỗi khi họ đăng nhập tài khoản của bạn từ một thiết bị khác.
  6. Para asegurar la seguridad de tus cuentas y prevenir un hack en ellas, a partir de 1 de julio de 2023 estaremos habilitando el sistema de 2FA. ¿CÓMO FUNCIONA? Cada vez que ingreses desde un nuevo dispositivo, recibirás una notificación para confirmar el ingreso por medio un correo. Una vez recibas el correo selecciona el botón verde para confirmar el acceso nuevo. PREGUNTAS He perdido el acceso a mi correo. Favor, hacer una publicación en [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE(Click Aquí). IMPORTANTE: Asegurate de añadir la siguiente información: Nombre de usuario Correo que desea asociar a su cuenta No recuerdo mi correo Puedes ver el correo asociado de tu cuenta desde tu perfil en DASHBOARD (Click Aquí), y selecciona en la opción Mi Cuenta. Comparto mi cuenta con otros jugadores, aun así ¿debo confirmar mi correo Si, tienes que confirmar tu acceso cada vez que ingresas a tu cuenta desde un dispositivo diferente.
  7. Για την εξασφάλιση της προστασίας των λογαριασμών σας και την αποτροπή της παραβίαση τους, 1 Ιουλίου 2023 θα ενεργοποιήσουμε το 2FA σύστημα. ΠΩΣ ΔΟΥΛΕΥΕΙ; Κάθε φορά που συνδέεστε από μια άγνωστη συσκευή θα σας ζητείται να επιβεβαιώσετε τη σύνδεση μέσω email. Αφού λάβετε το email, κάντε κλικ το πράσινο κουμπί για να επιβεβαιώσετε ότι είστε έτοιμοι να συνδεθείτε. ΕΡΩΤΗΣΕΙΣ Δεν έχω πλέον πρόσβαση στο email μου. Παρακαλώ, κάντε μία ανάρτηση στο [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (κάντε κλικ εδώ) ΠΟΛΥ ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ:Φρόντιστε να προσθέσετε τις ακόλουθες πληροφορίες: Το όνομα τού λογαριασμού σας Το email πού θα θέλατε να συνδέσετε με τον λογαριασμό σας Δεν θυμάμαι το email μου Μπορείτε να δείτε το email που σχετίζεται αυτήν τη στιγμή με τον λογαριασμό σας πηγαίνοντας στο DASHBOARD (κάντε κλικ εδώ) καί κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή Ο λογαριασμός μου Μοιράζομαι τόν λογαριασμό μου καί με άλλους παίκτες, θα πρέπει να επιβεβαιώσω καί την είσοδο τους; Ναι, θα πρέπει να επιβεβαιώσετε και την σύνδεση τους κάθε φορά που συνδέονται στον λογαριασμό σας από διαφορετική συσκευή.
  8. Afin d’assurer la protection de votre compte et prévenir les vols de compte, nous allons mettre en place l’authentification à deux facteurs à partir du 1er Juillet 2023. COMMENT ÇA MARCHE ? À chaque nouvelle connexion sur un appareil inconnu, il va vous être demandé de vérifier celui-ci via un e-mail. Une fois le mail reçu, cliquez sur le bouton vert pour confirmer la connexion. QUESTIONS J’ai perdu l’accès à mon email.. Créez un nouveau post ici: [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (CLIQUEZ ICI) IMPORTANT: n’oubliez pas de mentionner les informations suivantes: Le pseudo du compte; Le nouveau email que vous souhaitez associer au compte; Je ne me souviens plus de l'email associé. Vous pouvez retrouver l’email associé à votre compte en vous rendant sur le DASHBOARD (CLIQUEZ ICI) et cliquez sur «Mon Compte». Je partage mon compte avec d'autres joueurs, dois-je aussi confirmer leur accès ? Oui, vous devrez confirmer leur accès à chaque fois qu'ils se connectent à votre compte d'un appareil différent.
