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Everything posted by Somes

  1. omg nab glad to c u back... BAKA <3
  2. lf offers insta: 3m
  3. As the topic says.. i released my epic magnemite here's its id and proof of gettin released :c https://prntscr.com/c1sdes anyway i can get it back?
  4. Re: Super epic Shellder 30 x 2 ivs adamant Skilllink c.o 480k [Last 20 hours remaining] <t>sold... enforcer</t>
  5. Re: Super epic Shellder 30 x 2 ivs adamant Skilllink c.o 480k [Last 20 hours remaining] <t>bump....</t>
  6. Did you miss the naive one? looks better to me. Just my opinion though Ah lol i decided the 30 speed ... seems i misplaced it xD yeh the Naive one
  7. Red server - Oldest Serv, High Economy, More epics, More experienced players, more da shiniez BLue serv- Comparatively alike red server. Yellow - New economy, less da epics and less da shinies, Low prices on coin shop items from other servers, but yeh more da que since it was made default for the new players comin to PRO, so yea newbies --> Yallowh! Good for ya go play in yellow
  8. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/180615196077850624/209910278450708480/Screenshot_269.png caught this yesterday. My 3rd shiny Zubat line Total wild shinies seen: 14 Caught: 7 :S ... ran away rest About the reaction part.. i felt like running from it lol.. I WANT A FREAKIN RARE SHINY YOLO! not common ones
  9. Hello there, welcome to PRO.
  10. Hello there, welcome to PRO.
  11. Timid one better, since there are a lot of fast pokes commonly used in pvp so ye a timid kazam can outspeed em and kill, since it's base is already high in SPATK so i won't support the other natures.
  12. Hello there, welcome to PRO.
  13. Somes

    Pvp Rewards

    Duh.. imo it should be given to the top 25 only meh they are players too they battle and get in that top 25 then why cant you try? Have you ever seen all players gettin awarded in any Olympics? :P (example)
  14. Re: Super epic Shellder 30 x 2 ivs adamant Skilllink c.o 480k <t>bump.......</t>
  15. retracted 1m2
  16. Re: Super epic Shellder 30 x 2 ivs adamant Skilllink c.o 450k <r><QUOTE author="Enforcer"><s> </e></QUOTE> ur c.o now :D</r>
  17. Re: Super epic Shellder 30 x 2 ivs adamant Skilllink c.o 400k <r><QUOTE author="P3L4O"><s> </e></QUOTE> ur c.o right now.</r>
  18. i offer 80k
  19. 720.....
  20. I don't see any question in this so I'll ask one myself. What is your favorite color. It is orange. OK! quick question boi, U LUB ME?
  21. Lmao Tex, wc to pro, enjoy your stay :D better sell me the miltank yolo.
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