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  1. 1 hour left right?
  2. 4.5 m accapting cc. 350k iv. reroll ticket 750k
  3. Player name: Shutenmaru Server: Gold Time zone: GMT +3
  4. @shogun30 but still i dont understand how your evo data is 372 and mine 371 and you have 1 more seen data , idk if one of my alolan evo bugged or not. Well i am looking forward to you to complate your dex pls share here
  5. what am i missing ? @shogun30are you staff or smth?
  6. want to buy 500k peliper my in game name shutenmaru
  7. Player name: Shutenmaru Showdown name: shutenmaru123 Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+3 Rank on ladder: 22
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