  9. Para assegurar a segurança das suas contas e prevenir o hack das mesmas, a partir de dia 1 de Julho 2023 vamos ativar o sistema 2FA. COMO FUNCIONA? Sempre que iniciar sessão a partir de um dispositivo desconhecido , será solicitado que confirme o início de sessão através de uma mensagem de correio eletrónico. Uma vez recebido o email, clique no botão verde para confirmar e estará pronto para aceder à conta. PERGUNTAS Perdi acesso ao meu email. Por favor, crie uma publicação em [ 2FA ] - EMAIL RECOVER & ASSISTANCE (CLICAR AQUI) MUITO IMPORTANTE: Certifique-se que adiciona a seguinte informação: O nome da sua conta; O email que quer associar à sua conta; Esqueceu-se do seu email Pode ver o email atualmente associado à sua conta indo ao DASHBOARD (Clicar Aqui) e clique na opção Minha Conta. Eu partilho a minha conta com outros jogadores, também tenho que confirmar o login deles? Sim, também vai ter que confirmar o login deles, todas as vezes que eles entrarem na sua conta usando um dispositivo diferente.
  10. To ensure the safety of your accounts and prevent account hacking, starting from 1st July 2023 we will enable the 2FA system. HOW DOES IT WORK? Every time you log in from an unknown device, you will be requested to confirm the login through an email? Once you received the email, click the green button to confirm and you will be ready to log. QUESTIONS I lost the access to my email . Please, make a post in [2FA] Email Recover & Assistance (Click Here) (Click Here) . REALLY IMPORTANT: Make sure to add the following information: Your account username; The email you want to associate to your account; I don't remember my email You can see the email currently associated to your account by going to our DASHBOARD (Click Here) and click on the My Account option. I share my account with other players, do I have to confirm their login as well? Yes, you will have to confirm their login as well every time they log your account from a different device.
  11. CHOOSE YOUR LANGUAGE @mixin hideTapHighlightColor() { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); } @mixin hardwareAccel() { //mobile/tablet improvement transform: translateZ(0); } @mixin improveAntiAlias() { //mobile/tablet aliasing box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .grow { display: inline-block; transition-duration: .3s; transition-property: transform; @include hideTapHighlightColor(); @include hardwareAccel(); @include improveAntiAlias(); &:hover { transform: scale(1.1); } }
  12. Hello to all competitive PRO PvPers! This year, PRO Staff have decided to launch another Summer PvP Tournament, which is open to everyone who meets the requirements to sign up and wishes to participate. This is our 5th year hosting an annual PvP tournament! Are you ready to face off against the rest of your server to battle for bragging rights, and a unique reward to set you apart from the rest? The Tournament will consist of a double-elimination bracket. The bracket will be randomly seeded, recorded and posted on Youtube; Registration will begin now (2nd June 2023), and end on June 27th, 2023, 23:59 GMT Each round will last 5 days (except for Finals that last 7 days). All matches prior to the Finals on both brackets will be best of 3 Winner's Bracket Finals, Losers' Bracket Finals, and Grand Finals will be best of 5 Loser Bracket winner has to win 2x Bo5 against the winner bracket winner in order to win the tournament. Should any circumstances necessitate changes to this format, Tournament Staff will give at least a week's notice before the tournament begins. Only one account per player may enter the tournament. Each user can participate only to one tournament, gold one or silver one. Ghosting is forbidden. Players may seek assistance prior to matches, but may not confer with other players during the game or allow another player to play for them. The Pokemon pool of players will not be limited, so there is no need to register teams. All Ranked PvP Rules apply. Battle MUST be started using the command /battle Username,true - This command enables the PVP rules blocks, like normal ranked. In the event that any Ranked PvP Rules are changed while the tournament is in progress, the change takes effect immediately in this tournament as well. Should any moves, abilities, Pokemon, or items be coded between the start of the tournament and its end, those moves, abilities, Pokemon, or items may not be used. Players are not required to record matches, but it is recommended, as it may be impossible for staff to validate reports if they choose not to. Should any Ranked PvP Rule be broken, the offending player will forfeit the game. Should either player disconnect, the other player may either claim a game victory or allow a rematch at their discretion. For disconnect, we mean the kind of disconnection that entirely end the battle and not the new reconnecting feature. Should the server crash during the game, a rematch is to be played with the same teams, unless a player demonstrates to Tournament Staff that they were in a position where they could not reasonably lose the game. Should any match fail to be completed, both players must submit evidence of activity to Tournament Staff. If Tournament Staff should decide that either player was not sufficiently active, that player shall be disqualified. If both (or neither) players were sufficiently active, the match will be decided by coin-flip. Any reports of participants breaking rules should be accompanied by as much evidence as possible, preferably video. Screenshots will reinforce your case, but may not be considered concrete proof. PRO Rules will continue to be enforced with no regard for the tournament. If an infraction would render a player unable to participate in a round, that player forfeits the round. Toxicity and despicable behavior will not be tolerated, both during matches as well as before and after. Sustained behavior of this sort may lead to disqualification. Match fixing is not tolerated. Players may not attempt to bribe or coerce other players to forfeit or intentionally play poorly. By entering the tournament, you agree that Tournament Staff have final say over all tournament-related decisions. Staff do not take any responsibility if the user is unable to play the match cause they decided to transfer and are unable to transfer back (e.g due to lack of CC, etc) All Pokemon used have to be Level 100. Fill out the following format and make a post in this thread. Example: You will be invited to our official Summer Tournament Discord after you will have registered yourself by posting the filled template in this thread. First place is able to choose between two options: FIRST POSSIBLE OPTION Pick one of the available and obtainable legendary Pokemon: Pokemon conditions: 4x 31 & 2x 30 IVs at maximum/limit but IVs can be decided as you wish as long as within the limit (e.g can have 1 speed) Can be Shiny Can choose Level Can choose Moveset and EVs SECOND POSSIBLE OPTION Nature Change OR Ability Change OR 1x Legendary Shiny Mount (Can Pick 2) Additionally, First Place, regardless of their choice, receives: 3x Locked Reroll Ticket 1x Gold Crown The reward/option not picked from First Place. (e.g If Winner choose the Nat/Abi Rerolls, 2nd Place can chosoe only the Legendary pokemon) 2x Locked Reroll Ticket 1x Silver Crown Nature change OR Ability change (Can Pick 1) If the Nature Change was already picked from the other winner (first/second place) the third place can not pick it 1x Locked Reroll Ticket 1x Bronze Crown Illustrative Image of the Crowns - 1x Fox Mask OR 1x Pancham Hat OR 1x Black Petal Shaymin mount (Pick 1) Illustrative Image Disclaimer: The rewards will be for each server, this means that both silver and gold will have their top 15% Contributions: Shinohara, Qeight, Idkup, Fluffles, , MagicGuard and Senrosia
  13. Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : • Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top0 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Keita/Qeight via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that.
