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Everything posted by Thanosdada

  1. s.o 300k min bid 50k insta 800k ends 2 Days from the first Bid accept cc 400k // rr 480k // nature rr 240k // rc 5k
  2. 350k and 250k
  3. I am online rn
  4. staryu untrained 1 & 15
  5. Are these available?
  6. 900k for 31 speed
  7. S.O. 500k 48 hrs from the time of S.O. insta 1.5m min. raise 50k accept cc 390k
  8. +1 except for the chance. 25% is more then good enough imo.
  9. Think it should always be the case to have max base power. Return is kinda useless unless its just fresh out of ev training. And with each knock from pokem frustation power decreases. IMO both should deal max damage.
  10. id rather have moves and abilities coded for pvp. and about legendaries, the grind required is not even worth mentioning from what it used to be.
  11. It would be more hyped if the events werent so frequent. One event ends then there is 2-3 weeks downtime then another event comes. Too many events ever pro as a whole got kinda boring. It would prolly be better with new mons. Say t8 mon spawn or something. And new event exclusive clothes would be nice. Not all event have to have event exclusive skins. Whole event everyone be hunting only kinda booring
  12. Smartest: Royalboss Friendliest: Shunsou Funniest: aienma Coolest: Ic3thirst Comeback Player of the Year: thanosdada Most Talkative: Shunsou Most Trustworthy: Shunshou Most Helpful: Onar Most Missed: ladyvalor Most Influential: Ic3thirst Most Intriguing: Turles Most Experienced Player: Waleed Best/Funniest Username: thanoswasright Most Professional Guide Maker: Prehax Most Professional Discord Moderator: Turles STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Content Scripter: Yamette Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: Caged Best Trade Moderator: Valax Best Tester: Tangrowth Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Eaty Best Developer: Shaolan Best Staff Username: Eaty Most Professional Staff: Aspheric Most Dedicated Staff: Shinohara Funniest Staff: Senrosia Friendliest Staff: Eaty Most Honorable Former Staff: Letrix Most Missed Former Staff: Eaty
  13. ops thought it my thread sorry
  14. think ill pass on it sorry
  15. price for the timid dratini?
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