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Everything posted by Yashashwi200

  1. with current situations going on u are neither supposed to do excas + they are way more boring for some ppl . Some ppl only play pvp and there is no reason to make them stick with excavations who is not interested in it. The one who do pvp will stick on his own no need to force excavations
  2. i agree it shouldnt be with wondrous site but some other site in case it is accessible earlier than too much time it takes
  3. in pro pvp the most used mons are landorus therian and tornadus therian and i have tons of team wit them on showdown but when i want to use them in pro what limits me is the dumb thing reveal glass. it was truly not to be behind slacks of excavation all people cant be so free to do excavations daily and if they also do so it will take them over a month to complete the points which means you are missing the real aspect of pvp until the end of month most ppl just lose hope and they tend to pvp with other mons but the thing is if other mons could make up for their place what was the need to introduce them . i request to move it from excavations to some other quest even hard doesnt matter but shouldnt take over a month maximum 2-3 days or i dont feel to have any interest in this game except pvp which is kinda incomplete without those mons leaves me no choice
  4. How much HP fire ninja
  5. wtb bulk lvl services contact me on discord Mostunluckyperson#2560
  6. wtb bulk lvl up service pls contact me through discord Mostunluckyperson#2560
  7. want bulk lvl up service pls contact me on discord Mostunluckyperson#2560
  8. I guess what i wrote you misunderstood I want to know that when i can transfer server again for free as it is free every month or i have to waste a cc to transfer back in this season means I actually want to know which date I transferred to silver with my account seekndestroy99 Thank you!
  9. I server transferred my account seekndestroy99 to distribute the prize of a tournament i hosted to silver and i want to get a noivern from silver to gold i bought the noivern already but want to ask if doing story till johto would be helpful i mean what was the date of the server transfer i did last time kindly check it and tell the last date of transfer thank u!
  10. I will like to buy the noibat dm me on discord pls Mostunluckyperson#2560
  11. I wtb good sassy ferrothorn bold/calm rotom wash relaxed/sassy honedge pm me in game yashashwi200/yashashwi or pm me in discord Mostunluckyperson#2560
  12. i wtb the garchomp 31 spd and dragonite
  13. I wtb good male jolly ralts or evo pm me in game yashashwi200 or on discord Yashashwi200#2560
  14. Hi i want to buy the litwick under 200k category 29 spd 30spatk
  15. Thnx it helped u can close this now
  16. sry to disurb staff but i wanted to know when i can do my server transfer again in how many hours cz i have bidded on a mon in silver while being in gold rather i have talked to the owner before bidding but now the time period is over so pls help me so that i can arrange with the seller thanks in advance
  17. I want lvling for Chansey lvl 25 to 97
  18. oh im late
  19. Is it auction for mandi
  20. I wanna buy that mandi
  21. actually i had nt done pvp for a while and still if i consider that then my rating was never 230 either 228 or 218
  22. see these different rating for same player
  23. We are getting close to end of registrations Hurry people
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