  14. Hi everyone and welcome in the 59th Official Ladder Tournament ! This tournament is for the top 25 players of the ladder of May 2023! Please register within the next days! This instance of the ladder tournament will be held on PRO ! Rules Ranked PvP Rules apply. Please familiarize yourself with these if you have not done so already. If you disconnect, it will be counted as a loss unless your opponent agrees to a rematch. Finish the matches within the stated time: If you didn't complete your match within the stated time, the winner will be decided by coinflip. If your opponent tried to contact you and you didn't react within the stated time, you will be disqualified. -Evidence is needed in this case! You will have 2~4 days per round! You can use as many Pokemon as you want and don't need to register them. You can only use Pokemon that are catchable and not banned on PRO. You have to join the ladder tournament discord, before the tournament starts. You can join it from here: https://discord.gg/abURfcdMkX Battle MUST be started using the command /battle Username,true - This command enables the PVP rules blocks, like normal ranked. Q: Which Pokemon can be used in the ladder tournament ? A: You can use all Pokemon, abilities, items and moves that were coded and allowed, when the tournament started. Reference: PVP RULES The list is longer, so only use them, if you are sure that they are coded and allowed. If you are unsure, feel free to ask. Q: How do I join the Tournament Discord Server? A: You can join it from here: https://discord.gg/abURfcdMkX Q: We didn't finish our match within the given time. What happens now? A: If you tried to contact your opponent and s/he didn't answer, then your opponent will be disqualified. Evidences are needed. If both of you didn't try to contact each other or weren't able to agree on a date, then the match will be coinflipped. Q: I can't agree on different terms with my opponent. What happens now? A: If you make reasonable suggestions and your opponent does not agree without making his own suggestions, then it will count as a refusal to battle. If you and your opponent make reasonable suggestions, but still can't agree within the given time, then the match will be coinflipped. Q: Where the tournament will be held? A: The tournament will be held on PRO LIVE Servers. Participants are added on a list (together with all Top25) and given FREE TRANSFERS for the entire duration of the tournament. Q: What is happening if there is a bug or if someone abuse a bug? A: If you or your opponent encounter a bug during one of your battle, the battle will be canceled and will have to be played again, abusing intentionnally of a bug will result to appropriates punishments given by the Tournament administration. Tournament Prizes Choose between one of the following: Any UNTRADEABLE (catchable, non legendary) Pokemon with IVs maxed at 31 30 27 26 25 22 spread as the winner most prefer, with nature and ability chosen by winner. An Untradeable Shiny Pokémon contained into THIS REWARD LIST with the Main Stat 31 IV and all the other IV centered (But not limited to) around 20. Nature and ability chosen by the winner. 2x Reroll Ticket with and 2x IV locked 1x Reroll Ticket with an IV locked Toxicity leads to a Toxic Orb instead of the prizes above. Registration You have time to register until June 3th, 23:59 GMT +0. Make a post in this topic with the filled registration form below. (Note that you will only be able to participate with the account that made Ladder at the end of the season, registering with an alternative account that did not make ladder is not possible.) Eligible Players Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)
  15. There won't be any new commands or roles introduced because they would be absolutely worthless. Think about it for a moment: You claim that you keep the notification turned on so that you may be informed about events and "important updates," correct? Who do you think creates such events and updates? Staff team, which is precisely why hiring is important. No Staff = No Events/No Updates.
  16. What is the Spawn Editor role? Spawn Editor is the role responsible for deciding which Pokemon can spawn/be encountered in the game maps. Overall, the spawn editors plays a critical role in the game and must ensure that spawns are adequately balanced in order to maintain a good challenge for players without making Pokemon lose appeal and value in the game. Characteristics we look for a Spawn Editor High hunting experience; It's really important to be familiar with PRO and its spawn system. Good organisation skills. Open-mindedness. A positive attitude. Able to work in a team. Can work under pressure Requirements Even if you don't meet the requirements, small exceptions may be made if the rest of your application is promising. (Mandatory) requirements must be met in order to apply. At least 200 hours in-game playtime. Able to dedicate time to staff work and deliver efficiently. 18 or older is preferred, applications from younger applicants will be considered if exceptional Can understand English at an advanced level. (Mandatory) Application To apply, we have prepared a task for you in order to help us analyze and test your comprehension of PRO's spawn-system. Your application answers must be posted here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/219-spawn-editor-application/ SPAWN EDITOR TASK TASK DESCRIPTION: Think accurately about any map (no excavation sites) that, in your opinion, needs a spawn adjustment/improvement; tell us what change you would make and explain us why your change would be better for the game.. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING: Please, make sure to maintain all the information Reborn Bot uses (check spoiler to see what information are needed). QUESTIONS
  17. 58th Ladder Tournament Hi everyone and welcome in the 58th Official Ladder Tournament ! This tournament is for the top 25 players of the ladder of April 2023! Please register within the next days! This instance of the ladder tournament will be held on PRO ! Ranked PvP Rules apply. Please familiarize yourself with these if you have not done so already. If you disconnect, it will be counted as a loss unless your opponent agrees to a rematch. Finish the matches within the stated time: If you didn't complete your match within the stated time, the winner will be decided by coinflip. If your opponent tried to contact you and you didn't react within the stated time, you will be disqualified. -Evidence is needed in this case! You will have 2~4 days per round! You can use as many Pokemon as you want and don't need to register them. You can only use Pokemon that are catchable and not banned on PRO. You have to join the ladder tournament discord, before the tournament starts. You will get the invite link, after your registration. Battle MUST be started using the command /battle Username,true - This command enables the PVP rules blocks, like normal ranked. Q: Which Pokemon can be used in the ladder tournament ? A: You can use all Pokemon, abilities, items and moves that were coded and allowed, when the tournament started. Reference: PVP RULES The list is longer, so only use them, if you are sure that they are coded and allowed. If you are unsure, feel free to ask. Q: How do I join the Tournament Discord Server? A: You can join it from here: https://discord.gg/abURfcdMkX Q: We didn't finish our match within the given time. What happens now? A: If you tried to contact your opponent and s/he didn't answer, then your opponent will be disqualified. Evidences are needed. If both of you didn't try to contact each other or weren't able to agree on a date, then the match will be coinflipped. Q: I can't agree on different terms with my opponent. What happens now? A: If you make reasonable suggestions and your opponent does not agree without making his own suggestions, then it will count as a refusal to battle. If you and your opponent make reasonable suggestions, but still can't agree within the given time, then the match will be coinflipped. Q: Where the tournament will be held? A: The tournament will be held on PRO LIVE Servers. Participant will be added on a list and given FREE TRANSFERS for the entire duration of the tournament. Q: What is happening if there is a bug or if someone abuse a bug? A: If you or your opponent encounter a bug during one of your battle, the battle will be canceled and will have to be played again, abusing intentionnally of a bug will result to appropriates punishments given by the Tournament administration. 1st Place: The winner of the ladder tournament has now the chance to choose one between two possible rewards: - Any Untradeable (catchable, not legendary) Pokémon with IVs maxed at 31 30 27 26 25 22 spread as the winner most prefer, as well as nature and ability chosen by the winner OR - An Untradeable Shiny Pokémon contained into THIS REWARD LIST with the Main Stat 31 IV and all the other IV centered (But not limited to) around 20. Nature and ability chosen by the winner. 2nd Place: 2x Reroll Ticket with an IV locked 3rd Place: 1x Reroll Ticket with an IV locked Toxicity leads to a Toxic Orb instead of the prizes above. You have time to register until May 4th, 23:59 GMT +0. Make a post in this topic with the filled registration form below. (Note that you will only be able to participate with the account that made Ladder at the end of the season, registering with an alternative account that did not make ladder is not possible.) Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)
  18. Yes, like the thread says, you would have the option to turn off the system messages for yourself so you won't see them
  19. @Burn1n4live @Lianguka In regards of your concern about possible harassment, we considered that and that's exactly why we would include an option/setting that would allow the user to hide their user name from announcements. In this way, no one would know who caught it and the user would have their privacy protected. Wish you a wonderful day. - Keita/Shinohara
  20. Hello there and thanks a lot for your feedback, we appreciate it. In regards of your concern about possible harassment, we considered that and that's exactly why we would include an option/setting that would allow the user to hide their user name from announcements. In this way, no one would know who caught it and the user would have their privacy protected. Wish you a wonderful day. - Keita/Shinohara
  21. We would like to ask your opinion about a potential new feature. The feature would send a system messages (e.g. Fishing Contest), each time that a player encounters a shiny or very rare form. What would be announced? Shiny →→ [ALL Rarities/Tiers] Shadow Pokemon →→ [ALL Rarities/Tiers] Event Pokemon →→ [Only Rare Tier) The reasoning behind implementing such a feature would be to provide players with the impression that catching rare forms is not an insurmountable task, while also motivating them to actively hunt for these forms. It could offer an extra boost of instant gratification. We are worried that players might be approached by profit sharks or feel pressured to sell their newly acquired Pokemon, and the amount of message could be perceived as excessive especially during events. You could configure whether the system message displays your username or posts anonymously (hiding your username, default). Additionally, you would have the option to turn off the system messages for yourself. If you have any other concerns, we would be grateful if you could share them with us in the thread below. Your feedback is important to us.
  22. Hi everyone and welcome in the 57th Official Ladder Tournament ! This tournament is for the top 25 players of the ladder of March 2023! Please register within the next days! This instance of the ladder tournament will be held on PRO ! Ranked PvP Rules apply. Please familiarize yourself with these if you have not done so already. If you disconnect, it will be counted as a loss unless your opponent agrees to a rematch. Finish the matches within the stated time: If you didn't complete your match within the stated time, the winner will be decided by coinflip. If your opponent tried to contact you and you didn't react within the stated time, you will be disqualified. -Evidence is needed in this case! You will have 2~4 days per round! You can use as many Pokemon as you want and don't need to register them. You can only use Pokemon that are catchable and not banned on PRO. You have to join the ladder tournament discord, before the tournament starts. You will get the invite link, after your registration. Battle MUST be started using the command /battle Username,true - This command enables the PVP rules blocks, like normal ranked. Q: Which Pokemon can be used in the ladder tournament ? A: You can use all Pokemon, abilities, items and moves that were coded and allowed, when the tournament started. Reference: PVP RULES The list is longer, so only use them, if you are sure that they are coded and allowed. If you are unsure, feel free to ask. Q: How do I join the Tournament Discord Server? A: You can join it from here: https://discord.gg/abURfcdMkX Q: We didn't finish our match within the given time. What happens now? A: If you tried to contact your opponent and s/he didn't answer, then your opponent will be disqualified. Evidences are needed. If both of you didn't try to contact each other or weren't able to agree on a date, then the match will be coinflipped. Q: I can't agree on different terms with my opponent. What happens now? A: If you make reasonable suggestions and your opponent does not agree without making his own suggestions, then it will count as a refusal to battle. If you and your opponent make reasonable suggestions, but still can't agree within the given time, then the match will be coinflipped. Q: Where the tournament will be held? A: The tournament will be held on PRO LIVE Servers. Participant will be added on a list and given FREE TRANSFERS for the entire duration of the tournament. Q: What is happening if there is a bug or if someone abuse a bug? A: If you or your opponent encounter a bug during one of your battle, the battle will be canceled and will have to be played again, abusing intentionnally of a bug will result to appropriates punishments given by the Tournament administration. 1st Place: The winner of the ladder tournament has now the chance to choose one between two possible rewards: - Any Untradeable (catchable, not legendary) Pokémon with IVs maxed at 31 30 27 26 25 22 spread as the winner most prefer, as well as nature and ability chosen by the winner OR - An Untradeable Shiny Pokémon contained into THIS REWARD LIST with the Main Stat 31 IV and all the other IV centered (But not limited to) around 20. Nature and ability chosen by the winner. 2nd Place: 2x Reroll Ticket with an IV locked 3rd Place: 1x Reroll Ticket with an IV locked Toxicity leads to a Toxic Orb instead of the prizes above. You have time to register until April 4th, 23:59 GMT +0. Make a post in this topic with the filled registration form below. (Note that you will only be able to participate with the account that made Ladder at the end of the season, registering with an alternative account that did not make ladder is not possible.) Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)
  23. Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : • Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top0 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Keita/Qeight via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that.
  24. Hello there @Malltesers Looks like Fastedcorsi has both your Garchomp and Chansey.
  25. Auction is extended by 48 hours, starting from my post above (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/206955-wts-epic-dragonite-multiscale-31x2-sold/?do=findComment&comment=1198650) It's extended starting from Taskiner offer of 14m @Laviter @Lauty @Taskiner Also @Taskinerif you are dissatisfied with the decision taken, just make a complaint in our forum section (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/37-general-complaint-area/) but not spam this thread.
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